This is the complete list of members for CBCGPBrushButton, including all inherited members.
ALIGN_CENTER enum value | CBCGPButton | |
ALIGN_LEFT enum value | CBCGPButton | |
ALIGN_RIGHT enum value | CBCGPButton | |
AlignStyle enum name | CBCGPButton | |
BUTTONSTYLE_3D enum value | CBCGPButton | |
BUTTONSTYLE_FLAT enum value | CBCGPButton | |
CleanUp() | CBCGPButton | virtual |
ClearNumericNotificationBadge(BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPButton | |
EnableButton(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPButton | |
EnableFullTextTooltip(BOOL bOn=TRUE) | CBCGPButton | |
EnableMenuFont(BOOL bOn=TRUE, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPButton | |
EnableWinXPTheme(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPButton | static |
FlatStyle enum name | CBCGPButton | |
GetBrush() const | CBCGPBrushButton | inline |
GetDescription(CString &strDescr) const | CBCGPButton | |
GetNumericNotificationBadge() const | CBCGPButton | inline |
GetNumericNotificationBadgeColor() const | CBCGPButton | inline |
GetTooltip(CString &strTooltip) | CBCGPButton | |
GetToolTipCtrl() | CBCGPButton | |
GetTooltipDescription(CString &strTooltipDescription) | CBCGPButton | |
IsAutoCheck() const | CBCGPButton | inline |
IsAutoInverseIconsInDarkTheme() const | CBCGPButton | inline |
IsAutorepeatCommandMode() const | CBCGPButton | inline |
IsCheckBox() const | CBCGPButton | inline |
IsHighlighted() const | CBCGPButton | inline |
IsImageAutoScale() const | CBCGPButton | inline |
IsPressed() const | CBCGPButton | inline |
IsPushed() const | CBCGPButton | inline |
IsRadioButton() const | CBCGPButton | inline |
m_bDontSetCapture | CBCGPButton | static |
m_bDrawFocus | CBCGPButton | |
m_bHighlightChecked | CBCGPButton | |
m_bOnGlass | CBCGPButton | |
m_bRighImage | CBCGPButton | |
m_bTopImage | CBCGPButton | |
m_bTransparent | CBCGPButton | |
m_bUseTitleFontInCommandLinks | CBCGPButton | static |
m_bVisualManagerStyle | CBCGPButton | |
m_nAlignStyle | CBCGPButton | |
m_nFlatStyle | CBCGPButton | |
m_Options | CBCGPBrushButton | |
OnDrawBorder(CDC *pDC, CRect &rectClient, UINT uiState) | CBCGPButton | protectedvirtual |
OnDrawImage(CDC *pDC, const CRect &rectImage, UINT uiState) | CBCGPButton | protectedvirtual |
OnDrawNotificationBadge(CDC *pDC, CRect rect, int nNumber, COLORREF clrFill=CLR_DEFAULT) | CBCGPButton | protectedvirtual |
OnDrawText(CDC *pDC, const CRect &rect, const CString &strText, UINT uiDTFlags, UINT uiState) | CBCGPButton | protectedvirtual |
OnFillBackground(CDC *pDC, const CRect &rectClient) | CBCGPButton | protectedvirtual |
SelectFont(CDC *pDC) | CBCGPButton | protectedvirtual |
SetAutoInverseIconsInDarkTheme(BOOL bSet=TRUE) | CBCGPButton | |
SetAutorepeatMode(int nTimeDelay=500) | CBCGPButton | |
SetBrush(const CBCGPBrush &brush) | CBCGPBrushButton | |
SetCheckedImage(const CBCGPSVGImage &svg, CSize sizeImage=CSize(0, 0), const CBCGPSVGImage &svgHot=CBCGPSVGImage(), const CBCGPSVGImage &svgDisabled=CBCGPSVGImage(), const CBCGPSVGImage &svgPressed=CBCGPSVGImage()) | CBCGPButton | |
SetCheckedImage(HICON hIcon, BOOL bAutoDestroy=TRUE, HICON hIconHot=NULL, HICON hIconDisabled=NULL, BOOL bAlphaBlend=FALSE, HICON hIconPressed=NULL) | CBCGPButton | |
SetCheckedImage(HBITMAP hBitmap, BOOL bAutoDestroy=TRUE, HBITMAP hBitmapHot=NULL, BOOL bMap3dColors=TRUE, HBITMAP hBitmapDisabled=NULL, HBITMAP hBitmapPressed=NULL) | CBCGPButton | |
SetCheckedImage(UINT uiBmpResId, UINT uiBmpHotResId=0, UINT uiBmpDsblResID=0, UINT uiBmpPressedResId=0) | CBCGPButton | |
SetDescription(LPCTSTR lpszDescr) | CBCGPButton | |
SetFaceColor(COLORREF crFace, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE, BOOL bMixFaceColorWithTheme=TRUE) | CBCGPButton | |
SetImage(HICON hIcon, BOOL bAutoDestroy=TRUE, HICON hIconHot=NULL, HICON hIconDisabled=NULL, BOOL bAlphaBlend=FALSE, HICON hIconPressed=NULL) | CBCGPButton | |
SetImage(HBITMAP hBitmap, BOOL bAutoDestroy=TRUE, HBITMAP hBitmapHot=NULL, BOOL bMap3dColors=TRUE, HBITMAP hBitmapDisabled=NULL, HBITMAP hBitmapPressed=NULL) | CBCGPButton | |
SetImage(UINT uiBmpResId, UINT uiBmpHotResId=0, UINT uiBmpDsblResID=0, UINT uiBmpPressedResId=0) | CBCGPButton | |
SetImage(const CBCGPSVGImage &svg, CSize sizeImage=CSize(0, 0), const CBCGPSVGImage &svgHot=CBCGPSVGImage(), const CBCGPSVGImage &svgDisabled=CBCGPSVGImage(), const CBCGPSVGImage &svgPressed=CBCGPSVGImage()) | CBCGPButton | |
SetImageAutoScale() | CBCGPButton | |
SetMouseCursor(HCURSOR hcursor) | CBCGPButton | |
SetMouseCursorHand() | CBCGPButton | |
SetNumericNotificationBadge(int nNotificationBadge, COLORREF clrNotificationBadgeFill=CLR_DEFAULT, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPButton | |
SetStdIcon(LPCTSTR szStdIconID, BOOL bIsLargeIcon=FALSE) | CBCGPButton | |
SetStdImage(CBCGPMenuImages::IMAGES_IDS id, CBCGPMenuImages::IMAGE_STATE state=CBCGPMenuImages::ImageBlack, CBCGPMenuImages::IMAGES_IDS idDisabled=(CBCGPMenuImages::IMAGES_IDS)-1, CBCGPMenuImages::IMAGE_STATE stateDisabled=(CBCGPMenuImages::IMAGE_STATE)-1, CBCGPMenuImages::IMAGE_STATE stateHighlighted=(CBCGPMenuImages::IMAGE_STATE)-1, CBCGPMenuImages::IMAGE_STATE statePressed=(CBCGPMenuImages::IMAGE_STATE)-1) | CBCGPButton | |
SetTextColor(COLORREF clrText) | CBCGPButton | inline |
SetTextHotColor(COLORREF clrTextHot) | CBCGPButton | inline |
SetTooltip(LPCTSTR lpszToolTipText, LPCTSTR lpszToolTipDescription=NULL) | CBCGPButton | |
SizeToContent(BOOL bCalcOnly=FALSE) | CBCGPButton | virtual |