Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- i -
- idItem
- iImage
- IncreaseScale()
: CBCGPGanttChart
- IndentSelection()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- IndentText()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- Inflate()
- InflateRect()
- Init()
: CBCGPOutlineParser
- InitChartColors()
: CBCGPChartTheme
- InitColors()
- Initialize()
: CBCGPPlannerClockIcons
- InsertAt()
: CBCGPVisualContainer
- InsertChar()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- InsertColumn()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- InsertColumns()
: CBCGPGridColumnsInfo
- InsertGroupColumn()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- InsertItem()
: CBCGPBreadcrumb
, CBCGPGanttChart
, CBCGPGridRow
- InsertLegendEntry()
: CBCGPChartLegendVisualObject
- InsertMarker()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- InsertNewLine()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- InsertPoint()
: CBCGPDiagramConnector
- InsertRelatedChart()
: CBCGPChartLegendVisualObject
- InsertRowAfter()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- InsertRowBefore()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- InsertSubItem()
: CBCGPGridRow
- InsertTab()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- InsertText()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- IntersectRect()
- InvalidateChart()
: CBCGPGanttChart
- InvalidateHeaders()
: CBCGPGanttChart
- InvalidateItem()
: CBCGPGanttChart
- InvalidateLegendContent()
: CBCGPChartLegendVisualObject
- InvalidateLegendSize()
: CBCGPChartLegendVisualObject
- InvalidateTrendFormulaSeries()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- InvertColors()
: CBCGPBrush
, CBCGPColor
- InvertLuminosity()
: CBCGPBrush
, CBCGPColor
- InvokeIntelliSense()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- InvokeSymList()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- IsAcceleratorKey()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsAdjustLegendSizeByTitleSize()
: CBCGPChartLegendVisualObject
- IsAdvancedGridAccessibilityEnabled()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsAlignSelToTickMarks()
: CBCGPSliderCtrl
- IsAllDay()
: CBCGPAppointment
- IsAllSelected()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsAllUnitsOnFixedInterval()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- IsAlternateRowColor()
: CBCGPListBox
- IsAlternateRowsEnabled()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsAlwaysShowScrollBar()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- IsAlwaysShowTileCaption()
: CBCGPChartPercentSeries
- IsAnimated()
: CBCGPAnimationManager
- IsAnimationSupportedByOS()
: CBCGPAnimationManager
- IsAppointmentInSelection()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- IsAutoCheck()
: CBCGPButton
- IsAutoColorDataPoints()
: CBCGPChartLongSeries
- IsAutoCompleteEnabled()
: CBCGPComboBox
- IsAutoDelete()
: CBCGPAppointmentStorage
- IsAutoDestroy()
: CBCGPBaseVisualObject
- IsAutoGroup()
: CBCGPGridRow
- IsAutoHideEnabled()
: CBCGPVisualScrollBar
- IsAutoInverseIconsInDarkTheme()
: CBCGPButton
, CBCGPStatic
- IsAutoOutliningEnabled()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- IsAutoPrepareComboListStyles()
: CBCGPDialog
, CBCGPDialogBar
, CBCGPFormView
, CBCGPPropertyPage
, CBCGPPropertySheet
- IsAutoRecreated()
: CBCGPComboBox
, CBCGPListBox
- IsAutorepeatCommandMode()
: CBCGPButton
, CBCGPRadialMenuObject
- IsAutoSetSeriesName()
: CBCGPChartDataProvider
- IsAxisVisible()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- IsBackgroundOrder()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- IsCalculateNormals()
: CBCGPChartDiagram3D
- IsCalendarTodayButtonEnabled()
: CBCGPDateTimeCtrl
- IsCaptionEnabled()
: CBCGPDiagramTableShape
- IsCaptionItem()
: CBCGPListBox
- IsCaptionItemsLargeFont()
: CBCGPListBox
- IsCaptionMode()
: CBCGPStatic
- IsCenterPointInAddItems()
: CBCGPDiagramVisualContainer
- IsCenterVert()
: CBCGPToolbarSlider
- IsChangePerspectiveByMouseWheelEnabled()
: CBCGPChartDiagram3D
- IsChart3D()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- IsChartNameInLegendVisible()
: CBCGPChartLegendVisualObject
- IsCheckBox()
: CBCGPButton
- IsCheckBoxEnabled()
: CBCGPGridColumnsInfo
- IsCheckBoxesEnabled()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsCheckEnabled()
: CBCGPCheckListBox
- IsCircularBase()
: CBCGPChartPyramidSeries
- IsClearEnabled()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
, CBCGPRatingCtrl
- IsClickable()
: CBCGPWinUITilesGroupCaption
- IsClipText()
: CBCGPTextFormat
- IsClosed()
: CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl
, CBCGPComplexGeometry
, CBCGPPolygonGeometry
, CBCGPSplineGeometry
- IsCloseOnOwnerChange()
: CBCGPPopupWindow
- IsColorEachLineEnabled()
: CBCGPChartLineSeries
- IsColorFontEnabled()
: CBCGPTextFormat
- IsColumn()
- IsColumnAutoSizeEnabled()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsColumnsChooserVisible()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsColumnSelected()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsColumnsResizeInClientArea()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsColumnWidthAutoSizeOnHeaderDblClickEnabled()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsCommentingSelectedTextEnabled()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- IsCompleted()
: CBCGPGanttItem
- IsComponentXSet()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- IsCompressWeekend()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- IsConnected()
: CBCGPDiagramConnector
- IsConnectedToSelection()
: CBCGPDiagramConnector
- IsConnectFirstLastPoints()
: CBCGPChartLineSeries
- IsConnectionPortsMarkersEnabled()
: CBCGPDiagramTableShape
- IsContinuousLegendKey()
: CBCGPChartSurfaceSeries
- IsControlBarColors()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsControlsDefaultDlgBackground()
: CBCGPDialog
, CBCGPFormView
, CBCGPPropertyPage
, CBCGPPropertySheet
- IsCopyEnabled()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
, CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsCorrectWord()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- IsCustom()
: CBCGPChartLegendEntry
- IsCustomColors()
: CBCGPCalendar
- IsCustomOffset()
: CBCGPChartBarSeries
, CBCGPChartBoxPlotSeries
- IsCustomSize()
: CBCGPChartBarSeries
, CBCGPChartBoxPlotSeries
- IsCustomToolTipEnabled()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsCutEnabled()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
, CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsDark()
: CBCGPColor
- IsDateEnabled()
: CBCGPAnalogClock
- IsDateInSelection()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- IsDateMarked()
: CBCGPCalendar
- IsDateOneColumn()
: CBCGPDateTimeList
- IsDateSelected()
: CBCGPCalendar
- IsDbSort()
- IsDefaultContextMenu()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- IsDirty()
: CBCGPBaseVisualCtrl
- IsDisableBrowseButtonInReadOnlyMode()
- IsDisabledItemsDragAllowed()
: CBCGPDragListBox
- IsDisabledOnAddAnchorError()
: CBCGPStaticLayout
- IsDisabledTextColor()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsDisableFrameAccelTableOnFocus()
- IsDisableWholeSelHeaderHighlighting()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsDisplayDataBetweenTickMarks()
: CBCGPChartAxis
, CBCGPChartAxisX
- IsDPIAware()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- IsDPIAwareGrid()
: CBCGPVisualContainer
- IsDragClientAreaEnabled()
: CBCGPDialog
, CBCGPPropertySheet
- IsDragHeaderItemsEnabled()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsDragScrollEnabled()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- IsDragSelectionBorderEnabled()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsDragSelectionEnabled()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsDrawButtonsBanner()
: CBCGPMessageBoxImpl
- IsDrawCellsWithCustomColorsOnSelection()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsDrawConnector()
: CBCGPChartTextObject
- IsDrawDecimalPoint()
: CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
- IsDrawFlat()
: CBCGPChartSurfaceSeries
- IsDrawInvisibleSegments()
: CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
- IsDrawLeadingZeros()
: CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
- IsDrawPageFooter()
: CBCGPPlannerPrint
- IsDrawPageHeader()
: CBCGPPlannerPrint
- IsDrawSign()
: CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
- IsDrawTextLabels()
: CBCGPSwitchImpl
- IsDrawTimeAsIcons()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- IsDrawTimeFinish()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- IsEditCopyEnabled()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- IsEditCutEnabled()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- IsEditExists()
: CBCGPAppointment
- IsEditFirstClick()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsEditMode()
: CBCGPBaseVisualObject
, CBCGPVisualContainer
- IsEditPasteEnabled()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- IsEffectShownOnAxis()
: CBCGPChartBaseEffect
- IsEffectValid()
: CBCGPVisualEffectHelper
- IsEmpty()
, BCGPSeriesColors
, CBCGPAppointmentBaseStorage
, CBCGPBrush
, CBCGPChartData
, CBCGPChartDataPoint
, CBCGPChartValue
, CBCGPComplexGeometry
, CBCGPGridItem
, CBCGPGridRange
, CBCGPRoundedRect
- IsEnabled()
: CBCGPBaseVisualObject
, CBCGPGanttItem
, CBCGPListBox
, CBCGPToolBoxButton
, CBCGPToolBoxPage
- IsEnabledSearchAndExpandCollapsedGroups()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsEnabledSearchInRowName()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsEndEllipsis()
: CBCGPTextFormat
- IsEquidistantLabels()
: CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl
- IsErrorIndicationEnabled()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- IsExcludeFirstItemFromText()
: CBCGPCheckComboBox
- IsExcludeFolder()
: CBCGPShellBreadcrumb
- IsExpandAreaSpecialBackground()
: CBCGPDialog
- IsExpanded()
: CBCGPDialog
- IsExpandEnvironmentStrings()
: CBCGPShellBreadcrumb
- IsExpandNewItems()
: CBCGPTreeCtrlEx
- IsExpandOnDblClickEnabled()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsFillClosedShape()
: CBCGPChartLineSeries
- IsFilterBarEnabled()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsFilterEnabled()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsFilterSimilarXValues()
: CBCGPChartLongSeries
- IsFitDiagramAreaEnabled()
: CBCGPChartPieSeries
- IsFixedDisplayRange()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- IsFixedIntervalWidth()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- IsFixedMajorUnit()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- IsFixedMaximumDisplayValue()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- IsFixedMinimumDisplayValue()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- IsFocused()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsFocusRect()
: CBCGPSwitchImpl
- IsForeground()
: CBCGPChartObject
- IsFrameTransparencyEnabled()
: CBCGPChartSurfaceSeries
- IsGradientMarkersEnabled()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- IsGridItemBordersEnabled()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsGridLinesEnabled()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsGroupBoxesDrawByParent()
: CBCGPDialog
, CBCGPDialogBar
, CBCGPFormView
, CBCGPPropertyPage
- IsGroupByBox()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsGrouping()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsGroupItem()
: CBCGPGanttItem
- IsHandCursor()
: CBCGPRatingCtrl
- IsHeaderEnabled()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsHeaderSelectAllMarkerEnabled()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsHigh()
: CBCGPWinUIBaseObject
- IsHighlighted()
: CBCGPButton
- IsHistoryMode()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- IsHorizontalLayout()
- IsHorizontalScrollRangeFixed()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- IsHotTrackEnabled()
: CBCGPGridItem
- IsIconOnLeftEnabled()
- IsIconsScaleByDPIEnabled()
- IsImageCache()
: CBCGPBaseVisualObject
, CBCGPVisualContainer
- IsInBlock()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- IsIndentEnabled()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- IsIndependentZoomEnabled()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- IsIndexedSeries()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- IsInfoTipEnabled()
: CBCGPBaseVisualCtrl
- IsInplaceEditActive()
: CBCGPBreadcrumb
- IsInplaceEditEnabled()
: CBCGPDiagramVisualContainer
- IsInRange()
: CBCGPEditMarker
, CBCGPGridRange
, CBCGPLineColorMarker
- IsInRangeByOffset()
: CBCGPOutlineBaseNode
- IsIntelliSenseEnabled()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- IsInteractiveMode()
: CBCGPGaugeImpl
- IsInvertSelOnCtrlEnabled()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsItemGroupStart()
: CBCGPComboBox
- IsItemHighlightingEnabled()
: CBCGPListBox
- IsItemPinned()
: CBCGPListBox
- IsItemRadioStyle()
: CBCGPCheckListBox
- IsItemSelected()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsKeepFocusedControlOnResize()
: CBCGPPropertySheet
- IsLabelRotation()
: CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl
- IsLargeCaptionFont()
: CBCGPPopupWindow
- IsLayoutEnabled()
: CBCGPDialog
, CBCGPDialogBar
, CBCGPFormView
, CBCGPPropertyPage
, CBCGPPropertySheet
, CBCGPVisualContainer
- IsLegendHorizontal()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- IsLegendTitleVisible()
: CBCGPChartLegendVisualObject
- IsLevelRangeInLegendLabelEnabled()
: CBCGPChartSurfaceSeries
- IsLight()
: CBCGPColor
- IsLineNumbersEnabled()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsLineNumbersMarginVisible()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- IsLogScale()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- IsMagnifierEnabled()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- IsMainStockSeries()
: CBCGPBaseChartStockSeries
- IsMajorGridLinesVisible()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- IsMajorUnitIntervalInterlacingEnabled()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- IsMarkSortedColumn()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsMarkupEnabled()
: CBCGPGridItem
- IsMarqueeStarted()
: CBCGPCircularProgressIndicatorImpl
- IsMarqueeStyle()
: CBCGPCircularProgressIndicatorImpl
- IsMFCResourceLayout()
: CBCGPDialog
, CBCGPDialogBar
, CBCGPFormView
, CBCGPPropertyPage
, CBCGPPropertySheet
- IsMileStone()
: CBCGPGanttItem
- IsMiltipleSelection()
: CBCGPCalendar
- IsMinorGridLinesVisible()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- IsModified()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- IsMultiDay()
: CBCGPAppointment
- IsMultiDayLessThan24()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- IsMultiline()
: CBCGPGridItem
- IsMultipleSort()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsMultiResourceStorage()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- IsNavigateBackAvailable()
: CBCGPMultiViewFrameWnd
- IsNavigateForwardAvailable()
: CBCGPMultiViewFrameWnd
- IsNavigateUpAvailable()
: CBCGPMultiViewFrameWnd
- IsNavigationBackButtonEnabled()
- IsNeckHeightChartValue()
: CBCGPChartFunnelSeries
- IsNonDiscreteCurve()
: CBCGPChartBaseFormula
, CBCGPChartTrendFormula
- IsNoneColorEnabled()
: CBCGPColorComboBox
- IsNotifyParent()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- IsNull()
: CBCGPEllipse
, CBCGPGraphicsResource
- IsObjectShownOnAxis()
: CBCGPChartObject
- IsOn()
: CBCGPSwitchImpl
- IsOneDay()
: CBCGPPlannerView
- IsOnGlass()
: CBCGPBreadcrumb
- IsOptimizedLongDataMode()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- IsOptionPrefix()
: CBCGPGridItem
- IsOrderedXValues()
: CBCGPChartLongSeries
- IsOutlineMarginVisible()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- IsOutliningEnabled()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- IsOwnerDrawCaption()
: CBCGPDialog
- IsOwnerDrawScrollBar()
: CBCGPVisualManager
- IsPageSwipeGestureEnabled()
: CBCGPPropertySheet
- IsPageTransitionAvailable()
: CBCGPPropertySheet
- IsPageTransitionReversedOrder()
: CBCGPPropertySheet
- IsPale()
: CBCGPColor
- IsPanAllEnabled()
: CBCGPGestureConfig
- IsPanEnabled()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- IsPanHorizontalEnabled()
: CBCGPGestureConfig
- IsPanMode()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- IsPanVerticalEnabled()
: CBCGPGestureConfig
- IsPanWithGutterEnabled()
: CBCGPGestureConfig
- IsPanWithInertiaEnabled()
: CBCGPGestureConfig
- IsPartEnabled()
: CBCGPRotationObject
- IsPasteEnabled()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
, CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsPinned()
: CBCGPPopupWindow
- IsPressAndTapEnabled()
: CBCGPGestureConfig
- IsPressed()
: CBCGPButton
- IsPreviewRowEnabled()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsProcessClipboardAccelerators()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- IsProgressMode()
: CBCGPSliderCtrl
, CBCGPToolbarSlider
- IsPushed()
: CBCGPButton
- IsRadioButton()
: CBCGPButton
- IsReadOnly()
: CBCGPDateTimeCtrl
, CBCGPEditCtrl
, CBCGPGridCtrl
, CBCGPGridItem
, CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
, CBCGPRatingCtrl
- IsRectEmpty()
- IsRectNull()
- IsRecurrence()
: CBCGPAppointment
- IsRecurrenceClone()
: CBCGPAppointment
- IsRecurrenceException()
: CBCGPAppointment
- IsRefreshMode()
: CBCGPExplorerToolBar
- IsRemoveDynamicSubItemsOnCollapse()
: CBCGPGridRow
- IsResizeAxesEnabled()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- IsRotateEnabled()
: CBCGPGestureConfig
- IsRotationByMouseEnabled()
: CBCGPChartDiagram3D
- IsRoundedShapes()
- IsRow()
- IsRowExtraHeightAllowed()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsRowHeaderEnabled()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsRowMarker()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsRowSelected()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsRunning()
: CBCGPAnimCtrl
- IsScaleBreakEnabled()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- IsScaledInZoomedGrid()
: CBCGPGridColumnsInfo
- IsScrollBarAutoHideEnabled()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
, CBCGPGanttChart
, CBCGPGridCtrl
, CBCGPHotSpotImageCtrl
, CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
, CBCGPTagCloud
, CBCGPVisualContainer
- IsScrollEnabled()
: CBCGPChartAxis
, CBCGPChartVisualObject
- IsSearchMode()
- IsSecondHandEnabled()
: CBCGPAnalogClock
- IsSecondSmoothMovement()
: CBCGPAnalogClock
- IsSelected()
: CBCGPAppointment
, CBCGPBaseVisualObject
, CBCGPGanttItem
, CBCGPTagCloudElement
- IsSelectionBorder()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsSelectionBorderEnabled()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsSelectionEnabled()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- IsSeparatorItem()
: CBCGPListBox
- IsSetPositionOnClick()
: CBCGPSliderCtrl
, CBCGPToolbarSlider
- IsShadow()
: CBCGPPopupWindow
- IsShadowEnabled()
: CBCGPDiagramShape
- IsShadowWithEffect()
: CBCGPDiagramShape
- IsShapeByTicksArea()
: CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl
- IsShowBackfaces()
: CBCGPChartDiagram3D
- IsShowDisabledItems()
: CBCGPToolBox
, CBCGPToolBoxEx
- IsShowDragContext()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsShowInPlaceToolTip()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsShowSurfaceMapInLegend()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- IsShowToolTip()
: CBCGPGanttChart
, CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- IsSingleMonthMode()
: CBCGPCalendar
- IsSingleSel()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
, CBCGPVisualContainer
- IsSmallCaptionGripper()
: CBCGPPopupWindow
- IsSmartLabelsEnabled()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- IsSortDescending()
: CBCGPTagCloud
- IsSortingMode()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsStrikethrough()
: CBCGPTextFormat
- IsSupported()
: CBCGPGraphicsManager
- IsSVGBased()
: CBCGPHotSpotImageCtrl
- IsSyntaxHilightingOnColorLine()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- IsSyntaxHilightingOnHiliteMarkers()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- IsSyntaxHilightingOnSelection()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- IsSystemUserInputEnabled()
: CBCGPShellBreadcrumb
- IsTextColumn()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsTextFormatAutoSize()
: CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
- IsTextOverflowing()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsTextOverflowingAllowed()
: CBCGPGridItem
- IsTextTruncated()
: CBCGPInfoBoxRenderer
- IsThemedDropDownList()
: CBCGPComboBox
- IsThemedInplaceTooltip()
: CBCGPTreeCtrl
- IsThickWallsAndFloor()
: CBCGPChartDiagram3D
- IsThumbnailMode()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- IsThumbTrackMode()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- IsTilesDragAndDropEnabled()
- IsTimeOneColumn()
: CBCGPDateTimeList
- IsTimeVisible()
: CBCGPGanttChart
- IsTitleMode()
: CBCGPStatic
- IsTodayButton()
: CBCGPCalendar
- IsTooltipEnabled()
: CBCGPBaseVisualCtrl
, CBCGPBreadcrumb
- IsToolTipNeeded()
: CBCGPAppointmentDrawStructEx
- IsTouchMode()
: CBCGPDateTimeCtrl
- IsTreeButtonsEnabled()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsTreeLinesEnabled()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsTwoFingerTapEnabled()
: CBCGPGestureConfig
- IsUnderline()
: CBCGPTextFormat
- IsUnderlineHighlighted()
: CBCGPTagCloud
- IsUpdateAxesOnNewDataEnabled()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- IsUseWordWrapForDatalabels()
: CBCGPChartDataPoint
- IsValid()
, CBCGPAppointmentBaseProperty
, CBCGPAppointmentProperty
, CBCGPGraphicsManager
, CBCGPGridRange
- IsVertical()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- IsVerticalLayout()
: CBCGPChartLegendVisualObject
- IsVerticalOrientation()
: CBCGPLinearGaugeImpl
- IsViewWhiteSpace()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- IsVirtualMode()
: CBCGPChartSeries
, CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsVisible()
: CBCGPAppointmentDrawStruct
, CBCGPBaseVisualObject
, CBCGPChartBaseEffect
, CBCGPChartObject
, CBCGPGanttItem
, CBCGPToolBoxButton
, CBCGPToolBoxPage
, CBCGPWinUIBaseObject
- IsVisualManagerMarkersEnabled()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- IsVisualManagerNCArea()
: CBCGPDialog
, CBCGPPropertySheet
- IsVisualManagerStyle()
: CBCGPCalendar
, CBCGPDateTimeCtrl
, CBCGPDateTimeList
, CBCGPDialog
, CBCGPDialogBar
, CBCGPDurationCtrl
, CBCGPFormView
, CBCGPGanttControl
, CBCGPGridCtrl
, CBCGPPropertyPage
, CBCGPPropertySheet
- IsVisualManagerTheme()
: CBCGPChartTheme
, CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
, CBCGPSwitchColors
, CBCGPSwitchImpl
, CBCGPTagCloud
, CBCGPVisualContainer
- IsWallIgnoreRotation()
: CBCGPChartDiagram3D
- IsWeekNumbers()
: CBCGPCalendar
- IsWholeRowSel()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsWholeRowSelected()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- IsWide()
: CBCGPWinUIBaseObject
- IsWindowPlacementEnabled()
: CBCGPDialog
- IsWireFrame()
: CBCGPChartSurfaceSeries
- IsWordWrap()
: CBCGPTextFormat
- IsWorkingTime()
: CBCGPGanttChart
- IsWsCaptionStyle()
: CBCGPDialog
, CBCGPPropertySheet
- IsZoomed()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- IsZoomEnabled()
: CBCGPChartAxis
, CBCGPChartVisualObject
, CBCGPEditCtrl
, CBCGPGestureConfig
, CBCGPGridCtrl
- item
- ItemFromPoint()
: CBCGPGanttChart