BCGSuite for MFC

Detailed Description

The CBCGPCircularProgressIndicatorOptions class manages circular progress indicator options.

See also

Public Types

enum  Shape

Public Attributes

 m_bClockwiseRotationSpecifies progress bar movement direction: TRUE to clockwise rotation, FALSE - otherwise.
 m_bFadeColorSpecifies whether progress indicator transparency is fading-out according to percentage value.
 m_bFadeSizeSpecifies whether progress indicator width is fading-out according to percentage value.
 m_bMarqueeStyleSpecifies whether progress indicator has marquee style. By default, this value is FALSE and gauge displays percentage.
 m_dblAngleRangeSpecifies progress indicator range (in degrees). A default value is 360 (full circle).
 m_dblProgressLabelTrailingSignHeightRatioSpecifies progress percentage trailing sign height ratio (1/2 by default).
 m_dblProgressLabelTrailingSignOnBaseLineSpecifies whether progress percentage trailing sign should be placed on the percentage label's base line.
 m_dblProgressWidthSpecifies progress bar size. 0 - default size.
 m_dblStartAngleSpecifies progress indicator start angle (in degrees). A default value is 90.
 m_ShapeSpecifies progress style.
 m_strPercentageFormatSpecifies progress percentage format (Non-marquee style only). The default value is "%1.0f%%"
 m_strProgressLabelTrailingSignSpecifies progress percentage trailing sign.