This is the complete list of members for CBCGPEditCtrl, including all inherited members.
AddOutlining(int nStartOffset, int nEndOffset, int nNameOffset=0, BOOL bCollapsed=TRUE, LPCTSTR lpszReplace=NULL) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
AddUndoAction(CString &strText, DWORD dwAction, int nCurrOffset, BOOL bForceInsertMode, BOOL bForceNextUndo=FALSE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
AddUndoAction(TCHAR ch, DWORD dwAction, int nCurrOffset, BOOL bForceInsertMode) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
AddUndoAction(BCGP_BASE_UNDO_DATA *lpActionData, DWORD dwAction, BOOL bDestroyData=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
AddUndoAction(BCGP_EDIT_UNDO_ACTION *pUndoAction) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
BookmarkLine(int nLine, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
CanRedo() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
CanRemoveMarker(CBCGPEditMarker *pMarker) const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
CanUndo() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
CanUpdateMarker(CBCGPEditMarker *pMarker) const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
CleanUpMarkers() | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
Clear() | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
ClientToVirt(CPoint &pt) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
ClientToVirt(CRect &rect) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
CollapseToDefinitions() | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
CommentSelectedText(BOOL bComment=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
Copy() | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
CopyTextToClipboard(LPCTSTR lpszText, int nLen=-1) | CBCGPEditCtrl | protected |
Create(DWORD dwStyle, const RECT &rect, CWnd *pParentWnd, UINT nID, CCreateContext *pContext=NULL) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
CreateOutlineParser() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
Cut() | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
DeleteAllMarkers(DWORD dwMarkerType=(DWORD)-1, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
DeleteMarker(POSITION posMarker) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
DeleteMarker(int nRow, DWORD dwMarkerType, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
DeleteSelectedText(BOOL bRedraw=TRUE, BOOL bCopyToClipboard=FALSE, BOOL bForceNextUndo=FALSE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
DeleteText(int nStartOffset, int nEndOffset, BOOL bRedraw=FALSE, BOOL bForceNextUndo=FALSE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
Down(BOOL bSetCaretToMaxColumn=TRUE, BOOL bRedrawOnScroll=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
DrawString(CDC *pDC, LPCTSTR str, CRect rect, int nOrigin, COLORREF clrBack) | CBCGPEditCtrl | protectedvirtual |
EmptyUndoList() | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
EnableAutoOutlining(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
EnableCommentingSelectedText(CString str) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
EnableErrorIndication(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
EnableGradientMarkers(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
EnableIntelliSense(BOOL bFl=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
EnableOutlineParser(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
EnableOutlining(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
EnableSyntaxHilightingOnColorLine(BOOL bEnable=TRUE, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
EnableSyntaxHilightingOnHiliteMarkers(BOOL bEnable=TRUE, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
EnableSyntaxHilightingOnSelection(BOOL bEnable=TRUE, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
EnableToolTips(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
EnableUndoCharMode(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
EnableVisualManagerMarkers(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
EnableZoom(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
End(BOOL bRedrawOnScroll=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
EndOfText(BOOL bRedrawOnScroll=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
ExportToHTML(CString &strBuffer) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
ExportToRTF(CString &strBuffer) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
ExportToRTF(CString &strRTF, CArray< COLORREF, COLORREF & > &arrClrTbl) | CBCGPEditCtrl | protected |
FillIntelliSenseList(CObList &lstIntelliSenseData, LPCTSTR lpszIntelliSense) const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
FindMarkerByData(DWORD dwData) const | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
FindText(LPCTSTR lpszFind, BOOL bNext=TRUE, BOOL bCase=TRUE, BOOL bWholeWord=FALSE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
FindWordStartFinish(int nCaretOffset, const CString &strBuffer, int &nStartOffset, int &nEndOffset, BOOL bSkipSpaces=TRUE) const | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
GetCaretSize() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
GetCharAt(int nPos, BOOL bCheckForErros=TRUE) const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
GetCommentChars() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
GetCurColumn() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
GetCurLine(CString &strLine) const | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
GetCurOffset() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
GetCurRow() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
GetFirstVisibleLine() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
GetIncorrectWordToolTip(const CBCGPEditErrorIndicator &wordInfo) const | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
GetIntelliSenseImgList() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
GetIntelliSenseLBFont() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
GetLastUndoReason() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
GetLine(int nLineIndex, LPTSTR lpszBuffer) const | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
GetLine(int nLineIndex, LPTSTR lpszBuffer, int nMaxLength) const | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
GetLineCount() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
GetLineHeight() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
GetLineNumbersMarginWidth() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
GetMarker(int nRow, CBCGPEditMarker **ppMarker, DWORD dwMarkerType) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
GetMarker(POSITION pos) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
GetMarkerList() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
GetMarkerListByData(CObList &lstMarkers, DWORD dwData) const | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
GetMarkerListByType(CObList &lstMarkers, DWORD dwMarkerType) const | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
GetMarkersInRange(int nRowStart, CObList &lstMarkers, DWORD dwMarkerType=(DWORD)-1, int nRowEnd=-1) const | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
GetOutlineMarginWidth() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
GetOverrideMode() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
GetRedoActions(CDWordArray &dwaUAT) const | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
GetScale() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
GetSel(int &nStartChar, int &nEndChar) const | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
GetSelText() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
GetSymbolExtraLen(CString &strBuffer, int nOffset, BOOL bForward=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
GetSymImgList() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
GetTabSize() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
GetText() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
GetTextLeftMargin() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
GetUndoActions(CDWordArray &dwaUAT) const | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
GetWordCorrections(const CBCGPEditErrorIndicator &wordInfo, CStringArray &arSuggestions, CStringArray &arCustomActions) const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
GetWordFromOffset(int nOffset, CString &strWord) const | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
GetWordFromPoint(CPoint pt, CString &strWord) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
GoToFirstMarker(DWORD dwMarkerType) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
GoToLine(int nLineNum, BOOL bExpandBlock=TRUE, BOOL bRedrawOnScroll=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
GoToMarker(const CBCGPEditMarker *pMarker) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
GoToNextMarker(DWORD dwMarkerType, BOOL bDirection=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
HasMarkers(DWORD dwMarkerType=(DWORD)-1) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
HasSelection() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
HideSelection() | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
HitTest(CPoint &pt, BOOL bNormalize=FALSE, BOOL bIgnoreTextBounds=FALSE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
Home(BOOL bRedrawOnScroll=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
IndentSelection(BOOL bForward) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
IndentText(int nStartOffset, int nEndOffset, BOOL bForward, BOOL bBlockSelectionMode, BOOL bSelectText, CStringArray &arInsDelText, BOOL bUndoMode) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
InsertChar(TCHAR nChar, BOOL bRedraw=FALSE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
InsertMarker(CBCGPEditMarker *pMarker, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
InsertNewLine(BOOL bRedraw=FALSE, BOOL bForceNextUndo=FALSE, int nOffset=-1, BOOL bSetCaret=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
InsertTab(BOOL bRedraw=FALSE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
InsertText(LPCTSTR lpszText, int nInsertFrom=-1, BOOL bRedraw=FALSE, BOOL bSuppressUndo=FALSE, BOOL bUpdateLineData=TRUE, BOOL bForceNextUndo=FALSE, BOOL bAlwaysAtEnd=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
InvokeIntelliSense(CObList &lstIntelliSenseData, CPoint ptTopLeft) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
InvokeIntelliSense() | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
InvokeSymList(CObList &lstIntelliSenseData, CPoint ptTopLeft) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
IsAutoOutliningEnabled() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
IsCommentingSelectedTextEnabled() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
IsCopyEnabled() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
IsCorrectWord(const CString &strWord, int iWordStart, int nColorBlockID) const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
IsCutEnabled() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
IsErrorIndicationEnabled() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
IsGradientMarkersEnabled() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
IsInBlock(int nPos, TCHAR chOpen, TCHAR chClose, int &nBlockStart, int &nBlockEnd) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
IsIndentEnabled(BOOL bForward) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
IsIntelliSenseEnabled() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
IsLineNumbersMarginVisible() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
IsModified() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
IsOutlineMarginVisible() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
IsOutliningEnabled() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
IsPasteEnabled() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
IsProcessClipboardAccelerators() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
IsReadOnly() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
IsSyntaxHilightingOnColorLine() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
IsSyntaxHilightingOnHiliteMarkers() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
IsSyntaxHilightingOnSelection() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
IsViewWhiteSpace() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
IsVisualManagerMarkersEnabled() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
IsZoomEnabled() const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
Left(BOOL bRedrawOnScroll=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
LineFromChar(int nIndex) const | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
LineIndex(int nLine=-1) const | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
LineLength(int nLine=-1) const | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
LineScroll(int nLines, int nChars=0) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
LoadOutlineParserXMLSettings(CString &strInBuffer) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
LoadXMLSettings(const CString &strFileName) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
LoadXMLSettingsFromBuffer(const CString &strBuffer) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
LoadXMLSettingsFromResource(UINT nResID, LPCTSTR lpszResourceType) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
LoadXMLSettingsFromResource(LPCTSTR lpszResID, LPCTSTR lpszResourceType) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
LookUpSymbol(LPCTSTR lpcszBuffer, int nOffset, int nCount, TCHAR chSymbol, BCGP_EDIT_SYM_DEF &symDef, int &nSymExtraLen, BOOL bForward=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
m_bColorHyperlink | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_bDefaultIndent | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_bEnableCurrentLineCopy | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_bEnableSymSupport | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_bEnableWholeTextCopy | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_bKeepTabs | CBCGPEditCtrl | protected |
m_bReplaceTabsAndEOLOnCopy | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_bViewWhiteSpace | CBCGPEditCtrl | protected |
m_clrBack | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_clrBackLineNumber | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_clrBackOutline | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_clrBackSelActive | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_clrBackSelInActive | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_clrBackSidebar | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_clrHyperlink | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_clrLineOutline | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_clrText | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_clrTextLineNumber | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_clrTextSelActive | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_clrTextSelInActive | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_iEndSel | CBCGPEditCtrl | protected |
m_iStartSel | CBCGPEditCtrl | protected |
m_lstSymDefs | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_lstUndoActions | CBCGPEditCtrl | protected |
m_lstURLPrefixes | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_nCurColumn | CBCGPEditCtrl | protected |
m_nCurrOffset | CBCGPEditCtrl | protected |
m_nIndentSize | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_nLeftMarginWidth | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_nLineHeight | CBCGPEditCtrl | protected |
m_nLineVertSpacing | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_nMaxCharWidth | CBCGPEditCtrl | protected |
m_nMaxScrollWidth | CBCGPEditCtrl | protected |
m_nOutlineMarginWidth | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_nTabSize | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_nUndoBufferSize | CBCGPEditCtrl | protected |
m_posUndoBuffer | CBCGPEditCtrl | protected |
m_strBuffer | CBCGPEditCtrl | protected |
m_strContinueStringSymbols | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_strIndentChars | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_strIntelliSenseChars | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_strNonSelectableChars | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_strSpecialDelimiters | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
m_strWordDelimeters | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
MakeSelection(BCGP_EDIT_SEL_TYPE selType) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
MarkAll(const CString &strFind, BOOL bWholeWord, BOOL bCase) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
NextWord(BOOL bRedrawOnScroll=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
OffsetToPoint(int nOffset, CPoint &pt, LPPOINT ptRowColumn=NULL, LPINT pnScrollOffset=NULL) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
OnAfterTextChanged(int nOffsetFrom, const CString &strText, BOOL bInserted) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
OnAfterUndoRedo(BCGP_EDIT_UNDO_ACTION *) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
OnBeforeAddUndoAction(BCGP_EDIT_UNDO_ACTION *pUndoAction) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
OnBeforeInvokeIntelliSense(const CString &strBuffer, int &nCurrOffset, CString &strIntelliSense) const | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
OnBeforeTextDeleted(int nOffset, const CString &strDeletedText) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
OnBeforeTextInserted(CString &strInsertedText, int nOffset) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
OnCalcOutlineSymbol(CDC *pDC, CPoint ptCharOffset, CBCGPOutlineBaseNode *pHiddenText) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
OnDelete(BOOL bRedraw=FALSE, BOOL bForceNextUndo=FALSE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
OnDeleteTextFromBuffer(int nStartOffset, int nEndOffset, LPCTSTR lpcszDeletedText) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
OnDrawErrorIndication(CDC *pDC, CRect rectText) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
OnDrawMarker(CDC *pDC, CRect rectMarker, const CBCGPEditMarker *pMarker) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
OnDrawOutlineBar(CDC *pDC, CRect rectLeft) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
OnDrawOutlineButton(CDC *pDC, CRect rectButton, CBCGPOutlineBaseNode *pRowOutlineBlock, BOOL bInsideOpenBlockAtStart, BOOL bInsideOpenBlockAtEnd, BOOL bEndOfBlock) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
OnDrawOutlineSymbol(CDC *pDC, CBCGPOutlineBaseNode *pHiddenText, COLORREF clrFore, COLORREF clrBack) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
OnDrawSideBar(CDC *pDC, CRect rect) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
OnDrawSymbol(CDC *pDC, CRect rectRow, BCGP_EDIT_SYM_DEF &symDef) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
OnDrawText(CDC *pDC) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
OnFailedOperation(DWORD dwOpType) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
OnFillBackground(CDC *pDC) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
OnFillIntelliSenseList(int &nCurrOffset, CObList &lstIntelliSenseData) const | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
OnFillSymListData(int &nCurrOffset, CObList &lstIntelliSenseData) const | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
OnGetCharColor(TCHAR ch, int nOffset, COLORREF &clrText, COLORREF &clrBk) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
OnGetTipText(CString &strTipString) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
OnGetWordColor(const CString &strWord, COLORREF &clrText, COLORREF &clrBk, int nPos) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
OnGoToNextMarker(const CBCGPEditMarker *pMarkerNext, BOOL bDirection, int nCurRow) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
OnInsertOutlineBlock(CBCGPOutlineBaseNode *pBlock) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
OnInsertTextToBuffer(int nStartOffset, const CString &strInsertedText, BOOL bUpdateLineData=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
OnOutlineButtonClick(int nOffset) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
OnOutlineChanges(BCGP_EDIT_OUTLINE_CHANGES &changes, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
OnRedo(BOOL bSetCaret=TRUE, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
OnRemoveMarker(CBCGPEditMarker *pMarker, POSITION posMarker) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
OnRemoveOutlineBlock(CBCGPOutlineBaseNode *pBlock) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
OnRemoveUndoAction(BCGP_EDIT_UNDO_ACTION *pUndoAction) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
OnScaleChanged(double dblOldScale) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
OnSetCaret() | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
OnSetOvrMode() | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
OnUndo(BOOL bSetCaret=TRUE, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
OnUpdateAutoOutlining(int nOffsetFrom, int nCharsCount, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
OnUpdateMarkerLine(int nNewLine) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
OnWordCorrectionMenuCustomAction(const CBCGPEditErrorIndicator &wordInfo, int nActionIndex) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
OpenFile(const CString &strFileName) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
OpenFile(CFile &file) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
PageDown(BOOL bRedrawOnScroll=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
PageUp(BOOL bRedrawOnScroll=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
Paste(int iPos=-1) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
PrevIndent() | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
PrevWord(BOOL bRedrawOnScroll=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
ProcessTextBeforeInsert(CString &strText) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
RedrawMarkerArea(int nRow=-1, BOOL bFullLine=FALSE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
RedrawText(int nStartRow, int nEndRow=0) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
RedrawTextOffsets(int nStartOffset, int nEndOffset) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
RemoveAllBlocks() | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
RemoveAllWordsFromColorTable() | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
RemoveBlockColor(POSITION posBlock) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
RemoveSelection(BOOL bSetCaretToSelStart=TRUE, BOOL bKeepCurrPos=FALSE, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
RemoveWordFromColorTable(CString strWord) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
RemoveXMLSettings() | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
ReplaceAll(LPCTSTR lpszFind, LPCTSTR lpszReplace, BOOL bNext=TRUE, BOOL bCase=TRUE, BOOL bWholeWord=FALSE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
ReplaceSel(LPCTSTR lpszNewText, BOOL bCanUndo=FALSE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
ReplaceText(LPCTSTR lpszFind, LPCTSTR lpszReplace, BOOL bNext=TRUE, BOOL bCase=TRUE, BOOL bWholeWord=FALSE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
Right(BOOL bRedrawOnScroll=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
SaveFile(const CString &strFileName) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
SaveFile(CFile &file) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
ScrollDown(int fnBar, BOOL bRedrawOnScroll) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
ScrollEnd(int fnBar, BOOL bRedrawOnScroll) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
ScrollHome(int fnBar, BOOL bRedrawOnScroll) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
ScrollPageDown(int fnBar, BOOL bRedrawOnScroll) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
ScrollPageUp(int fnBar, BOOL bRedrawOnScroll) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
ScrollText(BOOL bDirection) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
ScrollToCaret(BOOL bVCenter=FALSE, BOOL bRedrawOnScroll=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
ScrollUp(int fnBar, BOOL bRedrawOnScroll) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
SelectLine(int nLine, BOOL bNoScroll=FALSE, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
SelectLineRange(int nFromLine, int nToLine, BOOL bNoScroll=FALSE, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
SetBlockColor(CString strBlockOpen, CString strBlockClose, BOOL bWholeText=FALSE, COLORREF clrFrgnd=(COLORREF)-1, COLORREF clrBkgnd=(COLORREF)-1, BOOL bCaseSensitive=FALSE, BOOL bWholeWord=FALSE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
SetCaret(int nOffset, BOOL bScrollToCaret=TRUE, BOOL bRedrawOnScroll=TRUE, BOOL bCleanUpSelection=FALSE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
SetColorBlockStrLenMax(int nValue) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
SetIntelliSenseImgList(CImageList *pImageList, BOOL bAutoDestroy=FALSE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
SetIntelliSenseLBFont(CFont *pFont) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
SetLastUndoReason(DWORD dwUndoReason) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
SetLineColorMarker(int nRow=-1, COLORREF clrFore=(DWORD)-1, COLORREF clrBk=(DWORD)-1, BOOL bFullLine=TRUE, int nLineCount=0, DWORD dwMarkerType=g_dwBCGPEdit_LineColorMarker, UINT unPriority=0, LPVOID pData=NULL) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
SetLineNumbersMargin(BOOL bShow=TRUE, int nMarginWidth=45, int nExtraMarginWidth=0) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
SetMarker(CBCGPEditMarker *pMarker, int nRow=-1, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
SetMarkerData(int nRow, LPVOID lpData, DWORD dwMarkerType, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
SetMarkerData(POSITION pos, DWORD_PTR dwData) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
SetModified(BOOL bIsModified=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
SetOutlineMargin(BOOL bShow=TRUE, int nMarginWidth=20) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
SetOverrideMode(BOOL bSet=FALSE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
SetPrinterFont(CFont *pFont) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
SetProcessClipboardAccelerators(BOOL bSet=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
SetReadOnly(BOOL bReadOnly=TRUE, BOOL bShowCaret=FALSE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
SetScale(double dblScale, BOOL bNotifyParent=FALSE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
SetScalingRange(double dblMinScale, double dblMaxScale) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
SetSel(int nStartSel, int nEndSel, BOOL bNoScroll=FALSE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inlinevirtual |
SetSel2(int nStartSel, int nEndSel, BOOL bNoScroll=FALSE, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
SetSymImgList(CImageList *pImgList, BOOL bAutoDestroy=FALSE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
SetTabSize(int nTabSize) | CBCGPEditCtrl | inline |
SetTextLeftMargin(int nTextLeftMargin=1, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
SetViewWhiteSpace(BOOL bViewWhiteSpace=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
SetWordColor(CString strWord, COLORREF clrFrgnd=-1, COLORREF clrBkgnd=-1, BOOL bCaseSensitive=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
StartOfText(BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
StopHidingCurrent() | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
StopOutlining() | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
ToggleAllOutlining() | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
ToggleMarker(int nRow, DWORD dwMarkerType, LPVOID lpData=NULL, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE, UINT unPriority=0) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
ToggleOutlining() | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
ToolTipPop() | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
Up(BOOL bSetCaretToMaxColumn=TRUE, BOOL bRedrawOnScroll=TRUE) | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
UpdateAutoOutlining(int nStartOffset=-1, int nEndOffset=-1) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
UpdateScrollBars() | CBCGPEditCtrl | virtual |
VirtToClient(CPoint &pt) | CBCGPEditCtrl | |
VirtToClient(CRect &rect) | CBCGPEditCtrl |