This is the complete list of members for CBCGPShellTree, including all inherited members.
CreateFolder(const CString &strFolderName, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes=NULL, BOOL bSelect=TRUE) | CBCGPShellTree | |
EnableShellContextMenu(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPShellTree | |
EnableSystemUserInput(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPShellTree | inline |
EnableThemedInplaceTooltip(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPTreeCtrl | |
GetFilter() const | CBCGPShellTree | inline |
GetFlags() const | CBCGPShellTree | inline |
GetItemPath(CString &strPath, HTREEITEM htreeItem=NULL) const | CBCGPShellTree | |
GetRelatedList() const | CBCGPShellTree | |
IsDisplayCustomFolders() const | CBCGPShellTree | inline |
IsSystemUserInputEnabled() const | CBCGPShellTree | inline |
IsThemedInplaceTooltip() const | CBCGPTreeCtrl | inline |
m_bVisualManagerStyle | CBCGPTreeCtrl | |
Refresh() | CBCGPShellTree | |
RefreshFolder(HTREEITEM hItem) | CBCGPShellTree | |
RegisterShellNotification(LONG fEvents=0) | CBCGPShellTree | |
RenameItem(HTREEITEM hItem, const CString &strName) | CBCGPShellTree | |
SelectPath(LPCTSTR lpszPath, BOOL bExpandNodes=TRUE) | CBCGPShellTree | |
SelectPath(LPCITEMIDLIST lpidl, BOOL bExpandNodes=TRUE) | CBCGPShellTree | |
SetDisplayCustomFolders(BOOL bSet=TRUE) | CBCGPShellTree | inline |
SetFilter(DWORD nFilter) | CBCGPShellTree | inline |
SetFlags(DWORD dwFlags, BOOL bRefresh=TRUE) | CBCGPShellTree | |
SetRelatedList(CBCGPShellList *pShellList, BOOL bDontSyncOnSelectByKeyboard=FALSE, BOOL bExpandInvisibleItems=TRUE) | CBCGPShellTree |