This is the complete list of members for CBCGPCalendar, including all inherited members.
ClearSelectedDates(BOOL bNotify=TRUE, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPCalendar | |
EnableMutipleSelection(BOOL bEnable=TRUE, int nMaxSelDates=-1, BOOL bTruncate=FALSE) | CBCGPCalendar | |
EnableTodayButton(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPCalendar | |
EnableVisualManagerStyle(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPCalendar | |
EnableWeekNumbers(BOOL bWeekNumbers=TRUE) | CBCGPCalendar | |
GetColors() const | CBCGPCalendar | inline |
GetDate() const | CBCGPCalendar | |
GetDateColor(COleDateTime date) | CBCGPCalendar | virtual |
GetFirstDayOfWeek() const | CBCGPCalendar | inline |
GetFirstWeekOfYear() const | CBCGPCalendar | inline |
GetHorzMargin() const | CBCGPCalendar | inline |
GetMaxWeekDayCharacters() const | CBCGPCalendar | inline |
GetSelectedDates(CList< DATE, DATE & > &lstDates, BOOL bSorted=FALSE) const | CBCGPCalendar | |
GetVertMargin() const | CBCGPCalendar | inline |
GetWeekDay(int nDay) const | CBCGPCalendar | virtual |
IsCustomColors() const | CBCGPCalendar | inline |
IsDateMarked(int nYear, int nMonth, int nDay) const | CBCGPCalendar | virtual |
IsDateMarked(COleDateTime date) const | CBCGPCalendar | virtual |
IsDateSelected(int nYear, int nMonth, int nDay) const | CBCGPCalendar | |
IsDateSelected(COleDateTime date) const | CBCGPCalendar | |
IsMiltipleSelection() const | CBCGPCalendar | inline |
IsSingleMonthMode() const | CBCGPCalendar | inline |
IsTodayButton() const | CBCGPCalendar | inline |
IsVisualManagerStyle() const | CBCGPCalendar | inline |
IsWeekNumbers() const | CBCGPCalendar | inline |
MarkDates(const CArray< DATE, DATE & > &arDates, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPCalendar | |
OnClickTodayButton() | CBCGPCalendar | protectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventBegin() | CBCGPGestureBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventEnd() | CBCGPGestureBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventPan(const CPoint &ptFrom, const CPoint &ptTo, CSize &sizeOverPan) | CBCGPGestureBase | protectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventPressAndTap(const CPoint &ptPress, long lDelta) | CBCGPGestureBase | protectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventRotate(const CPoint &ptCenter, double dblAngle) | CBCGPGestureBase | protectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventTwoFingerTap(const CPoint &ptCenter) | CBCGPGestureBase | protectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventZoom(const CPoint &ptCenter, double dblZoomFactor) | CBCGPGestureBase | protectedvirtual |
OnSelectionChanged() | CBCGPCalendar | protectedvirtual |
ProcessGestureEvent(CWnd *pWndThis, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) | CBCGPGestureBase | protected |
RecalcLayout(BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPCalendar | |
SelectDate(const COleDateTime &date, BOOL bAdd=FALSE, BOOL bNotify=TRUE, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPCalendar | |
SetCustomColors(const CBCGPCalendarColors *pColors) | CBCGPCalendar | inline |
SetDate(const COleDateTime &date) | CBCGPCalendar | |
SetDateColor(COleDateTime date, COLORREF color, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPCalendar | |
SetFirstDayOfWeek(int nDay) | CBCGPCalendar | |
SetFirstWeekOfYear(int nVal) | CBCGPCalendar | |
SetHorzMargin(int nHorzMargin) | CBCGPCalendar | |
SetMaxWeekDayCharacters(int nMaxWeekDayCharacters) | CBCGPCalendar | inline |
SetPlanner(CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl *pPlanner, BOOL bDropOnDaysOutsideMonths=FALSE) | CBCGPCalendar | |
SetSelectedDates(const CList< DATE, DATE & > &lstDates, BOOL bNotify=TRUE, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPCalendar | |
SetSelectedRange(const COleDateTime &date1, const COleDateTime &date2, BOOL bNotify=TRUE, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPCalendar | |
SetSingleMonthMode(BOOL bSingleMonth=TRUE) | CBCGPCalendar | |
SetVertMargin(int nVertMargin) | CBCGPCalendar | |
UnselectDate(const COleDateTime &date, BOOL bNotify=TRUE, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPCalendar |