The CBCGPSymImagesLB class is a part of symbol support support implemented by the edit control. It represents the ownerdraw Windows listbox control filled by the appropriate symbol data. An object of this class is created in conjunction with CBCGPIntelliSenseWnd, that is a popup window automatically created and displayed by the edit control when you call (or called automatically by the framework) CBCGPEditCtrl::InvokeSymList.
If you derive your own class from CBCGPSymImagesLB, you should override CBCGPEditCtrl::InvokeSymList and call CBCGPIntelliSenseWnd::Create with the last parameter set to the pointer to runtime class of custom listbox.
To associate an image list with the items in the list box you need to call CBCGPEditCtrl::SetSymImgList.
To set a font for the list box you need to call CBCGPEditCtrl::SetIntelliSenseLBFont.
When CBCGPIntelliSenseWnd::Create creates the list box, it iterates the IntelliSense data passed as a parameter, fills the list box and associates indexes in the image list with each item.
Inherits CBCGPBaseIntelliSenseLB.