This is the complete list of members for CBCGPRibbonQuickStep, including all inherited members.
AddSubItem(CBCGPBaseRibbonElement *pSubItem, int nIndex=-1) | CBCGPRibbonButton | |
CanBeRemovedFromQAT() const | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | inlinevirtual |
CBCGPRibbonButton(UINT nID, LPCTSTR lpszText, int nSmallImageIndex=-1, int nLargeImageIndex=-1, BOOL bAlwaysShowDescription=FALSE, RibbonSimplifiedModeType type=RibbonSimplifiedOnScreenCompact, BOOL bHideInFullMode=FALSE) | CBCGPRibbonButton | |
CBCGPRibbonButton(UINT nID, LPCTSTR lpszText, HICON hIcon, BOOL bAlwaysShowDescription=FALSE, HICON hIconSmall=NULL, BOOL bAutoDestroyIcon=FALSE, BOOL bAlphaBlendIcon=FALSE, RibbonSimplifiedModeType type=RibbonSimplifiedOnScreenCompact, BOOL bHideInFullMode=FALSE, HICON hIconMedium=NULL) | CBCGPRibbonButton | |
CBCGPRibbonButton(UINT nID, HICON hIconSmall, LPCTSTR lpszText, BOOL bAutoDestroyIcon=FALSE, BOOL bAlphaBlendIcon=FALSE, RibbonSimplifiedModeType type=RibbonSimplifiedOnScreenCompact, BOOL bHideInFullMode=FALSE) | CBCGPRibbonButton | |
CBCGPRibbonQuickStep(int nImageIndex, LPCTSTR lpszLabel, LPCTSTR lpszDescription=NULL, BOOL bIsEnabled=TRUE, RibbonSimplifiedModeType type=RibbonSimplifiedOnScreenCompact, BOOL bHideInFullMode=FALSE) | CBCGPRibbonQuickStep | |
ClosePopupDlg(LPCTSTR lpszEditValue, BOOL bOK, DWORD_PTR dwUserData=0) | CBCGPRibbonButton | virtual |
Enable(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPRibbonQuickStep | |
EnablePopupDialog(CRuntimeClass *pRTI, UINT nIDTemplate, BOOL bIsResizable=FALSE, BOOL bIsDefaultCommand=FALSE, BOOL bIsRightAligned=FALSE) | CBCGPRibbonButton | |
EnablePopupDialog(CRuntimeClass *pRTI, LPCTSTR lpszTemplateName, BOOL bIsResizable=FALSE, BOOL bIsDefaultCommand=FALSE, BOOL bIsRightAligned=FALSE) | CBCGPRibbonButton | |
FindSubItemIndexByID(UINT uiID) const | CBCGPRibbonButton | |
GetApplicationModes() const | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | inline |
GetControlValue(VARTYPE vtPreferredType=VT_UNKNOWN) const | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | inlinevirtual |
GetCursor() const | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | inlinevirtual |
GetData() const | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | inline |
GetID() const | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | inline |
GetImageIndex(BOOL bLargeImage) const | CBCGPRibbonButton | inline |
GetKeys() const | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | inline |
GetMenu() const | CBCGPRibbonButton | inline |
GetMenuKeys() const | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | inline |
GetRect() const | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | inline |
GetSimplifiedModeType() const | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | inline |
GetSize(CDC *pDC) | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | inlinevirtual |
GetText() const | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | inline |
IsBackstageViewMode() const | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | inlinevirtual |
IsChecked() const | CBCGPRibbonQuickStep | inlinevirtual |
IsCompactMode() const | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | inline |
IsDefaultCommand() const | CBCGPRibbonButton | inline |
IsDisabled() const | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | inlinevirtual |
IsFocused() const | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | inlinevirtual |
IsHiddenInFullMode() const | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | inline |
IsHighlighted() const | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | inlinevirtual |
IsPressed() const | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | inlinevirtual |
IsRightAlignMenu() const | CBCGPRibbonButton | inline |
OnBeforeDestroyParentMenuBar(CBCGPRibbonPanelMenuBar *pParentMenu) | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | inlineprotectedvirtual |
OnBeforeShowPopupDlg(CBCGPDialog *pDlg) | CBCGPRibbonButton | inlinevirtual |
OnSetFocus(BOOL bSet) | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | inlineprotectedvirtual |
RemoveAllSubItems() | CBCGPRibbonButton | |
RemoveSubItem(int nIndex) | CBCGPRibbonButton | |
RibbonElementFirstInGroup enum value | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | |
RibbonElementLastInGroup enum value | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | |
RibbonElementLocation enum name | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | |
RibbonElementMiddleInGroup enum value | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | |
RibbonElementNotInGroup enum value | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | |
RibbonElementSingleInGroup enum value | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | |
RibbonImageLarge enum value | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | |
RibbonImageSmall enum value | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | |
RibbonImageType enum name | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | |
RibbonSimplifiedHidden enum value | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | |
RibbonSimplifiedInMenu enum value | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | |
RibbonSimplifiedModeType enum name | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | |
RibbonSimplifiedOnScreenCompact enum value | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | |
RibbonSimplifiedOnScreenFull enum value | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | |
SetAlwaysLargeImage(BOOL bSet=TRUE) | CBCGPRibbonButton | inline |
SetData(DWORD_PTR dwData) | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | inline |
SetDefaultCommand(BOOL bSet=TRUE) | CBCGPRibbonButton | inline |
SetID(UINT nID) | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | virtual |
SetImageIndex(int nIndex, BOOL bLargeImage) | CBCGPRibbonButton | inline |
SetKeys(LPCTSTR lpszKeys, LPCTSTR lpszMenuKeys=NULL) | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | virtual |
SetMenu(HMENU hMenu, BOOL bIsDefaultCommand=FALSE, BOOL bRightAlign=FALSE, BOOL bKeepMenuHandle=FALSE, BOOL bDrawMenuArrow=TRUE) | CBCGPRibbonButton | |
SetMenu(UINT uiMenuResID, BOOL bIsDefaultCommand=FALSE, BOOL bRightAlign=FALSE, BOOL bKeepMenuHandle=FALSE, BOOL bDrawMenuArrow=TRUE) | CBCGPRibbonButton | |
SetRightAlignMenu(BOOL bSet=TRUE) | CBCGPRibbonButton | inline |
SetSimplifiedModeType(RibbonSimplifiedModeType type, BOOL bHideInFullMode=FALSE) | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | inline |
SetToolTipText(LPCTSTR lpszText) | CBCGPBaseRibbonElement | virtual |