BCGSuite for MFC

Detailed Description

The CBCGPColor class implements the functionality of the color.

Public Types


Public Member Functions

 CBCGPColorDefault constructor.
 CBCGPColorConstructor. Creates a new color that contains the specified red, green, blue, and alpha values.
 CBCGPColorConstructor. Creates a new color from predefined color and alpha values.
 CBCGPColorConstructor. Creates a new color from RGB and alpha values
 AdaptColorsReplaces color with specified tone color. If the clrBase parameter specifies a similar hue component for the color, it will replace it with an adapted color based on clrTone.
 ConvertToGrayScaleConverts the color to gray scale.
 InvertColorsInverts the color.
 InvertLuminosityInverts the color's luminosity.
 IsDarkTells whether the color is a dark.
 IsLightTells whether the color is a light.
 IsPaleTells whether the color is a pale.
 MakeDarkerMakes the color darker.
 MakeLighterMakes the color lighter.
 MakePaleMakes the color pale.
 ReplaceColorsIf the color matches the clrOld parameter, clrNew will take its place.
 SetRGBSets a RGB and alpha values.

Static Public Member Functions

 GetRGBArrayGets array of predefined colors.

Public Attributes

 aThe alpha value.
 bThe blue value.
 gThe green value.
 rThe red value.


 operator<<This operator writes a color data to archieve.
 operator>>This operator reads a color data from archieve.