This is the complete list of members for CBCGPPopupDlg, including all inherited members.
AddCustomCaptionButton(UINT nCmdID, HICON hIcon, BOOL bAutoDestroyIcon=TRUE) | CBCGPDialog | inline |
AutoResizeControls(const CList< UINT, UINT > *plstNonAutoResizedItems=NULL) | CBCGPDialog | inline |
BACKGR_BOTTOMLEFT enum value | CBCGPDialog | |
BACKGR_BOTTOMRIGHT enum value | CBCGPDialog | |
BACKGR_TILE enum value | CBCGPDialog | |
BACKGR_TOPLEFT enum value | CBCGPDialog | |
BACKGR_TOPRIGHT enum value | CBCGPDialog | |
BackgroundLocation enum name | CBCGPDialog | |
CBCGPDialog(UINT nIDTemplate, CWnd *pParentWnd=NULL) | CBCGPDialog | |
CBCGPDialog(LPCTSTR lpszTemplateName, CWnd *pParentWnd=NULL) | CBCGPDialog | |
ClosePopupDlg(LPCTSTR lpszEditValue=NULL, BOOL bOK=TRUE, DWORD_PTR dwUserData=0) | CBCGPDialog | |
DoDrawSpecialAreaOnNC(const CRect &rectArea) | CBCGPDialog | |
EnableAero(BCGPMARGINS &margins) | CBCGPDialog | |
EnableCustomCaptionButton(UINT nCmdID, BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPDialog | inline |
EnableDragClientArea(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPDialog | |
EnableExpand(UINT nExpandCheckBoxCtrlID, LPCTSTR lpszExpandLabel=NULL, LPCTSTR lszCollapseLabel=NULL) | CBCGPDialog | |
EnableExpand(HWND hwndExpandCheckBoxCtrl, LPCTSTR lpszExpandLabel=NULL, LPCTSTR lszCollapseLabel=NULL) | CBCGPDialog | |
EnableLayout(BOOL bEnable=TRUE, CRuntimeClass *pRTC=NULL, BOOL bResizeBox=TRUE, BOOL bLoadMFCResourceLayout=FALSE) | CBCGPDialog | |
EnableLoadWindowPlacement(BOOL bEnable=TRUE, LPCTSTR szWindowPlacementProfile=NULL) | CBCGPDialog | inline |
EnableVisualManagerStyle(BOOL bEnable=TRUE, BOOL bNCArea=FALSE, const CList< UINT, UINT > *plstNonSubclassedItems=NULL) | CBCGPDialog | |
Expand(BOOL bExpand=TRUE) | CBCGPDialog | |
GetAeroMargins(BCGPMARGINS &margins) const | CBCGPDialog | |
GetCustomParam() const | CBCGPPopupDlg | inline |
GetInfoTipControl() const | CBCGPDialog | inline |
GetLayout() | CBCGPDialog | inline |
HasAeroMargins() const | CBCGPDialog | inline |
HasBackgroundImage() const | CBCGPDialog | inline |
IsAutoPrepareComboListStyles() const | CBCGPDialog | virtual |
IsControlsDefaultDlgBackground() const | CBCGPDialog | inline |
IsCustomCaptionButtonEnabled(UINT nCmdID) const | CBCGPDialog | inline |
IsDragClientAreaEnabled() const | CBCGPDialog | inline |
IsExpandAreaSpecialBackground() const | CBCGPDialog | inline |
IsExpanded() const | CBCGPDialog | inline |
IsGroupBoxesDrawByParent() const | CBCGPDialog | inline |
IsLayoutEnabled() const | CBCGPDialog | inline |
IsMFCResourceLayout() const | CBCGPDialog | inline |
IsOwnerDrawCaption() const | CBCGPDialog | inline |
IsVisualManagerNCArea() const | CBCGPDialog | inline |
IsVisualManagerStyle() const | CBCGPDialog | inline |
IsWindowPlacementEnabled() const | CBCGPDialog | inline |
IsWsCaptionStyle() const | CBCGPDialog | virtual |
m_bDisableShadows | CBCGPDialog | protected |
OnAfterExpand() | CBCGPDialog | inlinevirtual |
OnBeforeExpand() | CBCGPDialog | inlinevirtual |
RemoveAllCustomCaptionButtons() | CBCGPDialog | inline |
RemoveInfoTips() | CBCGPDialog | inline |
SetBackgroundColor(COLORREF color, BOOL bRepaint=TRUE) | CBCGPDialog | |
SetBackgroundImage(HBITMAP hBitmap, BackgroundLocation location=BACKGR_TILE, BOOL bAutoDestroy=TRUE, BOOL bRepaint=TRUE) | CBCGPDialog | |
SetBackgroundImage(UINT uiBmpResId, BackgroundLocation location=BACKGR_TILE, BOOL bRepaint=TRUE, BOOL bScaleByDPI=FALSE) | CBCGPDialog | |
SetControlInfoTip(UINT nCtrlID, LPCTSTR lpszInfoTip, DWORD dwVertAlign=DT_TOP, BOOL bRedrawInfoTip=FALSE, CBCGPControlInfoTip::BCGPControlInfoTipStyle style=CBCGPControlInfoTip::BCGPINFOTIP_Info, BOOL bIsClickable=FALSE, const CPoint &ptOffset=CPoint(0, 0)) | CBCGPDialog | |
SetControlInfoTip(CWnd *pWndCtrl, LPCTSTR lpszInfoTip, DWORD dwVertAlign=DT_TOP, BOOL bRedrawInfoTip=FALSE, CBCGPControlInfoTip::BCGPControlInfoTipStyle style=CBCGPControlInfoTip::BCGPINFOTIP_Info, BOOL bIsClickable=FALSE, const CPoint &ptOffset=CPoint(0, 0)) | CBCGPDialog | |
SetControlsDefaultDlgBackground(BOOL bSet=TRUE) | CBCGPDialog | inline |
SetEditBoxesSimplifiedBrowseIcon(BOOL bSet=TRUE) | CBCGPDialog | inline |
SetEditBoxesVerticalAlignment(int nAlignment) | CBCGPDialog | inline |
SetExpandAreaSpecialBackground(BOOL bSet, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPDialog | |
SetGroupBoxesDrawByParent(BOOL bSet=TRUE) | CBCGPDialog |