This is the complete list of members for CBCGPVisualManager2022, including all inherited members.
BCGBUTTON_STATE enum name | CBCGPVisualManager | |
ButtonsIsHighlighted enum value | CBCGPVisualManager | |
ButtonsIsPressed enum value | CBCGPVisualManager | |
ButtonsIsRegular enum value | CBCGPVisualManager | |
DrawGanttChartBackground(const CBCGPGanttChart *pChart, CDC &dc, const CRect &rectChart, COLORREF clrFill) | CBCGPVisualManager | virtual |
DrawGanttHeaderText(const CBCGPGanttChart *pChart, CDC &dc, const BCGP_GANTT_CHART_HEADER_CELL_INFO &cellInfo, const CString &sCellText, BOOL bHilite) const | CBCGPVisualManager | virtual |
DrawGanttItemBackgroundCell(const CBCGPGanttChart *pChart, CDC &dc, const CRect &rectItem, const CRect &rectClip, const BCGP_GANTT_CHART_COLORS &colors, BOOL bDayOff) | CBCGPVisualManager | virtual |
GetEditCtrlSelectionBkColor(CBCGPEditCtrl *pEdit, BOOL bIsFocused) | CBCGPVisualManager | virtual |
GetEditCtrlSelectionTextColor(CBCGPEditCtrl *pEdit, BOOL bIsFocused) | CBCGPVisualManager | virtual |
GetInstance() | CBCGPVisualManager | inlinestatic |
GetMainButtonColor() const | CBCGPVisualManager | inline |
GetMenuShadowDepth() const | CBCGPVisualManager | inline |
GetPopupMenuBorderSize() const | CBCGPVisualManager | inlinevirtual |
GetURLLinkColor(CBCGPURLLinkButton *pButton, BOOL bHover) | CBCGPVisualManager | virtual |
IsDefaultWinXPColorsEnabled() | CBCGPVisualManager2003 | inlinestatic |
IsEmbossDisabledImage() const | CBCGPVisualManager | inline |
IsFadeInactiveImage() const | CBCGPVisualManager | inline |
IsLook2000() const | CBCGPVisualManager | inline |
IsMenuFlatLook() const | CBCGPVisualManager | inline |
IsOfficeXPStyleMenus() const | CBCGPVisualManager | inlinevirtual |
IsShadowHighlightedImage() const | CBCGPVisualManager | inline |
IsUseGlobalTheme() | CBCGPVisualManager2003 | inlinestatic |
m_bAutoGrayscaleImages | CBCGPVisualManagerVS2012 | static |
m_bThinSlider | CBCGPVisualManagerVS2012 | static |
m_strStylePath | CBCGPVisualManager | static |
OnDrawAppBarCaption(CDC *pDC, CBCGPAppBarWnd *pAppBarWnd, CRect rectCaption, CString strCaption) | CBCGPVisualManager | virtual |
OnDrawDlgSizeBox(CDC *pDC, CWnd *pDlg, CRect rectSizeBox) | CBCGPVisualManager | virtual |
OnDrawPropSheetListItem(CDC *pDC, CBCGPPropertySheet *pParent, CRect rect, BOOL bIsHighlighted, BOOL bIsSelected) | CBCGPVisualManager | inlinevirtual |
OnDrawRibbonCaption(CDC *pDC, CBCGPRibbonBar *pBar, CRect rect, CRect rectText) | CBCGPVisualManager | virtual |
OnDrawRibbonLabel(CDC *pDC, CBCGPRibbonLabel *pLabel, CRect rect) | CBCGPVisualManager | virtual |
OnDrawRibbonMainPanelButtonBorder(CDC *pDC, CBCGPRibbonButton *pButton) | CBCGPVisualManager | virtual |
OnDrawRibbonMainPanelFrame(CDC *pDC, CBCGPRibbonMainPanel *pPanel, CRect rect) | CBCGPVisualManager | virtual |
OnDrawRibbonPanelCaption(CDC *pDC, CBCGPRibbonPanel *pPanel, CRect rectCaption) | CBCGPVisualManager | virtual |
OnDrawSpinButtons(CDC *pDC, CRect rectSpin, int nState, BOOL bOrientation, CBCGPSpinButtonCtrl *pSpinCtrl) | CBCGPVisualManager | virtual |
OnDrawTabCloseButton(CDC *pDC, CRect rect, const CBCGPBaseTabWnd *pTabWnd, BOOL bIsHighlighted, BOOL bIsPressed, BOOL bIsDisabled) | CBCGPVisualManager | virtual |
OnFillHeaderCtrlBackground(CBCGPHeaderCtrl *pCtrl, CDC *pDC, CRect rect) | CBCGPVisualManager | virtual |
OnFillRibbonMainPanelButton(CDC *pDC, CBCGPRibbonButton *pButton) | CBCGPVisualManager | virtual |
OnFillSplitterBackground(CDC *pDC, CBCGPSplitterWnd *pSplitterWnd, CRect rect) | CBCGPVisualManager | virtual |
RedrawAll(BOOL bDeepRedraw=FALSE) | CBCGPVisualManager | static |
SetAccentColor(AccentColor color) | CBCGPVisualManagerVS2012 | static |
SetAccentColorRGB(COLORREF color, BOOL bAutoCorrectLuminosity=TRUE) | CBCGPVisualManagerVS2012 | static |
SetDefaultManager(CRuntimeClass *pRTI) | CBCGPVisualManager | static |
SetDefaultWinXPColors(BOOL bDefaultWinXPColors=TRUE) | CBCGPVisualManager2003 | static |
SetEmbossDisabledImage(BOOL bEmboss=TRUE) | CBCGPVisualManager | inline |
SetFadeInactiveImage(BOOL bFade=TRUE) | CBCGPVisualManager | inline |
SetFrameColor(COLORREF colorFill, COLORREF clrTextActive, COLORREF clrTextInactive, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE, COLORREF colorFillInactive=(COLORREF)-1, BOOL bThinFrames=FALSE, DWORD dwFlags=BCGP_FRAME_COLORS_ALL) | CBCGPVisualManagerVS2012 | static |
SetLook2000(BOOL bLook2000=TRUE) | CBCGPVisualManager | |
SetMainButtonColor(COLORREF clr) | CBCGPVisualManager | virtual |
SetMenuFlatLook(BOOL bMenuFlatLook=TRUE) | CBCGPVisualManager | inline |
SetMenuShadowDepth(int nDepth) | CBCGPVisualManager | inline |
SetShadowHighlightedImage(BOOL bShadow=TRUE) | CBCGPVisualManager | inline |
SetStateColor(AccentColor color) | CBCGPVisualManagerVS2012 | static |
SetStateColorRGB(COLORREF color) | CBCGPVisualManagerVS2012 | static |
SetUseGlobalTheme(BOOL bUseGlobalTheme=TRUE) | CBCGPVisualManager2003 | static |