BCGControlBar Pro for MFC

This message is sent to the tab control parent.

wParamsee remarks
lParamthis parameter is not used.
should return nonzero.

Process this message to receive notifications from CBCGPTabWnd objects when a scroll event occurs in the tabbed widget horizontal scroll bar.


The low-order word specifies a scroll bar value that indicates the user's scrolling request. This word can be one of the following values.

  • SB_ENDSCROLL: ends scroll.
  • SB_LEFT: scrolls to the upper left.
  • SB_RIGHT: scrolls to the lower right.
  • SB_LINELEFT: scrolls left by one unit.
  • SB_LINERIGHT: scrolls right by one unit.
  • SB_PAGELEFT: scrolls left by the width of the window.
  • SB_PAGERIGHT: scrolls right by the width of the window.
  • SB_THUMBPOSITION: the user has dragged the scroll box (thumb) and released the mouse button. The high-order word indicates the position of the scroll box at the end of the drag operation.
  • SB_THUMBTRACK: the user is dragging the scroll box. This message is sent repeatedly until the user releases the mouse button. The high-order word indicates the position that the scroll box has been dragged to. The high-order word specifies the current position of the scroll box if the low-order word is SB_THUMBPOSITION or SB_THUMBTRACK; otherwise, this word is not used.