BCGSuite for MFC

Detailed Description

Represents a rectangle defined by the coordinates of the upper-left corner (left, top) and the coordinates of the lower-right corner (right, bottom).

Public Types


Public Member Functions

 CBCGPRectDefault constructor.
 CBCGPRectCopy constructor.
 CBCGPRectCopy constructor.
 BottomCenterReturns a bottom center point.
 BottomLeftReturns a bottom left point.
 BottomRightReturns a bottom right point.
 CenterLeftReturns a center left point.
 CenterPointReturns a center point.
 CenterRightReturns a center right point.
 DeflateRectDecreases the width and height of the rectangle.
 DeflateRectDecreases the width and height of the rectangle.
 DeflateRectDecreases the width and height of the rectangle.
 DeflateRectDecreases the width and height of the rectangle.
 DeflateRectDecreases the width and height of the rectangle.
 HeightGets the height.
 InflateRectIncreases the width and height of the rectangle.
 InflateRectIncreases the width and height of the rectangle.
 InflateRectIncreases the width and height of the rectangle.
 InflateRectIncreases the width and height of the rectangle.
 InflateRectIncreases the width and height of the rectangle.
 IntersectRectMakes a CBCGPRect equal to the intersection of this and other rectangles.
 IntersectRectMakes a CBCGPRect equal to the intersection of two existing rectangles.
 IsRectEmptyDetermines whether CRect is empty.
 IsRectNullDetermines whether the top, left, bottom, and right values of CBCGPRect are all equal to 0.
 IsValidChecks the object validity.
 NormalizeNormalizes rectangle so that both the height and width are positive.
 NormalizedRectReturns a normalized rectangle copy. See CBCGPRect::Normalize for more info.
 OffsetRectMoves the specified rectangle by the specified offsets.
 OffsetRectMoves the specified rectangle by the specified offsets.
 OffsetRectMoves the specified rectangle by the specified offsets.
 operator CRectCasts the rectangle to MFC's CRect object.
 operator!=Inequality operator.
 operator&Bitwise 'and' operator.
 operator&=Bitwise 'and' assignment operator.
 operator+Addition operator.
 operator+=Addition assignment operator.
 operator+=Addition assignment operator.
 operator-Subtraction operator.
 operator-=Subtraction assignment operator.
 operator-=Subtraction assignment operator.
 operator=Assignment operator.
 operator==Equality operator.
 operator|Bitwise 'or' operator.
 operator|=Bitwise 'or' assignment operator.
 PtInRectChecks if specified point is located inside the rectangle.
 PtInRectChecks if specified point is located inside the rectangle.
 RectPointReturns a point by BCGP_RECT_POINT enumeration.
 RtInRectChecks if specified rectangle is located inside this rectangle.
 RtInRectChecks if specified rectangle is located inside this rectangle.
 ScaleScales the rectangle according to given ratio.
 ScaleScales the rectangle according to given ratio.
 ScaleScales the rectangle according to given ratio.
 ScaleScales the rectangle according to given ratio.
 SetHeightSets a height.
 SetPointSets a rectangle top left corner.
 SetPointSets a rectangle top left corner.
 SetRectSets the dimensions of CBCGPRect.
 SetRectSets the dimensions of CBCGPRect.
 SetRectSets the dimensions of CBCGPRect.
 SetRectSets the dimensions of CBCGPRect.
 SetRectEmptyMakes this rectangle empty by setting all coordinates to zero.
 SetSizeSets a new size.
 SetSizeSets a new size.
 SetWidthSets a width.
 SizeGets the size.
 SwapSwaps all rectangle sides.
 SwapLeftRightSwaps left and right side values.
 SwapTopBottomSwaps top and bottom values.
 TopCenterReturns a top center point.
 TopLeftReturns a top left point.
 TopRightReturns a top right point.
 UnionRectSets CRect equal to the union of this and other rectangles.
 UnionRectSets CRect equal to the union of two rectangles.
 WidthGets the width.

Public Attributes

 bottomSpecifies the y-coordinate of the lower-right corner.
 leftSpecifies the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner.
 rightSpecifies the x-coordinate of the lower-right corner.
 topSpecifies the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner.