BCGSuite for MFC

Detailed Description

The CBCGPSVGImage class implements simple interface, which allows to load an SVG image and draw it.

Public Member Functions

 CleanUpClean up the SVG image.
 CopyFromCopies data from source SVG image.
 DoDrawDraws an SVG using the graphics manager.
 DoDrawDraws an SVG on the device context.
 ExportToBitmapExports SVG image to bitmap.
 ExportToBitmapExports SVG image to bitmap.
 ExportToFileExports SVG image to file.
 ExportToIconExports SVG image to icon.
 FindByIDFinds an SVG element by its ID.
 GetBackgroundColorReturns SVG background color.
 GetDescriptionReturns SVG description.
 GetErrorsReturns list of SVG errors.
 GetNameReturns SVG image name.
 GetSizeReturns the SVG image size.
 GetViewBoxReturns SVG view box.
 GetXMLReturns a source XML buffer.
 LoadLoads an SVG image from resources.
 LoadFromBufferLoads an SVG image from memory buffer.
 LoadFromFileLoads an SVG image from file.
 LoadStrLoads an SVG image from resources.
 SetElementsFilterSets elements editing filter.

Static Public Attributes

 m_bTraceProblemsDefaultSpecifies whether all SVG issues should be reported to the Debug Output window. The default value is TRUE
 m_strSVGResTypeSVG resource type. The default value is "SVG"