BCGControlBar Pro for MFC

Detailed Description

This is the Control Notifications group


 BCGM_EDIT_ON_FILL_AUTOCOMPLETE_LISTThe message is sent to the owner of edit box (CBCGPEdit) when the user types the text in auto-complete mode.
 BCGM_ON_ACTIVATE_MDI_TEAR_OFF_FRAMEThe BCGM_ON_ACTIVATE_MDI_TEAR_OFF_FRAME message is sent to the main application window when a tear-off MDI frame window is activated or deactivated.
 BCGM_ON_CLICK_LISTBOX_PINThe message is sent to the owner of list box control when the user clicks pin button located on the item's right.
 BCGM_ON_CLICK_TREEMAP_NODEThe message is sent to the owner of tree map control when the user clicks tree map node.
 BCGM_ONUPDATESVGICONThe BCGM_ONUPDATESVGICON message is sent to the main application window when a custom SVG icon needs to be added/updated.
 BCGM_UPDATETOOLTIPSThe BCGM_UPDATETOOLTIPS message is sent to all tooltip owners when their tooltip controls should be recreated.
 BCGM_ONGLOBALFONTSCHANGEDThe BCGM_ONGLOBALFONTSCHANGED message is sent to the main application window when global fonts (like globalData.fontRegular) are updated.
 BCGM_ONWINDOWSAPPMODECHANGEDThe BCGM_ONWINDOWSAPPMODECHANGED message is sent to the main application window when Windows app mode is changed.
 BCGM_GETWINDOWCORNERTYPEOverride BCGM_GETWINDOWCORNERTYPE message if you wish to modify the window corner type (Windows 11 or later).
 BCGM_ON_RENAME_TABThe message is sent to the parent of tabbed window when the user has renamed a tab using in-place editing.
 BCGM_ON_MOVE_TABThis message is sent to the parent of tabbed window when a tab has been moved (dragged) to a new position.
 BCGM_CHANGE_ACTIVE_TABThis message is sent to the parent of CBCGPTabWnd object when an active tab was changed.
 BCGM_CHANGING_ACTIVE_TABThe message is sent to the parent of CBCGPTabWnd object.
 BCGM_ON_GET_TAB_TOOLTIPThe message is sent to main frame window when a tab window is about to display a tooltip for a tab and custom tooltips are enabled.
 BCGM_NEW_TABThe framework sends the BCGM_NEW_TAB message when users click the "new tab" placeholder (which is a dummy tab, located at the end of real tab list. If application supports the "new tab" feature, it should display a new default tab in response to this message).
 BCGM_CHANGE_TAB_SELECTIONThis message is sent to the parent of CBCGPTabWnd object when user changed tabs selection.
 BCGM_ON_CANCELTABMOVESend by MDI tabbed groups to notify about cancel mode.
 BCGM_ON_HSCROLLThis message is sent to the tab control parent.
 BCGM_GET_TOOLTIP_IMAGE_SIZEThe message is sent to the parent of CBCGPToolTipCtrl object.
 BCGM_ON_DRAW_TOOLTIP_IMAGEThe message is sent to the parent of CBCGPToolTipCtrl object.