BCGSuite for MFC
Edit ยป Classes

Detailed Description

The CBCGPBaseIntelliSenseLB class is a part of IntelliSense support implemented by the edit control. It provides basic functionality for owner draw Windows listbox control filled by the appropriate IntelliSense data.

See also
CBCGPIntelliSenseLB, CBCGPSymImagesLB
+ Inheritance diagram for CBCGPBaseIntelliSenseLB:

Public Member Functions

 SelectCurrentWordTakes the current word from the parent edit control and selects it in the list box.
 SetImageListAssociates the image list with the list box.

Static Public Attributes

 m_clrSelectedItemBkColorSpecifies the background color of selected item text.
 m_clrSelectedItemTextColorSpecifies the foreground color of selected item text.
 m_nFocusRectToTextSpacingSpecifies the distance, in pixels, between the focus rectangle and the left edge of the item text.
 m_nImageToFocusRectSpacingSpecifies the distance, in pixels, between the item image and the focus rectangle.
 m_nNumVisibleItemsSpecifies the number of visible items in the list box.
 m_nRightSpacingSpecifies the distance, in pixels, from the right edge of the list box to the right edge of the item.