This is the complete list of members for CBCGPPropList, including all inherited members.
AddProperty(CBCGPProp *pProp, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE, BOOL bAdjustLayout=TRUE) | CBCGPPropList | |
AdjustLayout() | CBCGPPropList | virtual |
AreCommandsVisible() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
BOOL_PROPS_CHECK_BOX enum value | CBCGPPropList | |
BOOL_PROPS_LABEL enum value | CBCGPPropList | |
BOOL_PROPS_SWITCH enum value | CBCGPPropList | |
BooleanPropertiesStyle enum name | CBCGPPropList | |
CBCGPPropList() | CBCGPPropList | |
ClearCommands() | CBCGPPropList | |
CloseColorPopup() | CBCGPPropList | virtual |
COLOR_PROPS_CODE enum value | CBCGPPropList | |
COLOR_PROPS_DEFAULT enum value | CBCGPPropList | |
COLOR_PROPS_WEB enum value | CBCGPPropList | |
ColorPropertiesFormat enum name | CBCGPPropList | |
CommitModifiedValues(BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPPropList | |
CompareProps(const CBCGPProp *pProp1, const CBCGPProp *pProp2) const | CBCGPPropList | protectedvirtual |
Create(DWORD dwStyle, const RECT &rect, CWnd *pParentWnd, UINT nID) | CBCGPPropList | virtual |
DeleteProperty(CBCGPProp *&pProp, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE, BOOL bAdjustLayout=TRUE) | CBCGPPropList | |
EditItem(CBCGPProp *pProp, LPPOINT lptClick=NULL) | CBCGPPropList | virtual |
EnableAutoHideScrollBar(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPPropList | |
EnableContextMenu(BOOL bEnable=TRUE, UINT nMenuFlags=BCGP_PROPLIST_MENU_ALL, BOOL bAllowCopyPasteGroups=FALSE) | CBCGPPropList | |
EnableDescriptionArea(BOOL bEnable=TRUE, BOOL bShowMoreIndicator=FALSE) | CBCGPPropList | |
EnableGridLines(BOOL bHorizontal=TRUE, BOOL bVertical=TRUE) | CBCGPPropList | |
EnableHeaderCtrl(BOOL bEnable=TRUE, LPCTSTR lpszLeftColumn=_T("Property"), LPCTSTR lpszRightColumn=_T("Value")) | CBCGPPropList | |
EnableProperty(UINT nID, BOOL bEnable=TRUE, BOOL bIncludeSubItems=FALSE) | CBCGPPropList | |
EnableSearchBox(BOOL bEnable=TRUE, LPCTSTR lpszPrompt=NULL, BOOL bSimplifiedIcon=FALSE) | CBCGPPropList | |
EnableToolBar(BOOL bShowStandardButtons=TRUE, UINT nCustomToolbarID=0, UINT nCustomToolbarBitmapID=0) | CBCGPPropList | |
EnableVerticalScrollBar(BOOL bEnable=TRUE, BOOL bAdjustLayout=TRUE) | CBCGPPropList | |
EndEditItem(BOOL bUpdateData=TRUE) | CBCGPPropList | virtual |
EnsureVisible(CBCGPProp *pProp, BOOL bExpandParents=FALSE) | CBCGPPropList | |
ExpandAll(BOOL bExapand=TRUE) | CBCGPPropList | |
ExportToXMLFile(const CString &strFileName) | CBCGPPropList | |
FindItemByData(DWORD_PTR dwData, BOOL bSearchSubItems=TRUE) const | CBCGPPropList | |
FindItemByID(UINT nID, BOOL bSearchSubItems=TRUE) const | CBCGPPropList | |
GetBooleanPropertiesStyle() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
GetButtonsAppearance() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
GetColorPropertiesFormat() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
GetCommandTextColor() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
GetCurSel() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
GetCustomColors(COLORREF &clrBackground, COLORREF &clrText, COLORREF &clrGroupBackground, COLORREF &clrGroupText, COLORREF &clrDescriptionBackground, COLORREF &clrDescriptionText, COLORREF &clrLine) | CBCGPPropList | |
GetDescriptionHeight() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
GetHeaderHeight() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
GetItemButtonColor() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
GetItemMenuFlags() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
GetListRect() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
GetProperty(int nIndex) const | CBCGPPropList | |
GetPropertyColumnWidth() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
GetPropertyCount() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
GetRowHeight(BOOL bNoPadding=FALSE) const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
GetRowPadding() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
GetScrollBarCtrl(int nBar) const | CBCGPPropList | virtual |
GetScrollBarsStyle() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
HasCommands() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
HasHorizontalGridLines() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
HasVerticalGridLines() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
HitTest(CPoint pt, CBCGPProp::ClickArea *pnArea=NULL, BOOL bPropsOnly=FALSE) const | CBCGPPropList | virtual |
Init() | CBCGPPropList | protectedvirtual |
IsAlphabeticMode() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
IsAlternateRowColor() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
IsButtonsDefaultTheme() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
IsContextMenuEnabled() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
IsDescriptionArea() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
IsHeaderCtrl() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
IsMarkModifiedProperties() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
IsPropManagerNotifyChangesOnLoad() const | CBCGPPropList | |
IsScrollBarAutoHideEnabled() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
IsSearchBox() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
IsToolBar() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
IsVerticalScrollBarEnabled() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
IsVSDotNetLook() const | CBCGPPropList | inline |
MarkModifiedProperties(BOOL bMark=TRUE, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPPropList | |
OnChangeSelection(CBCGPProp *pNewSel, CBCGPProp *pOldSel) | CBCGPPropList | inlinevirtual |
OnClickButton(CPoint point) | CBCGPPropList | virtual |
OnDrawBorder(CDC *pDC) | CBCGPPropList | protectedvirtual |
OnDrawDescription(CDC *pDC, CRect rect) | CBCGPPropList | protectedvirtual |
OnDrawList(CDC *pDC) | CBCGPPropList | protectedvirtual |
OnDrawPaletteColorBox(CDC *pDC, const CRect rectColor, COLORREF color, BOOL bIsAutomatic, BOOL bIsSelected, BOOL bOnPopupMenu) | CBCGPPropList | virtual |
OnDrawProperty(CDC *pDC, CBCGPProp *pProp) const | CBCGPPropList | virtual |
OnGestureEventBegin() | CBCGPGestureBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventEnd() | CBCGPGestureBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventPressAndTap(const CPoint &ptPress, long lDelta) | CBCGPGestureBase | protectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventRotate(const CPoint &ptCenter, double dblAngle) | CBCGPGestureBase | protectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventTwoFingerTap(const CPoint &ptCenter) | CBCGPGestureBase | protectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventZoom(const CPoint &ptCenter, double dblZoomFactor) | CBCGPGestureBase | protectedvirtual |
OnPropertyChanged(CBCGPProp *pProp) const | CBCGPPropList | virtual |
OnSelectCombo() | CBCGPPropList | protected |
ProcessGestureEvent(CWnd *pWndThis, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) | CBCGPGestureBase | protected |
RedrawProperty(UINT nID) | CBCGPPropList | |
RemoveAll() | CBCGPPropList | |
ResetOriginalValues(BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPPropList | |
SelectPropertyOption(UINT nID, int nIndex) | CBCGPPropList | |
SetAlphabeticMode(BOOL bSet=TRUE) | CBCGPPropList | |
SetAlternateRowColor(BOOL bSet=TRUE, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPPropList | |
SetBooleanPropertiesStyle(BooleanPropertiesStyle style, int nHorzAlign=TA_LEFT) | CBCGPPropList | |
SetBoolLabels(LPCTSTR lpszTrue, LPCTSTR lpszFalse) | CBCGPPropList | |
SetButtonsAppearance(UINT nButtonsAppearance=BCGP_PROPLIST_ALWAYS_DISPLAY_PUSH_BUTTONS) | CBCGPPropList | |
SetButtonsDefaultTheme(BOOL bSet=TRUE) | CBCGPPropList | |
SetColorPropertiesFormat(ColorPropertiesFormat format) | CBCGPPropList | |
SetCommands(const CStringList &lstCmdNames, int nCommandRows=1) | CBCGPPropList | |
SetCommandsVisible(BOOL bSet=TRUE) | CBCGPPropList | |
SetCommandTextColor(COLORREF color) | CBCGPPropList | inline |
SetCurSel(CBCGPProp *pProp, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPPropList | |
SetCustomColors(COLORREF clrBackground, COLORREF clrText, COLORREF clrGroupBackground, COLORREF clrGroupText, COLORREF clrDescriptionBackground, COLORREF clrDescriptionText, COLORREF clrLine) | CBCGPPropList | |
SetCustomMenuItems(const CStringList &lstMenuItemNames) | CBCGPPropList | |
SetItemButtonColor(COLORREF color) | CBCGPPropList | inline |
SetItemMenuFlags(UINT nFlags) | CBCGPPropList | inline |
SetListDelimiter(TCHAR c) | CBCGPPropList | |
SetRowPadding(int nPadding) | CBCGPPropList | |
SetScrollBarsStyle(CBCGPScrollBar::BCGPSB_STYLE style) | CBCGPPropList | inline |
SetVSDotNetLook(BOOL bSet=TRUE) | CBCGPPropList | |
UpdateBrushProperty(UINT nID, const CBCGPBrush &brush) | CBCGPPropList | |
UpdateColor(COLORREF color) | CBCGPPropList | virtual |
UpdateColorProperty(UINT nID, COLORREF color) | CBCGPPropList | |
UpdateDateTimeProperty(UINT nID, const COleDateTime &date) | CBCGPPropList | |
UpdateFontProperty(UINT nID, const LOGFONT &lf) | CBCGPPropList | |
UpdateProperty(UINT nID, const _variant_t &varValue) | CBCGPPropList | |
UpdateTextFormatProperty(UINT nID, const CBCGPTextFormat &tf) | CBCGPPropList | |
ValidateItemData(CBCGPProp *pProp) | CBCGPPropList | inlinevirtual |