This is the complete list of members for CBCGPEdit, including all inherited members.
BrowseMode enum name | CBCGPEdit | |
BrowseMode_Calculator enum value | CBCGPEdit | |
BrowseMode_Default enum value | CBCGPEdit | |
BrowseMode_File enum value | CBCGPEdit | |
BrowseMode_Folder enum value | CBCGPEdit | |
BrowseMode_None enum value | CBCGPEdit | |
BrowseMode_PasswordPreview enum value | CBCGPEdit | |
BrowseMode_PopupDialog enum value | CBCGPEdit | |
ClosePopupDlg(BOOL bOK, DWORD_PTR dwUserData=0) | CBCGPEdit | virtual |
EnableBrowseButton(BOOL bEnable=TRUE, LPCTSTR szLabel=_T("...")) | CBCGPEdit | |
EnableCalculatorButton(const CStringList *plstAdditionalCommands=NULL, const CList< UINT, UINT > *plstExtCommands=NULL, LPCTSTR lpszDisplayFormat=NULL) | CBCGPEdit | |
EnableFileBrowseButton(LPCTSTR lpszDefExt=NULL, LPCTSTR lpszFilter=NULL, LPCTSTR lpszInitialFolder=NULL, DWORD dwFlags=OFN_HIDEREADONLY|OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, BOOL bThemedFileDlg=FALSE, BOOL bOpenFileDialog=TRUE) | CBCGPEdit | |
EnableFolderBrowseButton(LPCTSTR lpszTitle=NULL, UINT ulFlags=BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS, LPCTSTR lpszInitialFolder=NULL, UINT nThemedBrowseFolderDlg=0) | CBCGPEdit | |
EnableIconOnLeft(BOOL bEnable, HICON hIcon, BOOL bAutoDestroy=TRUE, BOOL bAlphaBlend=FALSE, const CSize &sizeIcon=CSize(0, 0)) | CBCGPEdit | |
EnablePasswordPreview(BOOL bEnable=TRUE, BOOL bAllowEditingInPreview=FALSE) | CBCGPEdit | |
EnablePopupDialog(CRuntimeClass *pRTI, UINT nIDTemplate, BOOL bIsResizable=FALSE, BOOL bComboBoxMode=FALSE, BOOL bIsRightAligned=FALSE) | CBCGPEdit | |
EnablePopupDialog(CRuntimeClass *pRTI, LPCTSTR lpszTemplateName, BOOL bIsResizable=FALSE, BOOL bComboBoxMode=FALSE, BOOL bIsRightAligned=FALSE) | CBCGPEdit | |
EnableSearchMode(BOOL bEnable, LPCTSTR lpszPrompt, COLORREF clrText=(COLORREF)-1, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE, BOOL bDrawPromptWhenFocused=FALSE) | CBCGPEdit | |
GetColorTheme() const | CBCGPEdit | inline |
GetErrorMessage() const | CBCGPEdit | inline |
GetMode() const | CBCGPEdit | inline |
GetPrompt() const | CBCGPEdit | inline |
GetSearchPrompt() const | CBCGPEdit | inline |
GetVerticalAlignment() const | CBCGPEdit | inline |
IsDisableBrowseButtonInReadOnlyMode() const | CBCGPEdit | inline |
IsDisableFrameAccelTableOnFocus() const | CBCGPEdit | inline |
IsDroppedDown() const | CBCGPEdit | inline |
IsIconOnLeftEnabled() const | CBCGPEdit | inline |
IsSearchMode() const | CBCGPEdit | inline |
IsSimplifiedBrowseIcon() const | CBCGPEdit | inline |
m_bOnGlass | CBCGPEdit | |
m_bVisualManagerStyle | CBCGPEdit | |
OnAfterUpdate() | CBCGPEdit | protectedvirtual |
OnBeforeShowPopupDlg(CBCGPDialog *pDlg) | CBCGPEdit | inlinevirtual |
OnBrowse() | CBCGPEdit | protectedvirtual |
OnCalculatorUserCommand(CBCGPCalculator *pCalculator, UINT uiCmd) | CBCGPEdit | protectedvirtual |
OnDrawBrowseButton(CDC *pDC, CRect rect, BOOL bIsButtonPressed, BOOL bIsButtonHot) | CBCGPEdit | protectedvirtual |
OnDrawImageOnLeft(CDC *pDC, CRect rect) | CBCGPEdit | protectedvirtual |
OnGetAutoCompleteList(const CString &strEditText, CStringList &lstAutocomplete) | CBCGPEdit | protectedvirtual |
OnIllegalFileName(CString &strFileName) | CBCGPEdit | protectedvirtual |
SetAutoCompleteListHighlightedColors(COLORREF clrHighlightedText=CLR_DEFAULT, COLORREF clrHighlightedFill=CLR_DEFAULT) | CBCGPEdit | |
SetBrowseButtonImage(HICON hIcon, BOOL bAutoDestroy=TRUE, BOOL bAlphaBlend=FALSE, BOOL bAutoScale=TRUE) | CBCGPEdit | |
SetBrowseButtonImage(HBITMAP hBitmap, BOOL bAutoDestroy=TRUE, BOOL bAutoScale=TRUE) | CBCGPEdit | |
SetBrowseButtonImage(UINT uiBmpResId, BOOL bAutoScale=FALSE) | CBCGPEdit | |
SetBrowseButtonImage(const CBCGPSVGImage &svg, CSize sizeImage=CSize(0, 0)) | CBCGPEdit | |
SetBrowseButtonToolTip(LPCTSTR lpszToolTip, LPCTSTR lpszDescription=NULL) | CBCGPEdit | |
SetColorTheme(const CBCGPEditColors &colors, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPEdit | |
SetDisableBrowseButtonInReadOnlyMode(BOOL bDisable=TRUE) | CBCGPEdit | |
SetDisableFrameAccelTableOnFocus(BOOL bSet=TRUE) | CBCGPEdit | inline |
SetErrorMessage(LPCTSTR lpszMessage, COLORREF clrText=(COLORREF)-1, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE, BOOL bDrawPromptWhenFocused=FALSE) | CBCGPEdit | |
SetPrompt(LPCTSTR lpszPrompt, COLORREF clrText=(COLORREF)-1, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE, BOOL bDrawPromptWhenFocused=FALSE) | CBCGPEdit | |
SetSimplifiedBrowseIcon(BOOL bSet=TRUE) | CBCGPEdit | |
SetVerticalAlignment(int nAlignment) | CBCGPEdit |