This is the complete list of members for CBCGPDialogBar, including all inherited members.
AddControlBar(CBCGPBaseControlBar *pBar) | CBCGPBaseControlBar | |
AdjustDockingLayout(HDWP hdwp=NULL) | CBCGPBaseControlBar | virtual |
AdjustLayout() | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inlinevirtual |
AdjustSizeImmediate(BOOL bRecalcLayout=TRUE) | CBCGPControlBar | virtual |
AttachToTabWnd(CBCGPDockingControlBar *pTabControlBarAttachTo, BCGP_DOCK_METHOD dockMethod, BOOL bSetActive=TRUE, CBCGPDockingControlBar **ppTabbedControlBar=NULL) | CBCGPDockingControlBar | virtual |
AutoResizeControls(const CList< UINT, UINT > *plstNonAutoResizedItems=NULL) | CBCGPDialogBar | inline |
CalcInsideRect(CRect &rect, BOOL bHorz) const | CBCGPControlBar | |
CanAcceptBar(const CBCGPBaseControlBar *pBar) const | CBCGPDockingControlBar | inlinevirtual |
CanBeAttached() const | CBCGPDockingControlBar | inlinevirtual |
CanBeClosed() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inlinevirtual |
CanBeDocked(CBCGPBaseControlBar *pDockBar) const | CBCGPControlBar | virtual |
CanBeResized() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inlinevirtual |
CanBeTabbedDocument() const | CBCGPControlBar | virtual |
CanFloat() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | virtual |
CanFocus() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inlinevirtual |
CaptionAutohidden enum value | CBCGPDockingControlBar | |
CaptionDocking enum value | CBCGPDockingControlBar | |
CaptionFloating enum value | CBCGPDockingControlBar | |
CaptionMDITabbed enum value | CBCGPDockingControlBar | |
CaptionTabbed enum value | CBCGPDockingControlBar | |
CaptionType enum name | CBCGPDockingControlBar | |
CaptionWindowsNavigator enum value | CBCGPDockingControlBar | |
CBCGPDockingControlBar() | CBCGPDockingControlBar | |
CheckAutoHideCondition() | CBCGPDockingControlBar | protectedvirtual |
CheckStopSlideCondition(BOOL bDirection) | CBCGPDockingControlBar | protectedvirtual |
Create(LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, CWnd *pParentWnd, BOOL bHasGripper, LPCTSTR lpszTemplateName, UINT nStyle, UINT nID, DWORD dwTabbedStyle=CBRS_BCGP_REGULAR_TABS, DWORD dwBCGStyle=dwDefaultBCGDockingBarStyle) | CBCGPDialogBar | |
Create(LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, CWnd *pParentWnd, BOOL bHasGripper, UINT nIDTemplate, UINT nStyle, UINT nID) | CBCGPDialogBar | |
Create(CWnd *pParentWnd, LPCTSTR lpszTemplateName, UINT nStyle, UINT nID) | CBCGPDialogBar | inline |
Create(CWnd *pParentWnd, UINT nIDTemplate, UINT nStyle, UINT nID) | CBCGPDialogBar | inline |
CBCGPDockingControlBar::Create(LPCTSTR lpszCaption, CWnd *pParentWnd, const RECT &rect, BOOL bHasGripper, UINT nID, DWORD dwStyle, DWORD dwTabbedStyle=CBRS_BCGP_REGULAR_TABS, DWORD dwBCGStyle=dwDefaultBCGDockingBarStyle, CCreateContext *pContext=NULL) | CBCGPDockingControlBar | virtual |
CBCGPDockingControlBar::Create(LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, CWnd *pParentWnd, CSize sizeDefault, BOOL bHasGripper, UINT nID, DWORD dwStyle=WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|CBRS_TOP|CBRS_HIDE_INPLACE, DWORD dwTabbedStyle=CBRS_BCGP_REGULAR_TABS, DWORD dwBCGStyle=dwDefaultBCGDockingBarStyle) | CBCGPDockingControlBar | virtual |
CBCGPControlBar::Create(LPCTSTR lpszClassName, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT &rect, CWnd *pParentWnd, UINT nID, DWORD dwBCGStyle=dwDefaultCBStyle, CCreateContext *pContext=NULL) | CBCGPControlBar | virtual |
CreateDefaultMiniframe(CRect rectInitial) | CBCGPControlBar | virtual |
CreateEx(DWORD dwStyleEx, LPCTSTR lpszCaption, CWnd *pParentWnd, const RECT &rect, BOOL bHasGripper, UINT nID, DWORD dwStyle, DWORD dwTabbedStyle=CBRS_BCGP_REGULAR_TABS, DWORD dwBCGStyle=dwDefaultBCGDockingBarStyle, CCreateContext *pContext=NULL) | CBCGPDockingControlBar | virtual |
CBCGPControlBar::CreateEx(DWORD dwStyleEx, LPCTSTR lpszClassName, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT &rect, CWnd *pParentWnd, UINT nID, DWORD dwBCGStyle=dwDefaultCBStyle, CCreateContext *pContext=NULL) | CBCGPControlBar | virtual |
CBCGPBaseControlBar::CreateEx(DWORD dwStyleEx, LPCTSTR lpszClassName, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT &rect, CWnd *pParentWnd, UINT nID, DWORD dwBCGStyle=0, CCreateContext *pContext=NULL) | CBCGPBaseControlBar | virtual |
CreateTabbedControlBar() | CBCGPDockingControlBar | virtual |
DockControlBar(CBCGPBaseControlBar *pDockBar, LPCRECT lpRect, BCGP_DOCK_METHOD dockMethod) | CBCGPControlBar | virtual |
DockToWindow(CBCGPDockingControlBar *pTargetWindow, DWORD dwAlignment, LPCRECT lpRect=NULL) | CBCGPDockingControlBar | virtual |
DoesAllowDynInsertBefore() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inlinevirtual |
DoesAllowSiblingBars() const | CBCGPControlBar | inlinevirtual |
DoPaint(CDC *pDC) | CBCGPBaseControlBar | protectedvirtual |
DrawCaption(CDC *pDC, CRect rectCaption) | CBCGPDockingControlBar | protectedvirtual |
EnableAutohideAll(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPDockingControlBar | inline |
EnableDocking(DWORD dwAlignment) | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inlinevirtual |
EnableGripper(BOOL bEnable) | CBCGPDockingControlBar | virtual |
EnableLayout(BOOL bEnable=TRUE, CRuntimeClass *pRTC=NULL, BOOL bLoadMFCResourceLayout=FALSE) | CBCGPDialogBar | |
EnableVisualManagerStyle(BOOL bEnable=TRUE, const CList< UINT, UINT > *plstNonSubclassedItems=NULL) | CBCGPDialogBar | |
FloatControlBar(CRect rectFloat, BCGP_DOCK_METHOD dockMethod=BCGP_DM_UNKNOWN, bool bShow=true) | CBCGPControlBar | virtual |
GetBarIcon(BOOL bBigIcon) | CBCGPBaseControlBar | virtual |
GetBarStyle() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inlinevirtual |
GetBCGStyle() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inlinevirtual |
GetBorders() const | CBCGPControlBar | |
GetCaption(CString &strCaption, CaptionType type) | CBCGPDockingControlBar | virtual |
GetCaptionHeight() const | CBCGPDockingControlBar | virtual |
GetCurrentAlignment() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | virtual |
GetDefaultSlider() const | CBCGPDockingControlBar | |
GetDockMode() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | virtual |
GetDockRow() | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inline |
GetDockSite() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | virtual |
GetDragSencitivity() | CBCGPDockingControlBar | inlinestatic |
GetEnabledAlignment() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inlinevirtual |
GetExclusiveRowMode() const | CBCGPControlBar | inlinevirtual |
GetIconIndex() const | CBCGPDockingControlBar | inline |
GetInfoTipControl() const | CBCGPDialogBar | inline |
GetLayout() | CBCGPDialogBar | inline |
GetPaneInfo(CString &strName, CString &strInfo, HICON &hIcon, BOOL &bAutoDestroyIcon) | CBCGPDockingControlBar | virtual |
GetParentMiniFrame(BOOL bNoAssert=FALSE) const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | virtual |
GetParentTabWnd(HWND &hWndTab) const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | |
GetTabbedControlBarRTC() const | CBCGPDockingControlBar | inline |
GetTabCustomLabel() const | CBCGPDockingControlBar | inline |
HasAutoHideMode() const | CBCGPDockingControlBar | inlinevirtual |
HideInPrintPreviewMode() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inlinevirtual |
HitTest(CPoint point, BOOL bDetectCaption=FALSE) | CBCGPDockingControlBar | virtual |
IsAutohideAllEnabled() const | CBCGPDockingControlBar | inlinevirtual |
IsAutoHideMode() const | CBCGPDockingControlBar | inlinevirtual |
IsAutoPrepareComboListStyles() const | CBCGPDialogBar | virtual |
IsDocked() const | CBCGPDockingControlBar | virtual |
IsGroupBoxesDrawByParent() const | CBCGPDialogBar | inline |
IsHideInAutoHideMode() const | CBCGPDockingControlBar | inlinevirtual |
IsHorizontal() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | virtual |
IsLayoutEnabled() const | CBCGPDialogBar | inline |
IsMDITabbed() const | CBCGPBaseControlBar | virtual |
IsMFCResourceLayout() const | CBCGPDialogBar | inline |
IsVisible() const | CBCGPDockingControlBar | virtual |
IsVisibleInWindowsNavigator() const | CBCGPDockingControlBar | inlinevirtual |
IsVisualManagerStyle() const | CBCGPDialogBar | inline |
m_bDisableAnimation | CBCGPDockingControlBar | static |
m_bHandleMinSize | CBCGPControlBar | static |
m_bHideInAutoHideMode | CBCGPDockingControlBar | static |
m_nSlideSteps | CBCGPDockingControlBar | static |
m_recentDockInfo | CBCGPControlBar | |
m_sizeDragSencitivity | CBCGPDockingControlBar | protectedstatic |
OnAfterDockFromMiniFrame() | CBCGPDockingControlBar | inlinevirtual |
OnAfterFloat() | CBCGPControlBar | virtual |
OnBeforeDock(CBCGPBaseControlBar **ppDockBar, LPCRECT lpRect, BCGP_DOCK_METHOD dockMethod) | CBCGPControlBar | protectedvirtual |
OnControlBarContextMenu(CWnd *pParentFrame, CPoint point) | CBCGPBaseControlBar | virtual |
OnGestureEventBegin() | CBCGPGestureBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventEnd() | CBCGPGestureBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventPressAndTap(const CPoint &ptPress, long lDelta) | CBCGPGestureBase | protectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventRotate(const CPoint &ptCenter, double dblAngle) | CBCGPGestureBase | protectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventTwoFingerTap(const CPoint &ptCenter) | CBCGPGestureBase | protectedvirtual |
OnGestureEventZoom(const CPoint &ptCenter, double dblZoomFactor) | CBCGPGestureBase | protectedvirtual |
OnPressButtons(UINT nHit) | CBCGPDockingControlBar | inlineprotectedvirtual |
OnRemoveFromMiniFrame(CBCGPMiniFrameWnd *pMiniFrame) | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inlinevirtual |
OnShowControlBarMenu(CPoint point) | CBCGPControlBar | virtual |
OnSlide(BOOL bSlideOut) | CBCGPDockingControlBar | protectedvirtual |
ProcessGestureEvent(CWnd *pWndThis, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) | CBCGPGestureBase | protected |
RemoveInfoTips() | CBCGPDialogBar | inline |
SetAutoHideMode(BOOL bMode, DWORD dwAlignment, CBCGPAutoHideToolBar *pCurrAutoHideBar=NULL, BOOL bUseTimer=TRUE) | CBCGPDockingControlBar | virtual |
SetBarAlignment(DWORD dwAlignment) | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inlinevirtual |
SetBarStyle(DWORD dwNewStyle) | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inlinevirtual |
SetBorders(int cxLeft=0, int cyTop=0, int cxRight=0, int cyBottom=0, BOOL bIsTransparent=FALSE) | CBCGPControlBar | |
SetBorders(LPCRECT lpRect, BOOL bIsTransparent=FALSE) | CBCGPControlBar | |
SetControlInfoTip(UINT nCtrlID, LPCTSTR lpszInfoTip, DWORD dwVertAlign=DT_TOP, BOOL bRedrawInfoTip=FALSE, CBCGPControlInfoTip::BCGPControlInfoTipStyle style=CBCGPControlInfoTip::BCGPINFOTIP_Info, BOOL bIsClickable=FALSE, const CPoint &ptOffset=CPoint(0, 0)) | CBCGPDialogBar | |
SetControlInfoTip(CWnd *pWndCtrl, LPCTSTR lpszInfoTip, DWORD dwVertAlign=DT_TOP, BOOL bRedrawInfoTip=FALSE, CBCGPControlInfoTip::BCGPControlInfoTipStyle style=CBCGPControlInfoTip::BCGPINFOTIP_Info, BOOL bIsClickable=FALSE, const CPoint &ptOffset=CPoint(0, 0)) | CBCGPDialogBar | |
SetDockMode(BCGP_DOCK_TYPE dockModeNew) | CBCGPBaseControlBar | inline |
SetEditBoxesSimplifiedBrowseIcon(BOOL bSet=TRUE) | CBCGPDialogBar | inline |
SetEditBoxesVerticalAlignment(int nAlignment) | CBCGPDialogBar | inline |
SetExclusiveRowMode(BOOL bExclusive=TRUE) | CBCGPControlBar | inlinevirtual |
SetGroupBoxesDrawByParent(BOOL bSet=TRUE) | CBCGPDialogBar | |
SetIconIndex(int nIndex) | CBCGPDockingControlBar | |
SetMiniFrameRTC(CRuntimeClass *pClass) | CBCGPControlBar | inline |
SetTabbedControlBarRTC(CRuntimeClass *pRTC) | CBCGPDockingControlBar | inline |
SetTabCustomLabel(const CString &strLabel) | CBCGPDockingControlBar | |
ShowControlBar(BOOL bShow, BOOL bDelay, BOOL bActivate) | CBCGPDockingControlBar | virtual |
Slide(BOOL bSlideOut, BOOL bUseTimer=TRUE) | CBCGPDockingControlBar | virtual |
UnDockControlBar(BOOL bDelay=FALSE) | CBCGPDockingControlBar | virtual |