This is the complete list of members for CBCGPCalendarBar, including all inherited members.
AddBasicCommand(UINT uiCmd) | CBCGPToolBar | static |
AddControlBar(CBCGPBaseControlBar *pBar) | CBCGPBaseControlBar | |
AddToolBarForImageCollection(UINT uiResID, UINT uiBmpResID=0, UINT uiColdResID=0, UINT uiMenuResID=0, UINT uiDisabledResID=0, UINT uiMenuDisabledResID=0) | CBCGPToolBar | static |
AdjustDockingLayout(HDWP hdwp=NULL) | CBCGPBaseControlBar | virtual |
AllowChangeTextLabels() const | CBCGPToolBar | inlinevirtual |
AreTextLabels() const | CBCGPToolBar | inline |
AutoGrayInactiveImages(BOOL bEnable=TRUE, int nGrayPercentage=0, BOOL bRedrawAllToolbars=TRUE) | CBCGPToolBar | static |
ButtonToIndex(const CBCGPToolbarButton *pButton) const | CBCGPToolBar | |
CalcInsideRect(CRect &rect, BOOL bHorz) const | CBCGPControlBar | |
CalcMaxButtonHeight() | CBCGPToolBar | protectedvirtual |
CanAcceptBar(const CBCGPBaseControlBar *pBar) const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | virtual |
CanAutoHide() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inlinevirtual |
CanBeAttached() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inlinevirtual |
CanBeClosed() const | CBCGPToolBar | inlinevirtual |
CanBeDocked(CBCGPBaseControlBar *pDockBar) const | CBCGPControlBar | virtual |
CanBeResized() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inlinevirtual |
CanBeRestored() const | CBCGPToolBar | virtual |
CanBeTabbedDocument() const | CBCGPControlBar | virtual |
CanFloat() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | virtual |
CleanUpImages() | CBCGPToolBar | static |
CommandToIndex(UINT nIDFind, int iIndexFirst=0) const | CBCGPToolBar | |
CBCGPPopupMenuBar::Create(CWnd *pParentWnd, DWORD dwStyle=dwDefaultToolbarStyle, UINT nID=AFX_IDW_TOOLBAR) | CBCGPToolBar | virtual |
CBCGPBaseToolBar::Create(LPCTSTR lpszClassName, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT &rect, CWnd *pParentWnd, UINT nID, DWORD dwBCGStyle=dwDefaultCBStyle, CCreateContext *pContext=NULL) | CBCGPControlBar | virtual |
CreateControl(CWnd *pParentWnd, const CRect &rect, UINT nID, BOOL enableSelection=FALSE, DWORD dwStyle=WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_TABSTOP|WS_BORDER) | CBCGPCalendarBar | virtual |
CreateDefaultMiniframe(CRect rectInitial) | CBCGPControlBar | virtual |
CreateEx(CWnd *pParentWnd, DWORD dwCtrlStyle=TBSTYLE_FLAT, DWORD dwStyle=dwDefaultToolbarStyle, CRect rcBorders=CRect(1, 1, 1, 1), UINT nID=AFX_IDW_TOOLBAR) | CBCGPToolBar | virtual |
CBCGPBaseToolBar::CreateEx(DWORD dwStyleEx, LPCTSTR lpszClassName, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT &rect, CWnd *pParentWnd, UINT nID, DWORD dwBCGStyle=dwDefaultCBStyle, CCreateContext *pContext=NULL) | CBCGPControlBar | virtual |
CBCGPBaseControlBar::CreateEx(DWORD dwStyleEx, LPCTSTR lpszClassName, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT &rect, CWnd *pParentWnd, UINT nID, DWORD dwBCGStyle=0, CCreateContext *pContext=NULL) | CBCGPBaseControlBar | virtual |
DockControlBar(CBCGPBaseControlBar *pDockBar, LPCRECT lpRect, BCGP_DOCK_METHOD dockMethod) | CBCGPControlBar | virtual |
DoesAllowDynInsertBefore() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inlinevirtual |
DoesAllowSiblingBars() const | CBCGPControlBar | inlinevirtual |
DoPaint(CDC *pDC) | CBCGPToolBar | protectedvirtual |
DrawButton(CDC *pDC, CBCGPToolbarButton *pButton, CBCGPToolBarImages *pImages, BOOL bHighlighted, BOOL bDrawDisabledImages) | CBCGPToolBar | protectedvirtual |
EnableCustomizeButton(BOOL bEnable, UINT uiCustomizeCmd, const CString &strCustomizeText, BOOL bQuickCustomize=TRUE) | CBCGPToolBar | |
EnableCustomizeButton(BOOL bEnable, UINT uiCustomizeCmd, UINT uiCustomizeTextResId, BOOL bQuickCustomize=TRUE) | CBCGPToolBar | |
EnableGripper(BOOL bEnable) | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inlinevirtual |
EnableLargeIcons(BOOL bEnable) | CBCGPToolBar | |
EnableQuickCustomization(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPToolBar | inlinestatic |
EnableShowTooltips(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPCalendarBar | inline |
EnableTextLabels(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPToolBar | |
FloatControlBar(CRect rectFloat, BCGP_DOCK_METHOD dockMethod=BCGP_DM_UNKNOWN, bool bShow=true) | CBCGPControlBar | virtual |
GetAllButtons() const | CBCGPToolBar | inline |
GetAllToolbars() | CBCGPToolBar | static |
GetBarIcon(BOOL bBigIcon) | CBCGPBaseControlBar | virtual |
GetBarStyle() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inlinevirtual |
GetBasicCommands() | CBCGPToolBar | inlinestatic |
GetBCGStyle() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inlinevirtual |
GetBorders() const | CBCGPControlBar | |
GetButton(int iIndex) const | CBCGPToolBar | |
GetButtonInfo(int nIndex, UINT &nID, UINT &nStyle, int &iImage) const | CBCGPToolBar | |
GetButtonSize(BOOL bCurr=TRUE) const | CBCGPToolBar | |
GetButtonStyle(int nIndex) const | CBCGPToolBar | |
GetButtonText(int nIndex) const | CBCGPToolBar | |
GetButtonText(int nIndex, CString &rString) const | CBCGPToolBar | |
GetCaptionHeight() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inlinevirtual |
GetColdImages() | CBCGPToolBar | inlinestatic |
GetColumnWidth() const | CBCGPToolBar | inlinevirtual |
GetCommandButtons(UINT uiCmd, CObList &listButtons) | CBCGPToolBar | static |
GetCommandID() const | CBCGPCalendarBar | inline |
GetCount() const | CBCGPToolBar | |
GetCurrentAlignment() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | virtual |
GetDate() const | CBCGPCalendarBar | inline |
GetDefaultImage(UINT uiID) | CBCGPToolBar | inlinestatic |
GetDisabledImages() | CBCGPToolBar | inlinestatic |
GetDisabledMenuImages() | CBCGPToolBar | inlinestatic |
GetDockRow() | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inline |
GetDockSite() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | virtual |
GetEnabledAlignment() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inlinevirtual |
GetExclusiveRowMode() const | CBCGPControlBar | inlinevirtual |
GetFirstDayOfWeek() const | CBCGPCalendarBar | inline |
GetGrayDisabledButtons() const | CBCGPToolBar | inline |
GetHighlightedButton() const | CBCGPToolBar | |
GetHotBorder() const | CBCGPToolBar | inline |
GetHotTextColor() | CBCGPToolBar | static |
GetHwndLastFocus() const | CBCGPToolBar | inline |
GetImages() | CBCGPToolBar | inlinestatic |
GetImageSize() const | CBCGPToolBar | inline |
GetImagesOffset() const | CBCGPToolBar | inline |
GetItemID(int nIndex) const | CBCGPToolBar | |
GetItemRect(int nIndex, LPRECT lpRect) const | CBCGPToolBar | virtual |
GetLargeColdImages() | CBCGPToolBar | inlinestatic |
GetLargeDisabledImages() | CBCGPToolBar | inlinestatic |
GetLargeImages() | CBCGPToolBar | inlinestatic |
GetMarkedDays() const | CBCGPCalendarBar | |
GetMenuButtonSize() | CBCGPToolBar | static |
GetMenuImages() | CBCGPToolBar | inlinestatic |
GetMenuImageSize(const CWnd *pParent=NULL) | CBCGPToolBar | static |
GetParentMiniFrame(BOOL bNoAssert=FALSE) const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | virtual |
GetParentTabWnd(HWND &hWndTab) const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | |
GetRouteCommandsViaFrame() | CBCGPToolBar | inline |
GetSelectedDays() const | CBCGPCalendarBar | |
GetShowTooltips() | CBCGPToolBar | inlinestatic |
GetState() const | CBCGPCalendarBar | inline |
GetUserImages(BOOL bScaled=TRUE) | CBCGPToolBar | inlinestatic |
HideEmptyMenus(BOOL bHide=TRUE) | CBCGPToolBar | inline |
HideInPrintPreviewMode() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inlinevirtual |
HitTest(CPoint point) | CBCGPToolBar | virtual |
InsertButton(const CBCGPToolbarButton &button, INT_PTR iInsertAt=-1) | CBCGPToolBar | virtual |
InsertSeparator(INT_PTR iInsertAt=-1) | CBCGPToolBar | virtual |
IsAutoGrayInactiveImages() | CBCGPToolBar | inlinestatic |
IsBasicCommand(UINT uiCmd) | CBCGPToolBar | inlinestatic |
IsCommandPermitted(UINT uiCmd) | CBCGPToolBar | inlinestatic |
IsCommandRarelyUsed(UINT uiCmd) | CBCGPToolBar | static |
IsCustomizeMode() | CBCGPToolBar | inlinestatic |
IsDocked() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | virtual |
IsGrayDisabledImages() | CBCGPToolBar | inlinestatic |
IsHideEmptyMenus() const | CBCGPToolBar | inline |
IsHorizontal() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | virtual |
IsLargeIcons() | CBCGPToolBar | inlinestatic |
IsLastCommandFromButton(CBCGPToolbarButton *pButton) | CBCGPToolBar | static |
IsLook2000() | CBCGPToolBar | static |
IsMDITabbed() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | virtual |
IsToolBarImagesInDropDownMenus() const | CBCGPToolBar | inline |
IsUserDefined() const | CBCGPToolBar | |
IsVisible() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | virtual |
LoadBitmap(UINT uiResID, UINT uiColdResID=0, UINT uiMenuResID=0, BOOL bLocked=FALSE, UINT uiDisabledResID=0, UINT uiMenuDisabledResID=0) | CBCGPToolBar | virtual |
LoadBitmapEx(CBCGPToolBarParams ¶ms, BOOL bLocked=FALSE) | CBCGPToolBar | virtual |
LoadParameters(LPCTSTR lpszProfileName=NULL) | CBCGPToolBar | static |
LoadState(LPCTSTR lpszProfileName=NULL, int nIndex=-1, UINT uiID=(UINT)-1) | CBCGPToolBar | virtual |
LoadToolBar(UINT uiResID, UINT uiColdResID=0, UINT uiMenuResID=0, BOOL bLocked=FALSE, UINT uiDisabledResID=0, UINT uiMenuDisabledResID=0, UINT uiHotResID=0) | CBCGPToolBar | virtual |
LoadToolBarEx(UINT uiToolbarResID, CBCGPToolBarParams ¶ms, BOOL bLocked=FALSE) | CBCGPToolBar | virtual |
m_bDisableSideBarInXPMode | CBCGPPopupMenuBar | |
m_bDontScaleImages | CBCGPToolBar | static |
m_bDontScaleLocked | CBCGPToolBar | protected |
m_bDPIAwareControlWidths | CBCGPToolBar | static |
m_bHandleMinSize | CBCGPControlBar | static |
m_dblLargeImageRatio | CBCGPToolBar | static |
m_recentDockInfo | CBCGPControlBar | |
MarkDays(const CList< int, int > &lstDays, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPCalendarBar | |
OnBeforeDock(CBCGPBaseControlBar **ppDockBar, LPCRECT lpRect, BCGP_DOCK_METHOD dockMethod) | CBCGPControlBar | protectedvirtual |
OnBeforeFloat(CRect &rectFloat, BCGP_DOCK_METHOD dockMethod) | CBCGPControlBar | virtual |
OnControlBarContextMenu(CWnd *pParentFrame, CPoint point) | CBCGPBaseControlBar | virtual |
OnCreateButton(CBCGPXmlNode &node) const | CBCGPToolBar | virtual |
OnGestureEventBegin() | CBCGPGestureBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventEnd() | CBCGPGestureBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventPan(const CPoint &ptFrom, const CPoint &ptTo, CSize &sizeOverPan) | CBCGPGestureBase | protectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventPressAndTap(const CPoint &ptPress, long lDelta) | CBCGPGestureBase | protectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventRotate(const CPoint &ptCenter, double dblAngle) | CBCGPGestureBase | protectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventTwoFingerTap(const CPoint &ptCenter) | CBCGPGestureBase | protectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventZoom(const CPoint &ptCenter, double dblZoomFactor) | CBCGPGestureBase | protectedvirtual |
OnPressCloseButton() | CBCGPControlBar | virtual |
OnRemoveFromMiniFrame(CBCGPMiniFrameWnd *pMiniFrame) | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inlinevirtual |
OnReset() | CBCGPToolBar | inlinevirtual |
ProcessGestureEvent(CWnd *pWndThis, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) | CBCGPGestureBase | protected |
RemoveAllButtons() | CBCGPToolBar | virtual |
RemoveButton(int iIndex) | CBCGPToolBar | virtual |
RemoveStateFromRegistry(LPCTSTR lpszProfileName=NULL, int nIndex=-1, UINT uiID=(UINT)-1) | CBCGPToolBar | virtual |
ReplaceButton(UINT uiCmd, const CBCGPToolbarButton &button, BOOL bAll=FALSE) | CBCGPToolBar | |
ResetAll() | CBCGPToolBar | static |
ResetAllImages(BOOL bResetSize=TRUE) | CBCGPToolBar | static |
ResetImages() | CBCGPToolBar | virtual |
RestoreOriginalstate() | CBCGPToolBar | virtual |
SaveState(LPCTSTR lpszProfileName=NULL, int nIndex=-1, UINT uiID=(UINT)-1) | CBCGPToolBar | virtual |
SelectDays(const CList< int, int > &lstDays, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPCalendarBar | |
SetBarAlignment(DWORD dwAlignment) | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inlinevirtual |
SetBarStyle(DWORD dwNewStyle) | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inlinevirtual |
SetBasicCommands(CList< UINT, UINT > &lstCommands) | CBCGPToolBar | static |
SetBorders(int cxLeft=0, int cyTop=0, int cxRight=0, int cyBottom=0, BOOL bIsTransparent=FALSE) | CBCGPControlBar | |
SetBorders(LPCRECT lpRect, BOOL bIsTransparent=FALSE) | CBCGPControlBar | |
SetButtonInfo(int nIndex, UINT nID, UINT nStyle, int iImage) | CBCGPToolBar | |
SetButtons(const UINT *lpIDArray, int nIDCount, BOOL bRemapImages=TRUE) | CBCGPToolBar | virtual |
SetButtonText(int nIndex, LPCTSTR lpszText) | CBCGPToolBar | |
SetCommandID(UINT nCommandID) | CBCGPCalendarBar | inline |
SetCommandUsageOptions(UINT nStartCount, UINT nMinUsagePercentage=5) | CBCGPToolBar | static |
SetCustomizeMode(BOOL bSet=TRUE) | CBCGPToolBar | static |
SetDate(const COleDateTime &date) | CBCGPCalendarBar | inline |
SetDockMode(BCGP_DOCK_TYPE dockModeNew) | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inline |
SetExclusiveRowMode(BOOL bExclusive=TRUE) | CBCGPControlBar | inlinevirtual |
SetFirstDayOfWeek(int nDay) | CBCGPCalendarBar | inline |
SetGrayDisabledButtons(BOOL bGrayDisabledButtons) | CBCGPToolBar | inline |
SetGrayDisabledImages(BOOL bSet=TRUE) | CBCGPToolBar | static |
SetHeight(int cyHeight) | CBCGPToolBar | |
SetHotBorder(BOOL bShowHotBorder) | CBCGPToolBar | inline |
SetHotTextColor(COLORREF clrText) | CBCGPToolBar | static |
SetLargeIcons(BOOL bLargeIcons=TRUE) | CBCGPToolBar | static |
SetLockedSizes(SIZE sizeButton, SIZE sizeImage, BOOL bDontScale=FALSE) | CBCGPToolBar | |
SetLook2000(BOOL bLook2000=TRUE) | CBCGPToolBar | static |
SetMenuSizes(SIZE sizeButton, SIZE sizeImage) | CBCGPToolBar | static |
SetMiniFrameRTC(CRuntimeClass *pClass) | CBCGPControlBar | inline |
SetNonPermittedCommands(CList< UINT, UINT > &lstCommands, BOOL bUpdateExistingToolBars=FALSE, BOOL bCheckForChanges=FALSE) | CBCGPToolBar | static |
SetPermament(BOOL bPermament=TRUE) | CBCGPToolBar | inline |
SetRouteCommandsViaFrame(BOOL bValue) | CBCGPToolBar | inline |
SetShowTooltips(BOOL bValue) | CBCGPToolBar | inlinestatic |
SetSizes(SIZE sizeButton, SIZE sizeImage) | CBCGPToolBar | static |
SetState(UINT flags, UINT mask) | CBCGPCalendarBar | |
SetToolBarBtnText(UINT nBtnIndex, LPCTSTR szText=NULL, BOOL bShowText=TRUE, BOOL bShowImage=TRUE) | CBCGPToolBar | |
SetUserImages(CBCGPToolBarImages *pUserImages, BOOL bAdjustSize=FALSE) | CBCGPToolBar | static |
SetUseToolBarImagesInDropDownMenus(BOOL bSet=TRUE) | CBCGPToolBar | |
ShowControlBar(BOOL bShow, BOOL bDelay, BOOL bActivate) | CBCGPBaseControlBar | virtual |
ToggleAutoHide() | CBCGPControlBar | inlinevirtual |