Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- s -
- S
- SaveFile()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- SaveToXML()
: CBCGPVisualContainer
- Scale()
: CBCGPPoint
- ScalePoint()
: CBCGPChartDiagram3D
- scanOrder
- ScreenPointFromChartData()
: CBCGPChartTernarySeries
, CBCGPChartVisualObject
- Scroll()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- ScrollAxis()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- ScrollDown()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- ScrollEnd()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- ScrollHome()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- ScrollPageDown()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- ScrollPageUp()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- ScrollText()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- ScrollTo()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- ScrollToCaret()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- ScrollToRow()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- ScrollUp()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- Select()
: CBCGPGanttItem
, CBCGPVisualContainer
- SelectAll()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
, CBCGPVisualContainer
- SelectAllItems()
: CBCGPGanttChart
- SelectAppointment()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- SelectArea()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SelectColor()
: CBCGPColorComboBox
- SelectColumn()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SelectCurrentWord()
: CBCGPBaseIntelliSenseLB
, CBCGPIntelliSenseLB
- SelectDate()
: CBCGPCalendar
- SelectDays()
: CBCGPCalendarBar
- SelectedPage
: CBCGPFileDialog
- SelectFirstLastItemInColumn()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SelectFirstLastItemInRow()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SelectFont()
: CBCGPButton
- SelectGroup()
: CBCGPMultiViewFrameWnd
- SelectionType
: BCGPChartFormatSelection
- SelectItem()
: CBCGPBreadcrumb
, CBCGPGanttChart
- SelectLine()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- SelectLineRange()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- SelectPath()
: CBCGPBreadcrumb
, CBCGPShellBreadcrumb
- SelectRow()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SelectShellItem()
: CBCGPShellBreadcrumb
- SelectSubPath()
: CBCGPBreadcrumb
- SelectView()
: CBCGPMultiViewFrameWnd
- SelectVisualTheme()
: CBCGPBaseVisualObject
, CBCGPVisualContainer
- SelectVisualThemeByName()
: CBCGPVisualContainer
- Serialize()
: CBCGPAppointment
, CBCGPAppointmentProperty
, CBCGPGridItem
, CBCGPGridRow
, CBCGPOutlineBaseNode
, CBCGPOutlineNode
, CBCGPRecurrence
- SerializeData()
: CBCGPEditMarker
- SerializeRaw()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- Set()
: CBCGPAppointmentPropertyList
, CBCGPGraphicsResource
, CBCGPGridRange
- SetActivePage()
: CBCGPToolBox
- SetActivePageWithEffects()
: CBCGPPropertySheet
- SetAdditionalCommands()
: CBCGPCalculator
- SetAdjustLegendSizeByTitleSize()
: CBCGPChartLegendVisualObject
- SetAlignSelToTickMarks()
: CBCGPSliderCtrl
- SetAllDay()
: CBCGPAppointment
- SetAlternateRowColor()
: CBCGPListBox
- SetAlwaysShowScrollBar()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetAlwaysShowTileCaption()
: CBCGPChartPercentSeries
- SetAnimationSpeed()
: CBCGPPopupWindow
- SetAnimationTime()
: CBCGPSwitchImpl
- SetAnimationType()
: CBCGPPopupWindow
- SetAreaOrigin()
: CBCGPChartAreaSeries
- SetAutoCloseTime()
: CBCGPPopupWindow
- SetAutoDelete()
: CBCGPAppointmentStorage
- SetAutoDestroy()
: CBCGPBaseVisualObject
, CBCGPDiagramVisualObject
- SetAutoDisplayRange()
: CBCGPChartAxis
, CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SetAutoIntervalWidth()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetAutoInverseIconsInDarkTheme()
: CBCGPButton
, CBCGPStatic
- SetAutorepeatMode()
: CBCGPButton
, CBCGPRadialMenuObject
- SetAutoResize()
: CBCGPDurationCtrl
- SetAutoToolTips()
: CBCGPListBox
- SetAxisMarkCoordinate()
: CBCGPChartObject
- SetAxisName()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SetAxisOffsets()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetBackColor()
: CBCGPAnimCtrl
, CBCGPBreadcrumb
- SetBackgroundBrush()
: CBCGPTagCloudElement
- SetBackgroundColor()
: CBCGPAppointment
, CBCGPDateTimeCtrl
, CBCGPDialog
, CBCGPDurationCtrl
, CBCGPGridItem
, CBCGPHotSpotImageCtrl
, CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- SetBackgroundImage()
: CBCGPDialog
, CBCGPFormView
, CBCGPPropertyPage
- SetBadgeGlyph()
- SetBadgeNumber()
- SetBarShape()
: CBCGPChartBarSeries
- SetBaseDepthPercent()
: CBCGPChartDiagram3D
- SetBeginArrow()
: CBCGPDiagramConnector
- SetBeginArrowFillBrush()
: CBCGPDiagramConnector
- SetBeginArrowOutlineBrush()
: CBCGPDiagramConnector
- SetBitmap()
: CBCGPAnimCtrl
- SetBlockColor()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- SetBoldFont()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetBOOL()
: CBCGPAppointmentProperty
- SetBoolLabels()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetBorder()
: CBCGPAppointmentDrawStruct
- SetBorderBrush()
- SetBorderColor()
: CBCGPTagCloudElement
- SetBorderWidth()
- SetBrowseButtonImage()
- SetBrowseButtonToolTip()
- SetBrush()
: CBCGPBrushButton
- SetBubbleScale()
: CBCGPChartBubbleSeries
- SetBuffer()
: CBCGPHotSpotImageCtrl
- SetButtonUserData()
: CBCGPToolBoxPage
- SetCachedRow()
: CBCGPGridCache
- SetCalculateNormals()
: CBCGPChartDiagram3D
- SetCalendar()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- SetCalendarByCmdID()
: CBCGPCalendarMenuButton
- SetCanvasRect()
: CBCGPDiagramCustomShape
- SetCapSize()
: CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl
- SetCaption()
: CBCGPDiagramTableShape
, CBCGPInfoBoxCtrl
- SetCaptionFillBrush()
: CBCGPDiagramTableShape
- SetCaptionItemsLargeFont()
: CBCGPListBox
- SetCaptionMode()
: CBCGPStatic
- SetCaret()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- SetCategoryName()
: CBCGPChartDataPoint
- SetCellParams()
: CBCGPChartLegendCell
- SetCells()
: CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
- SetCellText()
: CBCGPChartLegendCell
- SetCenterPointInAddItems()
: CBCGPDiagramVisualContainer
- SetCenterVert()
: CBCGPToolbarSlider
- SetChangeSelectionTransitionTime()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetChartData()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SetChartFillColor()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SetChartImpl()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetChartTitle()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SetChartType()
: CBCGPChartSeries
, CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SetCheck()
: CBCGPCheckComboBox
, CBCGPCheckListBox
, CBCGPGridRow
, CBCGPGroup
- SetCheckBoxState()
: CBCGPGridColumnsInfo
- SetCheckedImage()
: CBCGPButton
- SetCheckRadioStyle()
: CBCGPGroup
- SetCheckStyle()
: CBCGPCheckListBox
- SetCircularBase()
: CBCGPChartPyramidSeries
- SetClearInplaceEditOnEnter()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetClipArea()
: CBCGPGraphicsManager
- SetClipEllipse()
: CBCGPGraphicsManager
- SetClipRect()
: CBCGPGraphicsManager
- SetClipRoundedRect()
: CBCGPGraphicsManager
- SetClipText()
: CBCGPTextFormat
- SetClockIconsRTC()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- SetClosed()
: CBCGPComplexGeometry
, CBCGPDiagramCustomShape
- SetClosedRange()
: CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl
- SetCloseOnOwnerChange()
: CBCGPPopupWindow
- SetCoefficients()
: CBCGPChartTrendFormula
- SetColor()
: CBCGPBrush
, CBCGPColorIndicatorImpl
- SetColorBarWidth()
: CBCGPListBox
- SetColorBlockStrLenMax()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- SetColorIndex()
: CBCGPChartDataPoint
- SetColorMapCount()
: CBCGPChartSurfaceSeries
- SetColorMode()
: CBCGPChartSurfaceSeries
: CBCGPAppointmentProperty
- SetColors()
: CBCGPBrush
, CBCGPChartVisualObject
, CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl
, CBCGPCircularProgressIndicatorImpl
, CBCGPColorIndicatorImpl
, CBCGPLinearGaugeImpl
, CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
, CBCGPRadialMenuObject
, CBCGPRatingCtrl
, CBCGPSwitchImpl
- SetColorScheme()
: CBCGPGanttChart
- SetColorTheme()
, CBCGPEditVisualObject
, CBCGPGridCtrl
, CBCGPGridVisualObject
, CBCGPIPAddressCtrl
, CBCGPRadialMenuObject
, CBCGPScrollBar
, CBCGPVisualScrollBar
, CBCGPWndHostVisualObject
- SetColumnAlign()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetColumnDistancePercent()
: CBCGPChartBarSeries
, CBCGPChartBoxPlotSeries
- SetColumnImage()
: CBCGPGridColumnsInfo
- SetColumnLocked()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetColumnName()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetColumnOrderArray()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetColumnOverlapPercent()
: CBCGPChartBarSeries
, CBCGPChartBoxPlotSeries
- SetColumnValue()
: CBCGPTreeCtrlEx
- SetColumnVisible()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetColumnWidth()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetColumnWidthAutoSize()
: CBCGPGridColumnsInfo
- SetComboFont()
: CBCGPGridItem
- SetCommandID()
: CBCGPCalendarBar
- SetCompleteColor()
: CBCGPGanttItem
- SetCompleted()
: CBCGPGanttItem
- SetComponentCount()
: CBCGPChartDataPoint
- SetComponentValue()
: CBCGPChartDataPoint
- SetCompressWeekend()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- SetConfig()
: BCGPChartMouseConfig
- SetConnectionPorts()
: CBCGPDiagramVisualObject
- SetContentPadding()
: BCGPChartCellParams
, BCGPChartFormatArea
, BCGPChartFormatDataTable
, BCGPChartFormatLegendTable
- SetContinuousLegendKey()
: CBCGPChartSurfaceSeries
- SetControlInfoTip()
: CBCGPDialog
, CBCGPDialogBar
, CBCGPFormView
, CBCGPPropertyPage
- SetControlsDefaultDlgBackground()
: CBCGPDialog
, CBCGPFormView
, CBCGPPropertyPage
, CBCGPPropertySheet
- SetCoordinateMode()
: CBCGPChartObject
- SetCoordinates()
: CBCGPChartObject
- SetCornerRadius()
: CBCGPGaugeImpl
- SetCreateInstanceCallback()
: CBCGPGraphicsManager
- SetCurrentResourceID()
: CBCGPAppointmentBaseMultiStorage
, CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
, CBCGPPlannerViewMulti
- SetCurSel()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetCurveType()
: CBCGPChartSeries
, CBCGPChartVisualObject
, CBCGPDiagramConnector
- SetCustomBadgeIndex()
- SetCustomColors()
: CBCGPCalendar
, CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetCustomData()
: CBCGPChartLegendCell
- SetCustomLargeRowHeight()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetCustomOffsetPercent()
: CBCGPChartBarSeries
, CBCGPChartBoxPlotSeries
- SetCustomPerpendicularAxis()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetCustomRowHeight()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetCustomSizePercent()
: CBCGPChartBarSeries
, CBCGPChartBoxPlotSeries
- SetCustomStockValueCallback()
: CBCGPChartStockSeries
- SetCustomTheme()
: CBCGPPopupWindow
- SetCyclicScroll()
: CBCGPDurationCtrl
- SetDashCap()
: CBCGPStrokeStyle
- SetDashes()
: CBCGPStrokeStyle
- SetDashOffset()
: CBCGPStrokeStyle
- SetDashStyle()
: CBCGPStrokeStyle
- SetData()
: CBCGPGanttItem
, CBCGPGridRow
- SetDataAnimationType()
: CBCGPBaseVisualObject
- SetDataBar()
: CBCGPGridItem
- SetDataColorScale()
: CBCGPGridItem
- SetDataIcon()
: CBCGPGridItem
- SetDataLabelAngle()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetDataLabelContent()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetDataLabelContentPadding()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetDataLabelDataFormat()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetDataLabelDisplayKey()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetDataLabelDistanceFromMarker()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetDataLabelDrawBorder()
: BCGPChartFormatSeries
, CBCGPChartSeries
- SetDataLabelDropLineToMarker()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetDataLabelFill()
: BCGPChartFormatSeries
, CBCGPChartSeries
- SetDataLabelFormat()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetDataLabelLineColor()
: BCGPChartFormatSeries
, CBCGPChartSeries
- SetDataLabelLineWidth()
: BCGPChartFormatSeries
, CBCGPChartSeries
- SetDataLabelOptions()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetDataLabelPosition()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetDataLabelSeparator()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetDataLabelsOptions()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SetDataLabelStrokeStyle()
: BCGPChartFormatSeries
, CBCGPChartSeries
- SetDataLabelTextFormat()
: BCGPChartFormatSeries
, CBCGPChartSeries
- SetDataLabelUnderline()
: BCGPChartFormatSeries
, CBCGPChartSeries
- SetDataPoint3DLineThickness()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetDataPointCategoryName()
: CBCGPChartSeries
, CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SetDataPointColorIndex()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetDataPointCount()
: CBCGPChartLongSeries
- SetDataPointDataLabelText()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SetDataPointFormat()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SetDataPointLabelRect()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetDataPointLegendLabelText()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SetDataPointPieExplosion()
: CBCGPChartPieSeries
- SetDataPointScreenPoint()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetDataPointValue()
: CBCGPChartLongSeries
, CBCGPChartSeries
- SetDate()
: CBCGPCalendar
, CBCGPCalendarBar
, CBCGPCalendarMenuButton
, CBCGPDateTimeCtrl
, CBCGPDateTimeList
, CBCGPGridDateTimeItem
, CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- SetDateColor()
: CBCGPCalendar
- SetDateFormat()
: CBCGPDateTimeList
, CBCGPNumericDateTimeIndicatorImpl
- SetDateInterval()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- SetDateOneColumn()
: CBCGPDateTimeList
- SetDateSeparator()
: CBCGPNumericDateTimeIndicatorImpl
- SetDateStart()
: CBCGPRecurrenceBaseRule
- SetDateTime()
: CBCGPAppointmentProperty
- SetDateTimeFlags()
: CBCGPGridDateTimeItem
- SetDateTimeSpan()
: CBCGPAppointmentProperty
- SetDateTimeStyle()
: CBCGPNumericDateTimeIndicatorImpl
- SetDayLeadingZeros()
: CBCGPNumericDateTimeIndicatorImpl
- SetDbSort()
- SetDecimals()
: CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
- SetDefaultColor()
: CBCGPColorComboBox
- SetDefaultFillGradientType()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetDefaultGraphicsManagerType()
: CBCGPGraphicsManager
- SetDefaultHighlightColor()
: CBCGPBreadcrumb
- SetDefaultHighlightedTextColor()
: CBCGPBreadcrumb
- SetDefaultInteractivePointer()
: CBCGPGaugeImpl
- SetDefaultInteractiveScale()
: CBCGPGaugeImpl
- SetDefaultItem()
: CBCGPListBox
- SetDefaultItemHeight()
: CBCGPGanttChart
- SetDefaultItemRTC()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetDefaultManager()
: CBCGPVisualManager
- SetDefaultShapePadding()
: CBCGPDiagramVisualContainer
- SetDefaultTextColor()
: CBCGPBreadcrumb
- SetDelimeter()
: CBCGPCheckComboBox
- SetDepthPercent()
: CBCGPChartPyramidSeries
- SetDepthScalePercent()
: CBCGPChartDiagram3D
- SetDescription()
: CBCGPAppointment
, CBCGPButton
, CBCGPWinUITilesCaptionButton
- SetDeviation()
: CBCGPChartBollingerBandsFormula
- SetDiagramFillColor()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SetDigitType()
: CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
- SetDirty()
: CBCGPBaseVisualObject
- SetDisableBrowseButtonInReadOnlyMode()
- SetDisabledTextColor()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetDisableFrameAccelTableOnFocus()
- SetDisableWholeSelHeaderHighlighting()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetDisplayDataBetweenTickMarks()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetDisplayUnits()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetDlgIcon()
: CBCGPFileDialog
- SetDoughnutPercent()
: CBCGPChartDoughnutSeries
- SetDPIAware()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- SetDrawCellsWithCustomColorsOnSelection()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetDrawConnector()
: CBCGPChartTextObject
- SetDrawDecimalPoint()
: CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
- SetDrawFlat()
: CBCGPChartSurfaceSeries
- SetDrawingAngle()
: CBCGPTextFormat
- SetDrawInvisibleSegments()
: CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
- SetDrawLeadingZeros()
: CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
- SetDrawPageFooter()
: CBCGPPlannerPrint
- SetDrawPageHeader()
: CBCGPPlannerPrint
- SetDrawShadowMode()
: CBCGPGraphicsManager
- SetDrawSign()
: CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
- SetDrawTimeAsIcons()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- SetDrawTimeFinish()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- SetDrawWallOptions()
: CBCGPChartDiagram3D
- SetDuration()
: CBCGPDurationCtrl
- SetDurationColor()
: CBCGPAppointment
- SetEditBoxesVerticalAlignment()
: CBCGPDialog
, CBCGPDialogBar
, CBCGPFormView
, CBCGPPropertyPage
- SetEditFirstClick()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetEditFlags()
: CBCGPBaseVisualObject
- SetElementsFilter()
- SetEmpty()
: CBCGPChartData
, CBCGPChartValue
- SetEmptyDateLabel()
: CBCGPDateTimeCtrl
- SetEmptyPagePrompt()
: CBCGPToolBoxPage
- SetEndArrow()
: CBCGPDiagramConnector
- SetEndArrowFillBrush()
: CBCGPDiagramConnector
- SetEndArrowOutlineBrush()
: CBCGPDiagramConnector
- SetEndCap()
: CBCGPStrokeStyle
- SetEndEllipsis()
: CBCGPTextFormat
- SetEngine3D()
: CBCGPChartDiagram3D
- SetErrorBarsType()
: CBCGPChartErrorBarsFormula
- SetErrorMessage()
: CBCGPComboBox
- SetExcludeFirstItemFromText()
: CBCGPCheckComboBox
- SetExpandAreaSpecialBackground()
: CBCGPDialog
- SetExpandNewItems()
: CBCGPTreeCtrlEx
- SetExplicitGrouping()
: CBCGPChartDiagram3D
- SetExtendedCommands()
: CBCGPCalculator
- SetExtraHeight()
: CBCGPFileDialog
- SetExtraWidth()
: CBCGPFileDialog
- SetFaceColor()
: CBCGPButton
- SetFillBrush()
: CBCGPBaseVisualObject
, CBCGPDiagramVisualObject
, CBCGPGaugeColoredRangeObject
, CBCGPGaugeLevelBarObject
, CBCGPVisualContainer
- SetFillColor()
: CBCGPDiagramVisualObject
- SetFillMode()
: CBCGPGeometry
- SetFillValueBrush()
: CBCGPGaugeLevelBarObject
- SetFilter()
: CBCGPGridFilter
- SetFilterBarGetNextItemOption()
: CBCGPTreeCtrlEx
- SetFilterBarText()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetFilterSimilarXValues()
: CBCGPChartLongSeries
- SetFirstDayOfWeek()
: CBCGPCalendar
, CBCGPCalendarBar
, CBCGPDateTimeCtrl
, CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- SetFirstInterlacedIntervalIndex()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetFirstWeekOfYear()
: CBCGPCalendar
, CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- SetFixedDisplayRange()
: CBCGPChartAxis
, CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SetFixedHorizontalScrollRange()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- SetFixedIntervalWidth()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetFixedMajorUnit()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetFixedMaximumDisplayValue()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetFixedMinimumDisplayValue()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetFixedUnitCount()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetFixedValue()
: CBCGPChartErrorBarsFormula
- SetFocusRect()
: CBCGPSwitchImpl
- SetFontFamily()
: CBCGPTextFormat
- SetFontSize()
: CBCGPTextFormat
- SetFontStyle()
: CBCGPTextFormat
- SetFontWeight()
: CBCGPTextFormat
- SetForeground()
: CBCGPChartObject
- SetForegroundColor()
: CBCGPAppointment
- SetFormat()
: CBCGPChartDataPoint
, CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
- SetFormula()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetFrameColor()
: CBCGPChartSurfaceSeries
- SetFrameRate()
: CBCGPAnimCtrl
- SetFrameSize()
: CBCGPGaugeImpl
- SetFrameStyle()
: CBCGPChartSurfaceSeries
- SetFrontDistancePercent()
: CBCGPChartDiagram3D
- SetGap()
: CBCGPChartPyramidSeries
- SetGestureConfig()
: CBCGPGestureManager
- SetGraphicsManagerType()
: CBCGPGraphicsManagerHelper
- SetGridBrush()
: CBCGPVisualContainer
- SetGridFooterHeight()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetGridHeaderHeight()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetGridSize()
: CBCGPVisualContainer
- SetGridStyle()
: CBCGPVisualContainer
- SetGroupBoxesDrawByParent()
: CBCGPDialog
, CBCGPDialogBar
, CBCGPFormView
, CBCGPPropertyPage
- SetGroupCaption()
- SetGroupControlsVisible()
: CBCGPGroup
- SetGroupID()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetGroupItem()
: CBCGPGanttItem
- SetGroupMargin()
: CBCGPTreeMap
- SetHandCursor()
: CBCGPRatingCtrl
- SetHeader()
- SetHeaderAlign()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetHeaderBtnImageList()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetHeaderImageList()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetHeaderLineCount()
: CBCGPGridColumnsInfoEx
- SetHeaderMultiLine()
: CBCGPGridColumnsInfo
- SetHeight()
- SetHeightPercent()
: CBCGPChartPieSeries
- SetHeightScalePercent()
: CBCGPChartDiagram3D
- SetHierarchyLevel()
: CBCGPGanttItem
- SetHighlightedColor()
: CBCGPTagCloudElement
- SetHighlightedTextColor()
: CBCGPTagCloud
- SetHighlightHotArea()
: CBCGPHotSpotImageCtrl
- SetHistoryDepth()
: CBCGPChartHistoricalLineSeries
- SetHitTestTolerance()
: CBCGPChartSurfaceSeries
- SetHitTooltipFlags()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SetHorizontalAlign()
: CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
- SetHorizontalAlignment()
: CBCGPChartLegendVisualObject
- SetHorizontalLayout()
- SetHorizontalPadding()
: CBCGPComboBox
, CBCGPInfoBoxView
- SetHorzAlign()
: CBCGPGridItem
, CBCGPRatingCtrl
- SetHorzMargin()
: CBCGPCalendar
- SetHotSpotToolTip()
: CBCGPHotSpotImageCtrl
- SetHourLeadingZeros()
: CBCGPNumericDateTimeIndicatorImpl
- SetIcon()
: CBCGPInfoBoxCtrl
- SetIconsList()
: CBCGPPropertySheet
- SetID()
: CBCGPBaseVisualObject
- SetIgnoreNegativeValues()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetImage()
: CBCGPButton
, CBCGPDiagramImageObject
, CBCGPGridItem
, CBCGPHotSpotImageCtrl
, CBCGPImageGaugeImpl
, CBCGPWinUITilesCaptionButton
- SetImageAlign()
: CBCGPDiagramImageObject
- SetImageList()
: CBCGPBaseIntelliSenseLB
, CBCGPBreadcrumb
, CBCGPComboBox
, CBCGPGridCtrl
, CBCGPListBox
, CBCGPRadialMenuObject
- SetImageOpacity()
: CBCGPDiagramImageObject
- SetImages()
: CBCGPAppointmentPropertyImages
, CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- SetImageVertAlign()
- SetIndexedSeries()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetInfoBoxFont()
: CBCGPInfoBoxRenderer
- SetInfoCaption()
: CBCGPInfoBoxView
- SetInfoText()
: CBCGPInfoBoxView
- SetInitialValue()
: CBCGPEditVisualObject
- SetInPlaceEditFont()
: CBCGPGridItem
- SetInputSeries()
: CBCGPChartTransitionFormula
, CBCGPChartTrendFormula
- SetIntelliSenseImgList()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- SetIntelliSenseLBFont()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- SetInteractiveMode()
: CBCGPGaugeImpl
- SetInterlaceStep()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetInterval()
: CBCGPAppointment
, CBCGPGanttItem
- SetInvisibleSegmentsOpacity()
: CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
- SetItemColorBar()
: CBCGPListBox
- SetItemData()
: CBCGPBreadcrumb
- SetItemDescription()
: CBCGPListBox
- SetItemDynamic()
: CBCGPBreadcrumb
- SetItemExtraHeight()
: CBCGPListBox
- SetItemGroupStart()
: CBCGPComboBox
- SetItemIcon()
: CBCGPListBox
- SetItemID()
: CBCGPDiagramVisualObject
- SetItemImage()
: CBCGPComboBox
, CBCGPListBox
- SetItemImageIndex()
: CBCGPBreadcrumb
- SetItemIndent()
: CBCGPComboBox
, CBCGPListBox
- SetItemNotificationBadge()
: CBCGPListBox
, CBCGPTreeCtrlEx
- SetItemPinned()
: CBCGPListBox
- SetItemRadioStyle()
: CBCGPCheckListBox
- SetItemRTC()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetItemText()
: CBCGPBreadcrumb
- SetItemToolTip()
: CBCGPListBox
- SetItemTooltipText()
: CBCGPBreadcrumb
- SetKeepFocusedControlOnResize()
: CBCGPPropertySheet
- SetLabel()
: CBCGPCircularProgressIndicatorImpl
, CBCGPSwitchImpl
, CBCGPTagCloudElement
- SetLabelMode()
: CBCGPChartTernaryAxis
- SetLabelTextFormat()
: CBCGPSwitchImpl
- SetLastUndoReason()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- SetLayout()
: CBCGPDateTimeList
- SetLayoutType()
: CBCGPTreeMap
- SetLegendCellRTC()
: CBCGPChartLegendVisualObject
- SetLegendLabelContent()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetLegendLabelFillColor()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetLegendLabelFormat()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetLegendLabelTextColor()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetLegendLabelTextFormat()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetLegendPosition()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SetLegendTitleFormat()
: CBCGPChartLegendVisualObject
- SetLevelRangeMode()
: CBCGPChartSurfaceSeries
- SetLimitCount()
: CBCGPRecurrenceBaseRule
- SetLimitDate()
: CBCGPRecurrenceBaseRule
- SetLimitType()
: CBCGPRecurrenceBaseRule
- SetLinearGradientStops()
: CBCGPBrush
- SetLineColorMarker()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- SetLineJoin()
: CBCGPStrokeStyle
- SetLineNumbersMargin()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- SetLinesNumber()
: CBCGPGridRow
- SetLink()
: CBCGPInfoBoxCtrl
- SetListDelimiter()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetLogoBitmap()
: CBCGPFileDialog
- SetLogScale()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetLongDataOffset()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetLook()
: CBCGPPropertySheet
- SetLParam()
: CBCGPChartBaseFormula
- SetMajorTickMarkLen()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetMajorXUnit()
: CBCGPChartHistoricalLineSeries
- SetManagerCtrlRTC()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerView
- SetMargin()
: CBCGPTreeMapGroup
- SetMarker()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- SetMarkerData()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- SetMarkerFill()
: BCGPChartFormatSeries
, CBCGPChartSeries
- SetMarkerFormat()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetMarkerLineColor()
: BCGPChartFormatSeries
, CBCGPChartSeries
- SetMarkerLineWidth()
: BCGPChartFormatSeries
, CBCGPChartSeries
- SetMarkerOptions()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetMarkerPosition()
: CBCGPNumericDateTimeIndicatorImpl
- SetMarkerShape()
: BCGPChartFormatSeries
, CBCGPChartSeries
- SetMarkerSize()
: BCGPChartFormatSeries
, BCGPChartMarkerOptions
, CBCGPChartSeries
- SetMarkerStrokeStyle()
: BCGPChartFormatSeries
, CBCGPChartSeries
- SetMarkerVerticalAlign()
: CBCGPNumericDateTimeIndicatorImpl
- SetMAType()
: CBCGPChartMAENVFormula
, CBCGPChartMAFormula
- SetMaxDataPoints()
: CBCGPChartDataProvider
- SetMaximumValue()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetMaxRating()
: CBCGPRatingCtrl
- SetMaxValue()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetMaxWeekDayCharacters()
: CBCGPCalendar
, CBCGPDateTimeCtrl
- SetMaxZoomInFactor()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetMessage()
: CBCGPProgressDlg
- SetMessage2()
: CBCGPProgressDlg
- SetMinAllowedMajorUnit()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetMinimumValue()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetMinMaxPercentage()
: CBCGPChartTernarySeries
- SetMinMaxValues()
: CBCGPChartSeries
, CBCGPChartTernarySeries
- SetMinorTickMarkLen()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetMinorUnitCount()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetMinSize()
: CBCGPControlsLayout
- SetMinThumbSize()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetMinValue()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetMiterLimit()
: CBCGPStrokeStyle
- SetMode()
: CBCGPGridCheckItem
, CBCGPToolBoxPage
- SetModified()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- SetModifiedFlag()
: CBCGPGridItem
- SetMonthFormat()
: CBCGPDateTimeList
- SetMonthLeadingZeros()
: CBCGPNumericDateTimeIndicatorImpl
- SetMouseCursor()
: CBCGPButton
- SetMouseCursorHand()
: CBCGPButton
- SetMultiDayLessThan24()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- SetName()
: CBCGPBaseVisualObject
, CBCGPGanttItem
, CBCGPWinUIBaseObject
- SetNeckHeightInChartValues()
: CBCGPChartFunnelSeries
- SetNeckHeightInPercents()
: CBCGPChartFunnelSeries
- SetNeckWidth()
: CBCGPChartFunnelSeries
- SetNewImagesList()
: CBCGPFileDialog
- SetNoContentLabel()
: CBCGPListBox
- SetNotchSizePercent()
: CBCGPChartBoxPlotSeries
- SetNotificationBadge()
: CBCGPGridItem
- SetNotifyCommandID()
: CBCGPRotationObject
, CBCGPToolBox
, CBCGPToolBoxEx
- SetNotifyParent()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- SetNull()
- SetNumericNotificationBadge()
: CBCGPButton
, CBCGPPropertyPage
- SetObjectSize()
: CBCGPChartObject
- SetOffset()
: CBCGPChartLegendEntry
- SetOffsetFromFrame()
: CBCGPGaugeColoredRangeObject
, CBCGPGaugeLevelBarObject
- SetOn()
: CBCGPSwitchImpl
- SetOpacity()
: CBCGPBrush
, CBCGPChartTheme
- SetOptimizedDiagramArea()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SetOptions()
: CBCGPCircularProgressIndicatorImpl
- SetOrderedXValues()
: CBCGPChartLongSeries
- SetOrigin()
: CBCGPChartHistogramSeries
- SetOutlineBrush()
: CBCGPDiagramVisualObject
, CBCGPGaugeColoredRangeObject
, CBCGPGaugeLevelBarObject
, CBCGPVisualContainer
- SetOutlineColor()
: CBCGPDiagramVisualObject
- SetOutlineMargin()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- SetOutputSeriesCategory()
: CBCGPChartAdvancedFormula
- SetOutputSeriesType()
: CBCGPChartAdvancedFormula
- SetOverrideMode()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- SetOwner()
: CBCGPVisualContainer
- SetPadding()
: CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
- SetPageTransitionEffect()
: CBCGPPageTransitionManager
- SetParentChart()
: CBCGPChartBaseEffect
, CBCGPChartObject
- SetParentSeries()
: CBCGPChartBaseFormula
- SetPercentage()
: CBCGPChartMAENVFormula
- SetPercentValue()
: CBCGPChartErrorBarsFormula
- SetPeriod()
: CBCGPChartAdvancedFormula
- SetPeriods()
: CBCGPChartMACDFormula
- SetPicture()
: CBCGPStatic
- SetPieAngle()
: CBCGPChartPieSeries
- SetPieExplosion()
: CBCGPChartPieSeries
- SetPieRotation()
: CBCGPChartPieSeries
- SetPlanner()
: CBCGPCalendar
- SetPlotAreaPadding()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SetPoint()
: CBCGPPoint
- SetPointer()
- SetPoints()
: CBCGPPolygonGeometry
, CBCGPSplineGeometry
- SetPolynomialTrendOrder()
: CBCGPChartTrendFormula
- SetPos()
: CBCGPCircularProgressIndicatorImpl
, CBCGPProgressDlg
- SetPosition()
: CBCGPChartDiagram3D
- SetPositionOnClick()
: CBCGPSliderCtrl
, CBCGPToolbarSlider
- SetPreviewTextColor()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetPrimaryColor()
: CBCGPGanttItem
- SetPrinterFont()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
, CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetPrintInfo()
: CBCGPGraphicsManager
- SetPrintOptions()
: CBCGPBaseVisualCtrl
- SetPriority()
: CBCGPGanttItem
- SetProcessClipboardAccelerators()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- SetProgress()
: CBCGPBreadcrumb
, CBCGPGanttItem
- SetProgressState()
: CBCGPProgressCtrl
- SetPrompt()
: CBCGPComboBox
, CBCGPEditVisualObject
- SetProperties()
: CBCGPAppointment
, CBCGPRecurrenceBaseRule
- SetProportionalScale()
: CBCGPChartDiagram3D
- SetRadialGradientStops()
: CBCGPBrush
- SetRange()
: CBCGPCircularProgressIndicatorImpl
, CBCGPGaugeColoredRangeObject
, CBCGPToolbarSlider
- SetRating()
: CBCGPRatingCtrl
- SetReadOnly()
: CBCGPDateTimeCtrl
, CBCGPEditCtrl
, CBCGPGridCtrl
, CBCGPGridItem
, CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
, CBCGPRatingCtrl
- SetRect()
: CBCGPAppointmentDrawStruct
, CBCGPBaseVisualObject
, CBCGPTreeMap
, CBCGPVisualContainer
- SetRectEmpty()
- SetRecurrenceID()
: CBCGPAppointment
- SetRecurrenceRule()
: CBCGPAppointment
- SetRefreshMode()
: CBCGPExplorerToolBar
- SetRelated()
: CBCGPDateTimeCtrl
- SetRelatedAxes()
: CBCGPChartObject
, CBCGPChartSeries
- SetRelatedAxis()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetRelatedShellList()
: CBCGPShellBreadcrumb
- SetRenderingType()
: CBCGPChartDiagram3D
- SetResourceID()
: CBCGPAppointment
- SetReversedOrder()
: CBCGPSliderCtrl
, CBCGPToolbarSlider
- SetRGB()
: CBCGPColor
- SetRightMargin()
: CBCGPBreadcrumb
- SetRightOffsetInPixels()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetRotation()
: CBCGPChartPyramidSeries
- SetRoundedCorners()
: CBCGPPopupWindow
- SetRoundedShape()
: CBCGPChartTextObject
- SetRoundedShapes()
- SetRowMarker()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetRSIType()
: CBCGPChartRSIFormula
- SetRule()
: CBCGPRecurrence
- SetScale()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
, CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetScaleOffsetFromFrame()
: CBCGPGaugeImpl
- SetScalingRange()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
, CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetScrollBarSize()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetScrollBarsStyle()
: CBCGPGanttChart
, CBCGPGridCtrl
, CBCGPHotSpotImageCtrl
, CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- SetScrollOffset()
: CBCGPChartDiagram3D
, CBCGPVisualContainer
- SetScrollRange()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetScrollStep()
: CBCGPChartLegendVisualObject
- SetSel()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
, CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetSel2()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- SetSelected()
: CBCGPAppointment
, CBCGPBaseVisualObject
, CBCGPToolBoxPage
- SetSelectedDates()
: CBCGPCalendar
- SetSelectedImage()
: CBCGPGridItem
- SetSelectedRange()
: CBCGPCalendar
- SetSelectionBorder()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetSelectionColor()
: CBCGPSliderCtrl
- SetSelectionType()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SetSeparatorWidth()
: CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
- SetSeriesData()
: CBCGPChartHistoricalLineSeries
, CBCGPChartLongSeries
- SetSeriesElementFormat()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetSeriesFill()
: BCGPChartFormatSeries
, CBCGPChartSeries
- SetSeriesFillOpacity()
: BCGPChartFormatSeries
- SetSeriesFormat()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetSeriesLineColor()
: BCGPChartFormatSeries
, CBCGPChartSeries
- SetSeriesLineDashStyle()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetSeriesLineWidth()
: BCGPChartFormatSeries
, CBCGPChartSeries
- SetSeriesName()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SetSeriesOutlineDashStyle()
: BCGPChartFormatSeries
- SetSeriesShadow()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SetSeriesStrokeStyle()
: BCGPChartFormatSeries
, CBCGPChartSeries
- SetShadow()
: CBCGPChartLineObject
, CBCGPChartTextObject
, CBCGPPopupWindow
- SetShape()
: CBCGPDiagramShape
- SetShowBackfaces()
: CBCGPChartDiagram3D
- SetShowDisabledItems()
: CBCGPToolBox
, CBCGPToolBoxEx
- SetShowDragContext()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetShowInPlaceToolTip()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetShowToolTip()
: CBCGPGanttChart
, CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- SetSideBarWidth()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- SetSingleMonthMode()
: CBCGPCalendar
- SetSingleSel()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetSize()
- SetSizeEmpty()
- SetSizePercent()
: CBCGPChartHistogramSeries
- SetSmallCaption()
: CBCGPPopupWindow
- SetSmallCaptionGripper()
: CBCGPPopupWindow
- SetSmartLabelsParams()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SetSortColumn()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetSortDescending()
: CBCGPTagCloud
- SetSortOrder()
: CBCGPTagCloud
- SetSquareSize()
- SetStandardColors()
: CBCGPColorComboBox
- SetStart()
: CBCGPComplexGeometry
, CBCGPDiagramCustomShape
- SetStartCap()
: CBCGPStrokeStyle
- SetState()
: CBCGPCalendarBar
, CBCGPCheckComboBox
, CBCGPDateTimeCtrl
, CBCGPDurationCtrl
, CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
- SetStdImage()
: CBCGPButton
- SetStemLocation()
: CBCGPPopupWindow
- SetStep()
: CBCGPCircularProgressIndicatorImpl
- SetStockSeriesType()
: CBCGPChartStockSeries
- SetStorageRTC()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- SetStrikethrough()
: CBCGPTextFormat
- SetString()
: CBCGPAppointmentProperty
- SetStrokeStyle()
: CBCGPDiagramVisualObject
- SetStyle()
: CBCGPColorIndicatorImpl
, CBCGPGaugeLevelBarObject
, CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
, CBCGPSwitchImpl
, CBCGPVisualScrollBar
- SetSubclassControlRTI()
: CBCGPDlgImpl
- SetSurfaceDimension()
: CBCGPChartSurfaceSeries
- SetSurfaceOpacity()
: CBCGPChartSurfaceSeries
- SetSurfaceType()
: CBCGPChartSurfaceSeries
- SetSwitchColors()
: CBCGPGridCheckItem
- SetSymImgList()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- SetSystemColorName()
: CBCGPColorComboBox
- SetSystemColors()
: CBCGPColorComboBox
- SetTabSize()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- SetTernaryAxesLabelMode()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SetTernaryAxesTitleMode()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SetText()
: CBCGPDiagramTextDataObject
, CBCGPTextGaugeImpl
- SetTextAlignment()
: CBCGPChartLegendCell
, CBCGPTextFormat
- SetTextColor()
: CBCGPButton
, CBCGPDateTimeCtrl
, CBCGPDiagramTextDataObject
, CBCGPDurationCtrl
, CBCGPGridCtrl
, CBCGPGridItem
, CBCGPTagCloud
, CBCGPTagCloudElement
, CBCGPTextGaugeImpl
, CBCGPWinUIBaseObject
- SetTextColumn()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetTextData()
: CBCGPDiagramVisualObject
- SetTextFormat()
: CBCGPChartLegendCell
, CBCGPDiagramTextDataObject
, CBCGPGaugeImpl
, CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
, CBCGPTagCloud
, CBCGPTextGaugeImpl
, CBCGPWndHostVisualObject
- SetTextFormatAutoSize()
: CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
- SetTextHotColor()
: CBCGPButton
- SetTextLeftMargin()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- SetTextureImage()
: CBCGPBrush
- SetTextVerticalAlignment()
: CBCGPTextFormat
- SetTheme()
: CBCGPChartTheme
, CBCGPCircularGaugeColors
, CBCGPPopupWindow
- SetThemeOpacity()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SetThickness()
: CBCGPDiagramVisualObject
- SetThickWallsAndFloor()
: CBCGPChartDiagram3D
- SetThumbnailMode()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SetTickMarkStyle()
: CBCGPGaugeImpl
- SetTicksAreaAngles()
: CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl
- SetTimeDelta()
: CBCGPGanttChart
- SetTimeFormat()
: CBCGPDateTimeList
- SetTimeInterval()
: CBCGPRecurrenceBaseRule
- SetTimeOffset()
: CBCGPDigitalClock
- SetTimeOneColumn()
: CBCGPDateTimeList
- SetTimeSeparator()
: CBCGPNumericDateTimeIndicatorImpl
- SetTitleMode()
: CBCGPChartTernaryAxis
, CBCGPStatic
- SetToday()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- SetTooltip()
: CBCGPButton
, CBCGPChartObject
- SetToolTipDescription()
: CBCGPWinUIBaseObject
- SetToolTipText()
: CBCGPWinUIBaseObject
- SetTouchMode()
: CBCGPDateTimeCtrl
- SetTransform()
: CBCGPGeometry
- SetTransitionCallback()
: CBCGPChartTransitionFormula
- SetTransitionType()
: CBCGPChartTransitionFormula
- SetTransparency()
: CBCGPPopupWindow
- SetTreatNulls()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetTrendRange()
: CBCGPChartTrendFormula
- SetTrendType()
: CBCGPChartTrendFormula
- SetType()
: CBCGPGridSparklineItem
, CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- SetUnderline()
: CBCGPTextFormat
- SetUnderlineHighlighted()
: CBCGPTagCloud
- SetupMenu()
: CBCGPMenuButton
- SetUseMultiResourceDefault()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- SetUserColors()
: CBCGPGanttChart
- SetUserData()
: CBCGPBaseVisualObject
, CBCGPWinUIBaseObject
- SetUseWordWrapForDataLabels()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetValue()
: CBCGPBaseVisualObject
, CBCGPCalculator
, CBCGPChartData
, CBCGPChartValue
, CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl
, CBCGPGaugeImpl
, CBCGPGaugeLevelBarObject
, CBCGPGridItem
, CBCGPLinearGaugeImpl
, CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
, CBCGPRatingCtrl
, CBCGPTagCloudElement
, CBCGPToolbarSlider
, CBCGPVisualDataObject
- SetValues()
: CBCGPChartData
- SetValueType()
: CBCGPChartMACDFormula
- SetVertAlign()
: CBCGPGridItem
- SetVertical()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- SetVerticalAlign()
: CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
- SetVerticalAlignment()
: CBCGPChartLegendVisualObject
- SetVerticalLayout()
: CBCGPChartLegendVisualObject
- SetVerticalOrientation()
: CBCGPLinearGaugeImpl
- SetVerticalPadding()
: CBCGPComboBox
- SetVertMargin()
: CBCGPCalendar
- SetView()
: CBCGPWinUIBaseObject
- SetViewWhiteSpace()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- SetVirtualMode()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- SetVirtualRows()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetVisible()
: CBCGPAppointmentDrawStruct
, CBCGPBaseVisualObject
, CBCGPChartBaseEffect
, CBCGPChartObject
, CBCGPToolBoxButton
, CBCGPToolBoxPage
, CBCGPWinUIBaseObject
- SetVisibleTimeRange()
: CBCGPGanttChart
- SetVisualEffect()
: CBCGPBaseVisualObject
- SetVisualEffects()
: CBCGPGaugeImpl
- SetVisualManagerColorTheme()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetVisualManagerTheme()
: CBCGPChartTheme
, CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
, CBCGPSwitchImpl
, CBCGPTagCloud
- SetVisualStyle()
: CBCGPScrollBar
- SetWallsIgnoreRotation()
: CBCGPChartDiagram3D
- SetWhiskersSizePercent()
: CBCGPChartBoxPlotSeries
- SetWholeRowSel()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SetWidth()
: CBCGPGaugeLevelBarObject
- SetWidthRange()
: CBCGPGaugeColoredRangeObject
- SetWinUITilesRTI()
: CBCGPWinUITilesCtrl
- SetWireFrame()
: CBCGPChartSurfaceSeries
- SetWordColor()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- SetWordWrap()
: CBCGPTextFormat
- SetWorkingHourInterval()
: CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl
- SetYearDigits()
: CBCGPNumericDateTimeIndicatorImpl
- SetYearsRange()
: CBCGPDateTimeList
- SetZoomFactor()
: CBCGPChartDiagram3D
- SetZoomScrollConfig()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SetZRotation()
: CBCGPChartDiagram3D
- Shape
: CBCGPCircularProgressIndicatorOptions
, CBCGPDiagramShape
- Show()
: CBCGPGanttItem
- ShowAllDataLabels()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- ShowAxis()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- ShowAxisGridLines()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- ShowAxisIntervalInterlacing()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- ShowAxisName()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- ShowChartNameInLegend()
: CBCGPChartLegendVisualObject
- ShowChartTitle()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- ShowColumnsChooser()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- ShowDataLabel()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- ShowDataLabels()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- ShowDataMarkers()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- ShowDataPointMarker()
: CBCGPGridSparklineItem
- ShowDataTable()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- ShowHorzScrollBar()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- ShowLegendTitle()
: CBCGPChartLegendVisualObject
- ShowMajorGridLines()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- ShowMarker()
: CBCGPChartSeries
- ShowMinorGridLines()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- ShowOnPrimaryAxis()
: CBCGPChartSeries
, CBCGPChartTernarySeries
- ShowPopup()
: CBCGPDateTimeList
- ShowScrollBar()
: CBCGPChartAxis
, CBCGPChartVisualObject
- ShowScrollBars()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- ShowSeries()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- ShowVertScrollBar()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- Size()
: CBCGPMenuImages
- SizeToContent()
: CBCGPButton
, CBCGPMenuButton
- Slice
: CBCGPTreeMap
- Sort()
, CBCGPGridCtrl
- SortByValue
: CBCGPTagCloud
- SortChildren()
: CBCGPTreeCtrlEx
- SortChildrenCB()
: CBCGPTreeCtrlEx
- SortChildRows()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SortChildRowsCB()
: CBCGPGridCtrl
- SortOrder
: CBCGPTagCloud
- SparklineType
: CBCGPGridSparklineItem
- SparklineTypeArea
: CBCGPGridSparklineItem
- SparklineTypeBar
: CBCGPGridSparklineItem
- SparklineTypeBarSmart
: CBCGPGridSparklineItem
- SparklineTypeBubble
: CBCGPGridSparklineItem
- SparklineTypeColumn
: CBCGPGridSparklineItem
- SparklineTypeDefault
: CBCGPGridSparklineItem
- SparklineTypeDoughnut
: CBCGPGridSparklineItem
- SparklineTypeLine
: CBCGPGridSparklineItem
- SparklineTypePie
: CBCGPGridSparklineItem
- Split()
: CBCGPChartAxis
- Squarified
: CBCGPTreeMap
: BCGPChartFormatSelection
: BCGPChartFormatSelection
: BCGPChartFormatSelection
- Star
: CBCGPDiagramShape
- StartAnimation()
: CBCGPAnimationManager
, CBCGPChartVisualObject
- StartFlashAnimation()
: CBCGPAnimationManager
- StartFlashing()
: CBCGPStaticGaugeImpl
- StartMarquee()
: CBCGPCircularProgressIndicatorImpl
- StartOfText()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- StartPageTransition()
: CBCGPPageTransitionManager
- StartPart()
: CBCGPDiagramCustomShape
- StepIt()
: CBCGPCircularProgressIndicatorImpl
, CBCGPProgressDlg
- Stop()
: CBCGPAnimCtrl
- StopAnimation()
: CBCGPAnimationManager
- StopFlashing()
: CBCGPStaticGaugeImpl
- StopHidingCurrent()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- StopOutlining()
: CBCGPEditCtrl
- StopPageTransition()
: CBCGPPageTransitionManager
- strFilter
- StripWallsAndAxes()
: CBCGPChartDiagram3D
- Swap()
: CBCGPPoint
- SwapAxesDirections()
: CBCGPChartVisualObject
- SwapLeftRight()
- SwapTopBottom()
- Switch
: CBCGPGridCheckItem