BCGSuite for MFC

Detailed Description

The CBCGPTextFormatDlgOptions structure controls appearance of text format editing dialog invoked for CBCGPTextFormatProp object of Property List Control.

Public Attributes

 m_brFillFill color of text preview box. White solid brush by default.
 m_brTextColor of preview text. Black solid brush by default.
 m_bShowAngleSpecifies whether to show or hide text drawing angle combo. TRUE by default.
 m_bShowClipTextSpecifies whether to show or hide "Clip Text" check box. TRUE by default.
 m_bShowWordWrapSpecifies whether to show or hide "Word Wrapping" check box. TRUE by default.
 m_strPreviewTextSpecifies a text string displayed in preview box. "AaBbYyZz" by default.