BCGControlBar Pro for MFC
void CBCGPPropList::EnableToolBar ( BOOL  bShowStandardButtons = TRUE,
UINT  nCustomToolbarID = 0,
UINT  nCustomToolbarBitmapID = 0 

Shows or hides a toolbar displayed at the top of property list.

Call this method to show and modify a toolbar displayed at the top of property list.

  • If bShowStandardButtons is FALSE and nCustomToolbarID is 0, then toolbar is hidden.
  • If bShowStandardButtons is TRUE the toolbar displays standard (built-in) buttons "Categorized"/"Alphabetical".
  • If nCustomToolbarID specifies a resource ID of some custom toolbar, the custom toolbar buttons are added to the property list toolbar after standard buttons (if they are displayed).
bShowStandardButtonsTRUE - show standard buttons; FALSE - hide standard buttons
nCustomToolbarIDResource ID of custom toolbar (each button should be 16x16).
nCustomToolbarBitmapIDResource ID of high color toolbar images (must be 16x16).