BCGControlBar Pro for MFC

Detailed Description

This is the Toolbars and Menus Notifications group


 BCGM_GETCOLORTOOLTIPThe message is sent to the main application frame when a color box's tooltip is being formatted.
 BCGM_GETDOCUMENTCOLORSThe message is sent to the main frame window.
 BCGM_TOOLBARMENUThe BCGM_TOOLBARMENU message is sent to the main frame window when the user releases the right mouse button while the mouse cursor is in the client or non-client area of a control bar.
 BCGM_CUSTOMIZETOOLBARThe BCGM_CUSTOMIZETOOLBAR message is sent by CBCGPToolbarCustomize to notify the parent frame, that the customization dialog was created (start customization) or destroyed (end customization).
 BCGM_CREATETOOLBARThe BCGM_CUSTOMIZETOOLBAR message is sent by CBCGPToolbarCustomize to notify the parent frame, that the user is creating a new toolbar.
 BCGM_DELETETOOLBARThe BCGM_DELETETOOLBAR message is sent to the main frame window when the user is about to delete a toolbar in customization mode.
 BCGM_CUSTOMIZEHELPThe BCGM_CUSTOMIZEHELP is sent to the main frame window from customization property sheet (CBCGPToolbarCustomize) when the user presses the "Help" button or the F1 key.
 BCGM_RESETTOOLBARThe BCGM_RESETTOOLBAR is sent by a CBCGPToolBar object when a toolbar was reset (reverted to its original state, e.g. loaded from the resources).
 BCGM_RESETMENUThe BCGM_RESETMENU is sent by the framework when the user resets an application frame menu during customization. The message is sent to the menu owner (a frame window).
 BCGM_SHOWREGULARMENUThis message is obsolete.
 BCGM_RESETCONTEXTMENUThe BCGM_RESETCONTEXTMENU is sent to the main frame window, when the user resets the context menu during customization.
 BCGM_RESETKEYBOARDThe BCGM_RESETKEYBOARD message is sent by the framework to the main frame window, when the user resets all keyboard accelerators during customization.
 BCGM_RESETRPROMPTBCGM_RESETRPROMPT is sent by the framework when the user resets a toolbar from the QuickCustomizePane. The default handler displays a message box asking the user whether she wants to reset the toolbar.