BCGSuite for MFC

Detailed Description

The CBCGPVisualManager class provides the functionality, which allows you to control look and feel of an application. It centralizes the drawing code for the most important GUI elements, such as toolbars, buttons, grippers and menus.

All the drawing member functions are virtual. All that you need is only to derive a class from the CBCGPVisualManager and override these functions.

There is only one instance of the CBCGPVisualManager or CBCGPVisualManager - derived class in the application at any time. You can access the current visual manager by calling the GetInstance() static member function.

Call BCGPSetVisualManagerSuite(CBCGPVisualManager::BCGPVM_OFFICE_2000); to activate this visual theme.

See also
+ Inheritance diagram for CBCGPVisualManager:

Public Member Functions

 BreadcrumbDrawArrowCalled by the framework to draw arrow element of Breadcrumb Navigation Bar.
 BreadcrumbDrawArrowBackgroundCalled by the framework to draw background of Breadcrumb Navigation Bar arrow.
 BreadcrumbDrawItemCalled by the framework to draw an individual item of Breadcrumb Navigation Bar.
 BreadcrumbDrawItemBackgroundCalled by the framework to draw background of a Breadcrumb Navigation Bar item.
 BreadcrumbDrawLeftArrowCalled by the framework to draw left pointing arrow.
 BreadcrumbDrawLeftArrowBackgroundCalled by the framework to draw background of left pointing arrow.
 BreadcrumbFillBackgroundCalled to fill background of Breadcrumb Navigation Bar.
 DrawGanttChartBackgroundCalled by the framework to draw Gantt Chart background.
 DrawGanttHeaderCellCalled by the framework to draw a Gantt control header cell.
 DrawGanttHeaderTextCalled by the framework to draw text in a Gantt control header cell.
 DrawGanttItemBackgroundCellCalled by the framework to fill background of a Gantt cell.
 FillGanttBarCalled by the framework to fill a Gantt Control item.
 GetCalendarColorsCalled by the Calendar control when it needs to render itself.
 GetDlgBackBrushReturns a brush used to fill background of a themed dialog.
 GetGanttColorsCalled by the framework to obtain colors (color scheme) to be used to draw Gantt Chart elements.
 IsOwnerDrawScrollBarTells whether the current Visual Manager supports custom scroll bar look.
 OnDrawBrowseButtonCalled by the framework when it draws a browse button which belongs to an edit control (CBCGPEdit).
 OnDrawCalculatorButtonCalled by the framework when it needs to draw a calculator button
 OnDrawCalculatorDisplayCalled by the framework when it needs to draw calculator's display.
 OnDrawGridHeaderMenuButtonCalled by the framework to draw a menu button located on grid header.
 OnDrawGridSelectionBorderCalled by the framework to draw border around selected items in grid control.
 OnDrawGroupCalled by the framework to draw a Group control.
 OnDrawPushButtonCalled by the framework to draw a push button.
 OnDrawRadioButtonCalled by the framework to draw a radio button.
 OnDrawSliderChannelCalled by the framework to draw a slider channel.
 OnDrawSliderThumbCalled by the framework to draw a slider's thumb.
 OnDrawToolBoxButtonBorderCalled by the framework when the border of a toolbox button is about to be drawn.
 OnEraseToolBoxButtonCalled by the framework when the background of a toolbox button is erased.
 OnFillBarBackgroundCalled by the framework to fill the background of a control bar.
 OnFillDialogCalled by the framework to fill background of a themed dialog.
 OnFillPlannerCalled by the framework to fill background of planner control.
 OnFillPlannerWeekBarCalled by the framework to fill the planner week bar.
 OnUpdateSystemColorsCalled by the framework when a change is made to a system color setting.

Static Public Member Functions

 GetInstanceReturns a pointer to the visual manager object.
 SetDefaultManagerSets the default visual manager.