This is the complete list of members for CBCGPTreeCtrlEx, including all inherited members.
AddItemFromArchive(CArchive &ar, CBCGPGridRow *pRow, int nColumn, BOOL bTestMode=FALSE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
AddRow(BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
AddRow(CBCGPGridRow *pItem, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
AllowRowExtraHeight(BOOL bAllow=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
BCGPANIMATION_AccelerateDecelerate enum value | CBCGPAnimationManager | |
BCGPANIMATION_Cubic enum value | CBCGPAnimationManager | |
BCGPANIMATION_Legacy enum value | CBCGPAnimationManager | |
BCGPANIMATION_Linear enum value | CBCGPAnimationManager | |
BCGPANIMATION_ParabolicFromAcceleration enum value | CBCGPAnimationManager | |
BCGPANIMATION_SmoothStop enum value | CBCGPAnimationManager | |
BCGPAnimationType enum name | CBCGPAnimationManager | |
CalcPages(CDC *pDC, CPrintInfo *pInfo) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
CanBeginInplaceEditOnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
CanClearRange(const CBCGPGridRange &range, BOOL bQueryNonEmptyItems=FALSE, BOOL *pbPrevQuery=NULL, BOOL bOnReplace=FALSE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
CanDropColumn(int nNewPosition, int nOldPosition) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inlinevirtual |
CanDropColumnToColumnChooser(int nColumn) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inlinevirtual |
CanEndInplaceEditOnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
CanHideColumn(int nColumn) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inlinevirtual |
CanReplaceItem(int nRow, int nColumn, CRuntimeClass *pNewRTC) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
CanShowColumnInColumnChooser(int nColumn) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inlinevirtual |
CBCGPAnimationManager() | CBCGPAnimationManager | |
CBCGPGridCtrl(int nMemBlockSize) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
CBCGPTreeCtrlEx() | CBCGPTreeCtrlEx | |
Clear(BOOL bQueryNonEmptyItems=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
ClearRange(const CBCGPGridRange &range, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE, BOOL bQueryNonEmptyItems=FALSE, BOOL *pbPrevQuery=NULL) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
CloseFindReplaceDlg() | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
CompareGroup(const CBCGPGridRow *pRow1, const CBCGPGridRow *pRow2, int iColumn) | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
CompareItems(const CBCGPGridRow *pRow1, const CBCGPGridRow *pRow2, int iColumn) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
CompareItems(const CBCGPGridItem *pItem1, const CBCGPGridItem *pItem2) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
Copy(DWORD dwFlags=(DWORD)-1) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
CopyCSV() | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
CopyHTML() | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
CreateItem(int nRow, int nColumn) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
CreateItemFromArchive(CArchive &ar, int nRow, int nColumn) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
CreateMultiLineRow(int nLines) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
CreateRow() | CBCGPGridCtrl | inlinevirtual |
CreateRow(int nColumns) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
CreateRow(CString strName) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
CreateRowFromArchive(CArchive &ar, int nRow=-1) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
CreateSerializeManager() | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
Cut(DWORD dwFlags=(DWORD)-1) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
DeleteAllColumns() | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
DeleteColumn(int nPos) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
EditItem(CBCGPGridRow *pItem, LPPOINT lptClick=NULL) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
EnableAdvancedGridAccessibility(BOOL bEnable) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
EnableAlternateRows(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
EnableAutoHideScrollBars(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
EnableCheckBoxes(BOOL bEnable=TRUE, BOOL bHeaderCheckBox=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
EnableColumnAutoSize(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
EnableColumnFilterEdit(BOOL bEnable, int nColumn, LPCTSTR lpszPrompt) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
EnableColumnsResizeInClientArea(BOOL bSet=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
EnableColumnWidthAutoSizeOnHeaderDblClick(BOOL bEnable) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
EnableCustomToolTips(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
EnableDragHeaderItems(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
EnableDragSelection(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
EnableDragSelectionBorder(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
EnableExpandOnDblClick(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
EnableFilter(BCGPGRID_FILTERCALLBACK pfnCallback=NULL, LPARAM lParam=0) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
EnableFilterBar(BOOL bEnable, LPCTSTR lpszPrompt, BOOL bCaseSensitive=FALSE, const CList< int, int > *pListOfColumnIndexes=NULL, BOOL bUpdate=TRUE, COLORREF clrMarkBackground=CLR_NONE, COLORREF clrMarkText=CLR_NONE, const CBCGPEditColors &colors=CBCGPEditColors(), BOOL bIncludeGroups=FALSE, BOOL bAutoExpandGroups=FALSE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
EnableFilterBar(BOOL bEnable, const BCGP_GRID_FILTERBAR_OPTIONS &options, BOOL bUpdate=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
EnableGridLines(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
EnableGroupByBox(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
EnableHeader(BOOL bEnable=TRUE, DWORD dwFlags=(DWORD)-1) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
EnableHeaderSelectAllMarker(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
EnableInvertSelOnCtrl(BOOL bInvertSel=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
EnableItemMarkup(HTREEITEM hItem, BOOL bEnable=TRUE, int nColumn=0, const CBCGPTextRendererOptions *pOptions=NULL, BOOL bRedraw=FALSE) | CBCGPTreeCtrlEx | |
EnableLineNumbers(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
EnableMarkSortedColumn(BOOL bMark=TRUE, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
EnableMultipleSort(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
EnableRowHeader(BOOL bEnable=TRUE, DWORD dwFlags=(DWORD)-1, int nWidth=-1) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
EnableSearchAndExpandCollapsedGroups(BOOL bEnable) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
EnableSearchInRowName(BOOL bEnable) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
EnableTextOverflowing(BOOL bEnable=TRUE, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
EnableTreeButtons(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
EnableTreeCtrlNotifications(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPTreeCtrlEx | |
EnableTreeLines(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
EnableVirtualMode(BCGPGRID_CALLBACK pCallback=NULL, LPARAM lParam=0) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
EnableZoom(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
EndEditItem(BOOL bUpdateData=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
CBCGPGridCtrl::EnsureVisible(CBCGPGridRow *pItem, BOOL bExpandParents=FALSE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
ExpandAll(BOOL bExpand=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
ExportRangeToText(CString &strText, const CBCGPGridRange &range, DWORD dwFlags) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
ExportTextFormat enum name | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
ExportToHTML(CString &strHTML, DWORD dwFlags) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
Find(const CString &strFind, DWORD dwFindMask, DWORD dwFindParamsEx) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
FindRowByData(DWORD_PTR dwData, BOOL bSearchSubItems=TRUE) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
Format_CSV enum value | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
Format_TabSV enum value | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
FreezeColumns(int nColumnCount, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
FreezeGroups(BOOL bFreeze=TRUE, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
FreezeRows(int nRowCount, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
GetAnimatedValue() const | CBCGPAnimationManager | inline |
GetAnimationDuration() const | CBCGPAnimationManager | inline |
GetBkColor() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
GetBoldFont(BOOL bScaled=FALSE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
GetCallbackFunc() | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
GetChangeSelectionTransitionTime() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
GetColorTheme() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
GetColumnAlign(int nCol) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
GetColumnCount(BOOL bCalcVisibleOnly=FALSE) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
GetColumnLocked(int nCol) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
GetColumnName(int nCol) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
GetColumnOrderArray(LPINT piArray, int iCount) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
GetColumnOrderArray(CArray< int, int > &arColumns) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
GetColumnsInfo() | CBCGPGridCtrl | inlinevirtual |
GetColumnValue(HTREEITEM hItem, int nSubItem, _variant_t &varValue) | CBCGPTreeCtrlEx | |
GetColumnVisible(int nColumn) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
GetColumnWidth(int nCol) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
GetCurSel() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
GetCurSel(CBCGPGridItemID &id) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
GetCurSelItem(CBCGPGridRow *pCurRow=NULL) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
GetCurSelItemID() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
GetCustomColors(COLORREF &clrBackground, COLORREF &clrText, COLORREF &clrGroupBackground, COLORREF &clrGroupText, COLORREF &clrLeftOffset, COLORREF &clrLine) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
GetExportTextDelimiter(DWORD dwFlags) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
GetFilterBarGetNextItemOption() const | CBCGPTreeCtrlEx | inline |
GetFilterCallbackFunct() | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
GetFocusedFilterBar() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
GetFrozenColumns() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
GetFrozenRows() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
GetGridFooterRect() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
GetGridHeaderRect() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
GetGridItem(const CBCGPGridItemID &item) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | protected |
GetGroupByBoxRect() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
GetHeaderAlign(int nCol) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
GetHeaderBtnImageList() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
GetHeaderFlags() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
GetHeaderImageList() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
GetHeaderImageSize() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
GetHeaderRect() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
CBCGPGridCtrl::GetImageList() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
GetImageMargin() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
GetImageSize() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
GetLargeRowHeight() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
GetLastAnimationError() const | CBCGPAnimationManager | inline |
GetListRect() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
GetNextItemID(CBCGPGridItemID id, BOOL bNext, BCGP_GRID_FINDREPLACE_PARAM::ScanOrder scanOrder) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | protected |
GetPreviewTextColor(BOOL bSelected=FALSE) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
GetPrintDC() | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
GetPrintParams() | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
GetRow(int nPos) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
GetRowCount(BOOL bIncludeAutoGroups=FALSE) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
GetRowHeight() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
GetScale() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
GetScrollBarsStyle() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
GetSel(const CBCGPGridItemID &idItem) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
GetSelectedItemCount() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
GetSelectedItems(CArray< HTREEITEM, HTREEITEM > &arSelected) const | CBCGPTreeCtrlEx | |
GetSelectedItemsCount() const | CBCGPTreeCtrlEx | |
GetSortColumn() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
GetTextColor() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
GetTextLeftOffset() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
GetTextMargin() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
GetTextVMargin() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
GetTotalRowCount(BOOL bCalcVisibleOnly=FALSE) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
GetVirtualRow(int nRow) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
GoToNextItem(UINT nDirectionFlags) | CBCGPGridCtrl | protected |
CBCGPGridCtrl::HitTest(CPoint pt, CBCGPGridRow::ClickArea *pnArea=NULL, BOOL bItemsOnly=FALSE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
CBCGPGridCtrl::HitTest(CPoint pt, CBCGPGridItemID &id, CBCGPGridItem *&pItem, CBCGPGridRow::ClickArea *pnArea=NULL, BOOL bItemsOnly=FALSE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
HitTestSelectionBorder(CPoint point) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
InsertColumn(int nPos, LPCTSTR lpszColumn, int nWidth, int iImage=-1, BOOL bHideNameWithImage=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
InsertGroupColumn(int nPos, int nColumn, BOOL bUpdateSelection=FALSE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
InsertRowAfter(int nPos, CBCGPGridRow *pItem, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
InsertRowBefore(int nPos, CBCGPGridRow *pItem, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
IsAcceleratorKey(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
IsAdvancedGridAccessibilityEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsAllSelected() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
IsAlternateRowsEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsAnimated() const | CBCGPAnimationManager | inline |
IsAnimationSupportedByOS() | CBCGPAnimationManager | static |
IsCheckBoxesEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsClearEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
IsColumnAutoSizeEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsColumnsChooserVisible() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
IsColumnSelected(int nColumn, BOOL bAllItemsSelected=FALSE) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
IsColumnsResizeInClientArea() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsColumnWidthAutoSizeOnHeaderDblClickEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsControlBarColors() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsCopyEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
IsCustomToolTipEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsCutEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
IsDisabledTextColor() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsDisableWholeSelHeaderHighlighting() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsDragHeaderItemsEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsDragSelectionBorderEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsDragSelectionEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsDrawCellsWithCustomColorsOnSelection() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsEditFirstClick() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inlineprotectedvirtual |
IsEnabledSearchAndExpandCollapsedGroups() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsEnabledSearchInRowName() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsExpandNewItems() const | CBCGPTreeCtrlEx | inline |
IsExpandOnDblClickEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsFilterBarEmpty() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsFilterBarEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsFilterEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsFindDialogThemed() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsFocused() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsGridItemBordersEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsGridLinesEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsGroupByBox() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsGrouping() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
IsHeaderEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsHeaderSelectAllMarkerEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsInvertSelOnCtrlEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsItemSelected(const CBCGPGridItemID &id) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
IsLineNumbersEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsMarkSortedColumn() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inlinevirtual |
IsMultipleSort() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
IsPasteEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
IsPreviewRowEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
IsReadOnly() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsRowExtraHeightAllowed() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
IsRowHeaderEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsRowMarker() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsRowSelected(int nRow, BOOL bAllItemsSelected=FALSE) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
IsScrollBarAutoHideEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsSelectionBorder() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsSelectionBorderEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inlinevirtual |
IsShowDragContext() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsShowInPlaceToolTip() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsSingleSel() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsSortingMode() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inlinevirtual |
IsTextColumn(int nColumn) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
IsTextOverflowing() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsTreeButtonsEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsTreeLinesEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsVirtualMode() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsVisualManagerStyle() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsWholeRowSel() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
IsWholeRowSelected() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
IsZoomEnabled() const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
m_bEnableAssertValidInDebug | CBCGPGridCtrl | static |
m_bGridItemBorders | CBCGPGridCtrl | protected |
m_bVisualManagerStyle | CBCGPTreeCtrlEx | |
m_nRowsBlockSize | CBCGPGridCtrl | protected |
MergeRange(const CBCGPGridRange &range, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
MergeSelection(BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
MoveRow(int nPos, int nOffset, BOOL bInsideHierarchyGroup=FALSE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
MoveRow(CBCGPGridRow *pRow, int nOffset, BOOL bInsideHierarchyGroup=FALSE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
OnAddGridPageRowForPrint(CBCGPGridPage &page, CRect rectPage) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnAfterInplaceEditCreated(CBCGPGridItem *, CWnd *) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inlineprotectedvirtual |
OnAfterTrackHeader(int nColumn, int nNewWidth) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnAnimationIdle() | CBCGPAnimationManager | inlineprotectedvirtual |
OnBeforeReplaceItem(int nRow, int nColumn, CBCGPGridItem *pNewItem) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnBeginPrinting(CDC *pDC, CPrintInfo *pInfo) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnBreakColumnAcrossPrintPages(int nColumn) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnCalcPrintPages(CDC *pDC, CPrintInfo *pInfo) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnChangeSelection(CBCGPGridRow *pNewSel, CBCGPGridRow *pOldSel) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inlinevirtual |
OnClickButton(CPoint point) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnClickItemCommandIcon(CBCGPGridItem *pItem, int nIconIndex) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnClickItemLink(CBCGPGridItem *pItem, int nLink, const CString &strURL, const CString &strName) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnColumnsOrderChanged() | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnCreateFilterBarCtrl(int nColumn, LPCTSTR lpszPrompt) | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnDrawGridFooter(CDC *pDC) | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnDrawGridHeader(CDC *pDC) | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnDrawHeaderItemBorder(CDC *pDC, CRect rect, int nCol) | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnDrawItem(CDC *pDC, CBCGPGridRow *pItem) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnDrawPaletteColorBox(CDC *pDC, const CRect rectColor, COLORREF color, BOOL bIsAutomatic, BOOL bIsSelected, BOOL bOnPopupMenu) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnDrawSelectionBorder(CDC *pDC) | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnDropToGroupByBox(int) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inlineprotectedvirtual |
OnEndPrinting(CDC *pDC, CPrintInfo *pInfo) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnFillHeaderBackground(CDC *pDC, CRect rect) | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnFillLeftOffset(CDC *pDC, CRect rectFill, CBCGPGridRow *pRow, BOOL bDrawRightBorder=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnFilterBarChanged(int nColumn, const CString &strNewFilter) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnGestureEventBegin() | CBCGPGestureBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventEnd() | CBCGPGestureBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventPressAndTap(const CPoint &ptPress, long lDelta) | CBCGPGestureBase | protectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventRotate(const CPoint &ptCenter, double dblAngle) | CBCGPGestureBase | protectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventTwoFingerTap(const CPoint &ptCenter) | CBCGPGestureBase | protectedvirtual |
OnGetColumnAutoSize(int nColumn) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnGetGroupByBoxRect(CDC *pDC, const CRect &rectDraw) | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnGetHeaderRect(CDC *pDC, const CRect &rectDraw) | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnGetPageFooterRect(CDC *pDC, CPrintInfo *pInfo, CRect &rect) | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnGetPageHeaderRect(CDC *pDC, CPrintInfo *pInfo, CRect &rect) | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnGetPageMargins(CDC *pDC, CPrintInfo *pInfo) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnGetPreviewRowMargins(CBCGPGridRow *pRow) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnGetSelectionRect() | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnHeaderCheckBoxClick(int nColumn) | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnHeaderColumnClick(int nColumn) | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnHeaderDividerDblClick(int nColumn) | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnHeaderMenuButtonClick(int nColumn, CRect rectMenuButton) | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnHideColumnChooser() | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnInplaceEditKeyDown(CBCGPGridRow *pSel, MSG *pMsg) | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnInplaceEditSetSel(CBCGPGridItem *pCurItem, UINT nReason) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnItemChanged(CBCGPGridItem *pItem, int nRow, int nColumn) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnItemUpdateFailed() | CBCGPGridCtrl | inlineprotectedvirtual |
OnKeepGroupWithChildrenOnNewPrintPage(CBCGPGridRow *pGroupRow) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnMeasureListRect(CRect &rect) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnMergeCellsChanged(const CBCGPGridRange &range, BOOL bMerge) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inlinevirtual |
OnMergeCellsChanging(const CBCGPGridRange &range, BOOL bMerge) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inlinevirtual |
OnPrepareFindString(CString &strFind) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnPreparePrintPages(CPrintInfo *pInfo, int nFirstItem, int nLastItem) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnPrepareTextString(CString &str, DWORD dwFlags) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnPrint(CDC *pDC, CPrintInfo *pInfo) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnPrintHeader(CDC *pDC, CPrintInfo *pInfo) | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnPrintItem(CDC *pDC, CPrintInfo *pInfo, CBCGPGridRow *pItem) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnPrintPageFooter(CDC *pDC, CPrintInfo *pInfo) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnPrintPageHeader(CDC *pDC, CPrintInfo *pInfo) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnQueryClearNonEmptyItem(const CBCGPGridItem *pItem) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnQueryClearSkipStaticItem(const CBCGPGridItem *pItem) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | inlinevirtual |
OnQueryReplaceNonEmptyItem(const CBCGPGridItem *pItem) const | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnResizeColumns() | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnRowCheckBoxClick(CBCGPGridRow *pRow) | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnRowHeaderClick(CBCGPGridRow *pRow, CRect rect) | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnRowHeaderDblClick(CBCGPGridRow *pRow, CPoint point, CRect rect) | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnSelChanged(const CBCGPGridRange &range, BOOL bSelect) | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnSelChanging(const CBCGPGridRange &range, BOOL bSelect) | CBCGPGridCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnStartColumnOnNewPrintPage(int nColumn) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnTextFound(LPCTSTR lpszFind, CBCGPGridItemID idPos) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OnTextNotFound(LPCTSTR lpszFind) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
OpenFindReplaceDlg(BOOL bFindDialogOnly=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
Paste() | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
Print() | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
PrintLayout(CDC *pDC, CPrintInfo *pInfo) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
ProcessGestureEvent(CWnd *pWndThis, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) | CBCGPGestureBase | protected |
RemoveAll() | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
RemoveAllNotificationBadges(BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPTreeCtrlEx | |
RemoveGroupColumn(int nPos, BOOL bUpdateSelection=FALSE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
RemoveItemNotificationBadge(HTREEITEM hItem, int nColumn=0, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPTreeCtrlEx | |
RemoveRow(int nPos, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
RemoveSortColumn(int nColumn) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
ReplaceColumnValue(HTREEITEM hItem, int nSubItem, CBCGPGridItem *pNewItem) | CBCGPTreeCtrlEx | |
ReplaceItemFromArchive(CArchive &ar, CBCGPGridRow *pRow, int nColumn, BOOL bTestMode=FALSE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
ScrollToRow(int nTopVisibleRow) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SelectAll(BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SelectArea(int nStartRow, int nStartColumn, int nRows, int nColumns, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE, BOOL bClearSelection=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SelectColumn(int nColumn, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SelectFirstLastItemInColumn(BOOL bIsFirst, BOOL bShift, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SelectFirstLastItemInRow(BOOL bIsFirst, BOOL bShift, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SelectRow(int nRow, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetBoldFont(CDC *pDC) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetBoolLabels(LPCTSTR lpszTrue, LPCTSTR lpszFalse) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetChangeSelectionTransitionTime(UINT nTime) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetClearInplaceEditOnEnter(BOOL bClear) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
SetColorTheme(const CBCGPGridColors &theme, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE, BOOL bFullCopy=FALSE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
SetColumnAlign(int nCol, int nAlign) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetColumnLocked(int nCol, BOOL bLockedSize=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetColumnName(int nCol, LPCTSTR lpszColumn) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetColumnOrderArray(int iCount, LPINT piArray) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
SetColumnOrderArray(const CArray< int, int > &arColumns) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
SetColumnValue(HTREEITEM hItem, int nSubItem, const _variant_t &varValue) | CBCGPTreeCtrlEx | |
SetColumnValue(HTREEITEM hItem, int nSubItem, const _variant_t &varValue, int nImage, BOOL bRedraw=FALSE) | CBCGPTreeCtrlEx | |
SetColumnVisible(int nColumn, BOOL bVisible) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetColumnWidth(int nCol, int nWidth) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetCustomColors(COLORREF clrBackground, COLORREF clrText, COLORREF clrGroupBackground, COLORREF clrGroupText, COLORREF clrLeftOffset, COLORREF clrLine) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetCustomLargeRowHeight(int nLargeHeight=0) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetCustomRowHeight(int nHeight=0, int nLargeHeight=0) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetDefaultItemRTC(CRuntimeClass *pRTC) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
SetDisabledTextColor(BOOL bSet=TRUE, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetDisableWholeSelHeaderHighlighting(BOOL bHighlight=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
SetDrawCellsWithCustomColorsOnSelection(BOOL bSet=TRUE, double dblColorSelRatio=0.2) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
SetEditFirstClick(BOOL bEditFirstClick=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
SetExpandNewItems(BOOL bSet=TRUE) | CBCGPTreeCtrlEx | |
SetFilterBarGetNextItemOption(BOOL bSkipFiltered=TRUE) | CBCGPTreeCtrlEx | inline |
SetFilterBarText(int nColumn, const CString &strText) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetFindDialogThemed(BOOL bSet=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
SetGridFooterHeight(int nHeight) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
SetGridHeaderHeight(int nHeight) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
SetHeaderAlign(int nCol, int nAlign) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetHeaderBtnImageList(CBCGPToolBarImages *pImagesHeaderBtn) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetHeaderImageList(CImageList *pImagesHeader) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetHeaderImageList(UINT nResID, int cxImage=16, COLORREF clrTransparent=RGB(255, 0, 255), BOOL bAutoScale=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
CBCGPGridCtrl::SetImageList(CImageList *pImages) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
CBCGPGridCtrl::SetImageList(UINT nResID, int cxImage=16, COLORREF clrTransparent=RGB(255, 0, 255), BOOL bAutoScale=TRUE, BOOL bAutoInverseIconsInDarkTheme=FALSE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetItemNotificationBadge(HTREEITEM hItem, const CString &strBadge, int nColumn=0, COLORREF clrText=CLR_DEFAULT, COLORREF clrFill=CLR_NONE, BOOL bRoundedCorners=FALSE, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPTreeCtrlEx | |
SetItemRTC(int nColumn, CRuntimeClass *pRuntimeClass) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetListDelimiter(TCHAR c) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetPreviewTextColor(COLORREF clr) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetPrinterFont(CFont *pFont, CFont *pFontBold) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetReadOnly(BOOL bReadOnly=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
SetRowMarker(BOOL bShow=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
SetScale(double dblScale, BOOL bNotifyParent=FALSE, CPoint ptCenter=CPoint(0, 0)) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetScalingRange(double dblMinScale, double dblMaxScale) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetScrollBarsStyle(CBCGPScrollBar::BCGPSB_STYLE style) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
SetSel(const CBCGPGridItemID &idItem, BOOL bSelect=TRUE, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetSelectedItems(const CArray< HTREEITEM, HTREEITEM > &arSelected, BOOL bClearSelection=TRUE) | CBCGPTreeCtrlEx | |
SetSelectionBorder(BOOL bEnabled=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
SetShowDragContext(BOOL bShowDragContext=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
SetShowInPlaceToolTip(BOOL bShow=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetSingleSel(BOOL bSingleSel=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
SetSortColumn(int nColumn, BOOL bAscending=TRUE, BOOL bAdd=FALSE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetTextColor(COLORREF clr, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetTextColumn(int nColumn, BOOL bText) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetVirtualRows(int nRowsNum) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SetWholeRowSel(BOOL bWholeRowSel=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
ShowColumnsChooser(BOOL bShow=TRUE, BOOL bVisualManagerStyle=FALSE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
ShowHorzScrollBar(BOOL bShow=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
ShowVertScrollBar(BOOL bShow=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
Sort(int nColumn, BOOL bAscending=TRUE, BOOL bAdd=FALSE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | virtual |
SortChildren(HTREEITEM hItem, BOOL bAscending=TRUE) | CBCGPTreeCtrlEx | |
SortChildrenCB(LPTVSORTCB pSort) | CBCGPTreeCtrlEx | |
SortChildRows(CBCGPGridRow *pParent, BOOL bAscending=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
SortChildRowsCB(CBCGPGridRow *pParent, PFNTVCOMPARE pfnCompare, LPARAM lParamSort) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
StartAnimation(double dblStartValue, double dblFinalValue, double dblDurationInSeconds, BCGPAnimationType type, CBCGPAnimationManagerOptions *pOptions=NULL, double dblDelayInSeconds=0.0) | CBCGPAnimationManager | |
StartFlashAnimation(double dblPeriodInSeconds) | CBCGPAnimationManager | |
StopAnimation(BOOL bNotify=TRUE) | CBCGPAnimationManager | |
TreeCtrlNotificationsEnabled() const | CBCGPTreeCtrlEx | inline |
UnfreezeColumns(BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
UnfreezeRows(BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inline |
UnMergeRange(const CBCGPGridRange &range, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
UnMergeSelection(BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPGridCtrl | |
ValidateItemData(CBCGPGridRow *) | CBCGPGridCtrl | inlinevirtual |